Anastasia (1956)
In director Anatole Litvak's and 20th Century Fox's
dramatic biopic - an accounting of the events following the Russian
Revolution in 1917 and murder of the Romanov Imperial family of Nicholas
and Alexandra. A few years later in the 1920s, an amnesiac woman
named "Anna Anderson" appeared as an inmate in a Berlin asylum, and
claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov (a surviving daughter
of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia). However, Princess Irene and Grand
Duchess Olga (her "aunts") both denied that she was Anastasia and
denounced her as an imposter. Anderson eventually brought suit in
the German courts in 1938 to prove her identity and claim her inheritance
- it became a legal fight that dragged on for many decades. At the
time of Anderson's death in 1984, it was determined through DNA testing
that she was not Anastasia but a Polish laborer named Franziska Schanzkowska.
The fictionalized film gained notoriety since it starred
famous actress Ingrid Bergman, who had scandalously fled from Hollywood
in 1949 seven years earlier to desert her husband and daughter (Peter
Lindstrom and Pia) in order to marry famed Italian director Roberto
Rossellini. After being blacklisted and having a child out of wedlock,
her comeback film (for a Hollywood studio) became the most expensive
motion picture ever made abroad by the studio, at $3.5 million. All
of the film's footage was shot in Europe. Although she didn't attend
the awards ceremony, Bergman won the Best Actress Academy Award for
playing the title role, and didn't make another Hollywood film until Cactus
Flower (1969).
Other films on "Anastasia" included MGM's Rasputin
and the Empress (1932), RKO's Secrets of the French Police
(1932), Columbia Pictures' Nicholas
and Alexandra (1971), and the animated Anastasia (1997).
- the film's slowly-scrolling opening prologue read:
"In 1917, the Romanov dynasty - rulers of Imperial Russia
- were overthrown by revolution. Some of the nobility and their
followers fled to safety but the Tsar, his wife and children were
imprisoned and then shot, in 1918. Shortly after, there were strange
whispers that one of the family had escaped and was still alive.
In the weeks, months, years that followed, the whispers grew louder
and louder. And then a woman appeared, a woman who was said to
be the youngest daughter of the last Tsar, her Imperial Highness,
the Grand Duchess Anastasia. Only she, if she is still alive, knows
the truth behind the story you are about to see."
- in Paris of 1928 during the Russian Easter, Gen.
Sergei Pavlovich Bounine (Yul Brynner) - both an ex-officer in
the Russian Imperial Army and a Russian exile who was leading a
group of exiled White Russians in Paris - was introduced as the
manager of a fancy Parisian nightclub
- Gen. Bounine was alerted to a coughing, destitute
and sick amnesiac woman out on the street; he greeted her as
"Anna Koreff," knowing that she had just been released
from the St. Cloud asylum ("madhouse") where reportedly, the woman
had told one of the attendant nuns that she was the Grand Duchess
Anastasia from ten years earlier; the General followed her through
dark, rain-slick streets and was forced to save her from suicidally
jumping to her death into the Seine River
- meanwhile, in a cellar office were
two of Bounine's scheming acolytes-partners: ex-St. Petersburg
banker Boris Adreivich Chernov (Akim Tamiroff) and former theological
student Piotr Ivanovich Petrovin (Sacha Pitoeff); while grumbling
about Bounine being late to their financial meeting, Chernov claimed
it was his idea to form a business corporation - and sell shares
to stockholders ("to pay for the search for the beloved Grand Duchess");
their ultimate goal in their scam was to acquire a £ 10
million pound inheritance - Anastasia's father
Tsar Nicholas II's bounty money that was currently frozen in the Bank of England
- the group discussed how they had already spent money
on promoting two other possible "Anastasia's" but both had failed;
now that they had tracked down a third "Anastasia," they had only
eight days to try and prove that she wasn't a fraud to impatient
stockholders; Bounine admitted that he was confident that they could groom and present
Anna as the real "Anastasia" since she had "a rather intriguing
strangeness"; he added: "You're examining
her as if she was the real Anastasia. There is no Anastasia. The
real Anastasia was shot to death ten years ago by a firing squad.
We're not looking for her, gentlemen. We're seeking only a reasonable
facsimile...Rouge will turn the mouth up a bit. Some powder. A new coiffure. Dresses
from the other period. Walk, manner, voice, taught along with faces,
names, places"; Bounine felt she was the perfect person to impersonate
and be molded into 'Anastasia': "The important thing is that she fits"
- first, however, they also had to help her recover
from her weak and haggard condition and mental illness; most importantly,
they had to convince others that she had miraculously escaped and
hadn't been executed with the rest of the family in 1918 by the
Bolsheviks; she had scars on the palms of her hands and forehead
- similar to wounds inflicted during the revolution: ("On each
palm, a scar as from bullets...above the left temple. A narrow
depression extending almost to the forehead")

Was She A Perfect Anastasia Facsimile?

'Anastasia' Standing Next to a Silhouette Drawing of the Grand

The Group Examining Anna as a Possible 'Anastasia'
- Bounine summarized how she was the perfect choice:
"Add up the facts. One, she has a certain resemblance, which we can
heighten. Two, she's obviously smart enough to learn what we teach.
Discrepancies in her memory can be attributed to the head wound.
Three, she has no identity whatsoever, which means it will be exceedingly
difficult for anyone to prove she's someone else"
- after repeating her intended identity: "I am
Her Imperial Highness - the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaievna" -
Anna laughed hysterically
- Anna was quizzed, tutored and prepped by Bounine
to answer questions a certain way about her past life and the Romanov
family history, to convince her that she was someone else, but
they realized that they only had three days left until the deadline;
she was scheduled to meet a committee of investors and stockholders;
Anna was hopeful: "Maybe one memory will convince someone. Even
if it's only me"; Chernov told him there was no more time: "The
eight days are finished. The play is finished. We are finished"
- one of the individuals introduced to 'Anastasia'
was the Tsarina Alexandra's former lady-in-waiting, Madame Irina
Lissemskaia (Natalie Schafer); when Anna remembered her nickname
as "Nini," the Madame broke down and cried, and kissed "Her Imperial
Highness's" hand; the next morning, Anna was taught "royal etiquette"
by walking while balancing a book on her head, and trained to play
the piano and strum a guitar; she also danced the polonaise with
Bounine until tiring
- later in the middle of the night, she awoke
screaming about her lack of an identity: "I don't know who I am
any more! I don't know what I remember or what I've been told I
remember! What is real?! Am I?...Am I Anna?...Oh, I can't any more.
I don't want this. I want to be me, whoever I am"; the General
answered her questions about who she was: "I don't know"
- during an elegant party-reception for over 50 exiled
Russian aristocrats and emigres; after Anna was again tested and displayed,
Bounine hoped that the attended would offer signed testimonal statements
(to be presented to the Bank of England) vouching for Anna's authenticity;
however, one of the attendees verbally doubted Anna's veracity
and claimed she was a great illusionist: ("For the purpose
of acting is not only to imitate reality, but to create illusion.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say that you are an excellent actress,
Madame. Extremely well-trained. My compliments"); at the end
of the evening, only 18 out of the 51 present signed a statement
- the General proposed they must "go to the top" -
and introduce Anna to Anastasia's grandmother the
Dowager Empress, Maria Feodorovna (Helen Hayes) who resided
in Copenhagen, Denmark, to further confirm her identity and legitimacy:
("One word from her and they will all grovel"); Anna was angered
by Bounine's continued manipulation of her as a "puppet" to make
money: ("You enjoy playing with people, making fools of them. That's
why you're doing it, as a joke. To prove you are great and alive
and the others are small and dead. Yes, and for money")
- with only a 14 day visa, Anna reluctantly agreed
to join the General, traveling by train to Denmark; after being
predictably refused a meeting with the highly-skeptical Empress,
the General was allowed a meeting in the Tivoli Gardens with Baroness
Elena von Livenbaum (Martita Hunt), her lady-in-waiting; the
Baroness insisted that the Empress would never meet Anna: "She's
playing solitaire with her memories...The Empress will never receive
you or that woman. You know her - an unmeltable icicle"
- however, the Baroness, who had always been enamoured
by Bounine, hinted that the Empress would be going out to attend
the Royal Theater on Thursday for a Tchaikovsky ballet
- to facilitate a possible meeting with the Prince
at the Royal Theater, Bounine escorted Anna to a private box
to view the ballet; there during the intermission in the lobby,
Anna was introduced as the "Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaievna"
to Prince Paul von Haraldberg (Ivan Desny), the
Empress' nephew and Anastasia's betrothed when she was 16 years

Baroness Elena von Livenbaum (Martita Hunt)

Prince Paul von Haraldberg (Ivan Desny)

The Dowager Empress, Maria Feodorovna (Helen Hayes)
- while Anna was getting reacquainted with Prince
Paul in the lobby, Bounine was able to speak privately to the Empress
in her box, where she stated that she had grown tired of having imposters
presented to her: "I am as weary of these spectral grandchildren
as I am of false hope. I have lost everything I have loved - my
husband, my family, my position, my country. I have nothing but
memories. I want to be left alone with them"; the Empress bluntly
told the General: "You know perfectly well this woman is not my
granddaughter"; he replied: "Quite honestly, I don't know who she
is. But there is so much that cannot be explained unless she is
the woman she believes she is"
- the Empress refused to see Anna: "There are not
enough years remaining for me to see every madwoman with a royal
obsession. If she must see me, show her my photographs again...Go
back to Paris. You are wasting your time"; however,
later, the Empress intently studied Anna through her opera glasses
once the ballet recommenced
- Anna had successfully established a contact with
the Prince who would be calling on her the next evening; it was
a means to get to the Empress, and Anna was upset again: "So now
the route is through Paul, via me. You don't hesitate to use anybody
for anything, do you?"
The Prince and Anna Having Champagne
and Dinner at the Tivoli Club
- the womanizing Prince and Anna had dinner and
champagne at the Tivoli Gardens Club under fireworks, where he
insisted on kissing her; after Anna became visibly drunk, the jealous
Bounine whisked her away to have her retire early to their
shared hotel room; the two men spoke briefly at the bar, where
Bounine suggested to the Prince that his romantic interest in Anna
might be due to an inheritance of £ 10 million pounds; both men
were interested in Anna for similar reasons
- "for beauty and money"; the pushy
Bounine pressured the Prince to have his Aunt (the Dowager Empress)
receive Anna before her 14-day visa expired
- as expected, after speaking to his Aunt, the stubborn-minded
Empress thought that Anna was an imposter being promoted by the
General: "How easily he swallows the tricks she performs. And what
do they prove? That she can memorize the teachings of Bounine. What
if there is a resemblance? What if she does think she is Anastasia? Wanting
a dream does not make it true. She's a fraud. She must be"
- however, the Empress unexpectedly appeared to speak
to Anna in her hotel room, but she remained highly skeptical: "I
have received too many appeals from resurrected Romanovs"; the
Empress also admitted being lonely, but still couldn't accept Anna
as her true grand-daughter: "We are most of us lonely, and it is
mostly of our own making, but no masquerade of any kind can fill
the emptiness"; she accused Anna of only being interested in money
(the inheritance) and the dealings of her business associates;
Anna denied wanting any financial gain
- during their emotional conversation, Anna's memory
of a past quarrel between her mother and grandmother over an emerald
necklace stirred up the Empress' emotions, and she blurted out:
"Impostor!...If you have any decency, end this charade at once.
I will pay you, I will give you more than whatever Bounine promised
you"; Anna pleaded that she wasn't melodramatically faking her
identity as the Empress' lost grand-daughter; the Empress' feelings
were stirred but she was still reticent to believe: "You are too
clever for me. I am an old woman"; as they parted, Anna told the
Empress that she didn't want her to have regrets, and it would
be better if she was rejected: "You have softened towards me but
later you'll regret it. You'll say it was all acting. She was some
cheap little actress they hired for money"
- as their meeting was concluding, Anna explained
away her nagging cough due to being frightened: "I cough only
because I'm a little frightened"; the Empress remembered how young
Anastasia had also coughed when frightened; she embraced Anna and
accepted her as the true Grand Duchess: ("You are safe, Anastasia.
You are with me. You are home...I thought you were gone, but you
have come back, Anastasia"), but then requested that she should
never tell her if she wasn't Anastasia: ("But, oh please,
if it should not be you, don't ever tell me")
- after returning to Paris a few weeks later, there
were marriage-engagement rumors (between Prince Paul and Anna);
the Dowager Empress and His Highness Prince Paul had arrived by
train and were residing in a luxury hotel; they were planning to
attend a formal presentation ceremony to announce the engagement
in the hotel's lobby sometime after 10 pm
- beforehand the same evening
at 7:30 pm in the hotel's lobby, Anna was scheduled to hold
an informal press conference; she descended stairs
in a stunning white dress with a red sash to a small group of reporters;
during the revelatory, semi-disastrous questioning by reporter
Mikhail Vlados (Karel Stepanek), he claimed he was also a convalescing
patient in a Bucharest hospital in 1920, and had taken her home
after her discharge when she was named Anna Koreff; she had suffered
head wounds in a train explosion outside Bucharest and not during
the revolution; the press conference interview was abruptly halted
- afterwards, Anna asked Bounine: "Was it a disaster?";
Anna sensed that Bounine was now jealous of her new-found
identity as the Grand Duchess: "You pushed me at Paul, and now
you are against him"; Bounine told her that he didn't care about
the money: ("I don't give a hang about the money"), but had very
strong reservations about her uncaring "subjects": ("Your loving
subjects? Those embalmed skeletons? They don't care about you.
They don't care who is Anastasia so long as they get some money
and a better position in a world that is dead and buried..."); Anna
agreed with him that all she had ever wanted was to find out who
she was; Bounine also had harsh and sarcastic words about the fortune-hunting Prince
Paul: "Be a Grand Duchess. Make it really royal, and marry a man
who wouldn't come within ten feet of the altar if you were not
an heiress"
- an expected announcement was scheduled for later
that evening by the Empress, to introduce her nephew Prince Paul's
engagement to Anna - her true heir and grand-daughter; in the interim,
a grand-ball dance was held in the hotel's lobby where Anna waltzed
with Prince Paul; as they danced, Anna suggested that he might
not marry her if she was only 'Anna Koreff': "Suppose I have no
title, no inheritance, nothing...But what if I can't get the money?
Or if I make no claim to it?" - he refused to take her remark seriously
- behind the scenes, Bounine met with the Empress
and told her that he planned to depart before the pronouncement
of the engagement: "I want no further part in it"; she thanked
him for bringing everyone together: "You performed an enormous
task, restoring my granddaughter to her rightful position. And
you even effected her reunion with her childhood sweetheart"; but
Bounine answered honestly and bluntly that he was personally "not
pleased" with the outcome
- the Empress called Anna aside, while she ordered
that Bounine was to wait in the nearby green-room;
she directly asked Anna if she truly loved the Prince ("Are
you sure about Paul?...Do you want this with Paul?"); Anna's
equivocating and indecisive answer convinced the Empress that Bounine
was the only one who was truly in love with Anna, not the Prince:
don't really want to marry Paul...because you really want someone
Anna gave the Empress her heartfelt thanks: "You have given
me what no one else in the world could. Myself. Thank you"
The Empress To Anna:
"Are you sure about Paul?...You don't really want to marry Paul..."
- the Empress facilitated their escape and the two
vanished from the green-room before Anna was to be presented to
everyone; Paul seemed to realize that Anna was not the true Anastasia: ("She was
not Anastasia after all"); as the Prince escorted the Empress to
appear before the many awaiting ballroom guests, he asked her:
"What will you say?"; the Empress replied to him: "Say?
Oh, I will say, 'The play is over. Go home.'"

Prince Paul to the Empress: "She was not Anastasia after all"

The Empress Escorted by the Prince: "I will
say, 'The play is over. Go home.'"

Gen. Sergei Pavlovich Bounine (Yul Brynner)

Boris Adreivich Chernov (Akim Tamiroff)

Piotr Ivanovich Petrovin (Sacha Pitoeff)

"Anna Koreff" (Ingrid Bergman)

Picture of the Romanov Tsar's Family - Pointing to Anastasia

Anna - Laughing Hysterically

'Anastasia' - Being Coached, Tutored and Prepped by Bounine

Anna With Madame Irina, the Tsarina's Lady-in-Waiting (Nicknamed

Teaching Anna How to Walk With a Book on Her Head

Anna Taught to Dance the Polonaise with Bounine

Anna Begging: "I want to be me...!"

Anna Appearing at an Elegant Party to Obtain Signed Testimonial Statements

Anna Angry at the General For Making a Fool of Her, All For Money

Anna at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen

The Dowager Empress Spying on Anna Through Opera Glasses

The Dowager Empress in Her Castle - Suspicious of the Prince's Request
to Meet with Anna

The Empress' Meeting with Anna in Her Hotel Room

Anna Pleaded to the Empress That She Was Authentic and Not an Imposter

A Tearful Embrace of Recognition for Anna

Anna's Appearance in the Hotel for a Press Conference

Anna with Bounine After the Press Conference

Anna Waltzing with Prince Paul

Bounine to the Empress: He Was "Not Pleased" with Anna's Planned Engagement