Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
In director Otto Preminger's daring courtroom drama
was about an explosive rape and murder case - the plot was based
on a real-life case that occurred in July of 1952 in the small town
of Big Bay in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, when returning Korean
vet Lt. Coleman Peterson shot and killed tavern owner Mike Chenoweth,
allegedly because Chenoweth raped Coleman's wife, Charlotte.
A plea of temporary insanity was argued for Peterson and he was freed
of the charges after a trial:
- there were numerous concerns about the film's content
(a rape trial), and various objectionable words. The Production
Code of the time demanded that director Preminger excise the words
sperm, sexual climax and penetration and restrict the use of the
words panties and rape. The National Catholic Legion of Decency
complained of the film's impropriety, and its screening in Chicago
was delayed when censorship advocates argued that the
words "intercourse," "contraceptive"
and "birth control" needed to be deleted. A Federal judge
ruled it was not obscene, however, because it did not "tend to
excite sexual passion or undermine public morals."
- the film opened with Saul Bass' stylized designs
for the title credits
Defense Lawyer Paul Biegler (James Stewart)

Laura Manion (Lee Remick) Calling Biegler to Ask Him to Defend Her Husband
- as the film commenced, country-styled, crafty, small-town
defense lawyer Paul "Pauly" Biegler (James Stewart) was introduced as a Philadelphia
ex-prosecutor and confirmed bachelor more interested in jazz piano
and fishing than trying cases. He was with one of his closest associates
Parnell McCarthy (Arthur O’Connell), an alcoholic colleague,
when he received a phone call from Laura Manion (Lee Remick), asking
him to defend her husband in an impending case and to speak to him
the next morning
- before leaving for the jailhouse the next day, Biegler
briefly spoke to his mocking secretary Maida Rutledge (Eve Arden).
Biegler met the attractive wife Laura leaning on her car outside
the jail. She displayed a right black eye behind her sunglasses
(she claimed it was from a rape incident, although it was also
probable her husband slapped her)
- in a private room, Biegler met with hot-tempered,
rude and brutish Army officer Lt. Frederick "Manny" Manion
(Ben Gazzara) from a nearby base. He had been charged with the
first-degree murder of Barney Quill - the bartender and keeper-owner
of Thunder Bay Inn who had allegedly sexually assaulted Laura Manion,
his wife. An hour after his wife told him about the rape, he counter-attacked
with pre-meditated, cold-blooded intent
- Manion shot and killed Quill,
and then turned himself in and was arrested for first-degree murder.
Manion alleged that the murder was justified because Quill had raped
her, but the time element was a major issue. At first, Biegler suggested
that Manion plead guilty and ask for mercy, and hope for the jury's
sympathy. But then when Manion said: "I must have been mad..I
mean, uh, I must have been crazy,"
Biegler thought that might be a possible avenue to argue
Conversation About the Rape Between Laura and
- the
innocently-portrayed, yet slightly trampy-acting Laura spoke to Biegler
about the night of the attack and what she was wearing: "In a
sweater, like this, and a skirt...Underneath? I had on a slip and panties
and a bra....I don't need a girdle. Do you think I need a girdle?..." She
had been offered a ride home after leaving the bar at 11 pm, but her
trailer park auto gate was locked. She then described Quill's rape-attack
upon her in his car parked off the road on a lane in the woods. He
hit her, tore off her panties, and then raped her:
"And then he grabbed me and he said, 'I'm gonna
rape you.' Just like that... Exactly those words...I fought him
off as best I could, but he was terribly strong...He began to shout
names at me like 'army slut' and some other names. And then, he
drew back and hit me with his fist. He hit me again and I didn't
fight anymore. I must've been only half-conscious, but I know that
he tore my panties off and did what he wanted."
- however, a doctor had examined Laura and said he didn't
think she had been raped. She shot back: "I don't care what
the doctor thought, a woman doesn't mistake these things." [Note:
There was always the possibility that Laura was bartender Quill's
lover and that Manion killed him and beat her up when he discovered
them together.]
- hired to represent and defend
Manion, Biegler took a strategic tactic - he urged his client to
claim that he had no memory of the homicide (even though five shots
were fired) and to plead temporary insanity (or "irresistible impulse")
- a blinding rage that made him powerless to stop him from committing
the murder.
Open-Car Discussion with Laura
- shortly later, Laura and Biegler had a lengthy open-car
conversation, when she admitted her husband was always insanely jealous
of her looks, and she was afraid of him. She confessed:
"He was jealous even before we were married.
I should've known how it would be. It's funny, though. He likes
to show me off. He likes me to dress the way I do, and then he
gets furious if a man pays any attention to me. I've tried to leave
him, but I can't. He begs, I give in."
- but then, Biegler received a definitive answer to
his repeated, pointed question before the trial: "Does your
husband have any reason to be jealous?" She coyly answered:
"No, not once, not ever."
Mary Pilant (Kathryn Grant) - Barney
Quill's Daughter
- while researching the case, Biegler visited the
bar at Thunder Bay and learned that the pretty hotel manager Mary
Pilant (Kathryn Grant) had recently moved there two years earlier
from Canada, and was now bound to inherit the place. When Biegler
asked her about the rape, she claimed she knew nothing about it:
("I don't know what happened with Lt. Manion's wife so there really isn't anything
for me to explain...Barney was well-liked here by everyone, Mr. Biegler).
She became upset by Biegler's insinuation ("It's very generous
of everyone to overlook his little faults, like raping other men's
wives"), became upset, and left the table.
Laura Dancing and Partying with GIs
- Reprimanded by Biegler
- Biegler became concerned when he witnessed his client's soused wife Laura
at a roadhouse party dancing with some GIs. He whisked her away and
ordered her to return home immediately: ("I'm
the lawyer trying to beat the rap for your husband. Do you remember?").
He implicitly ordered her to stay away from men and party-places,
and wear a girdle in order to play the part of a "meek little
housewife" rather than that of a happy-go-lucky party girl.
He also specifically suggested that she must act demurely before
and during the trial, and that she should visit her husband at the
jail more often:
"Now you listen, now until this trial's over, you're
gonna be a meek little housewife with horn-rimmed spectacles. And
you're gonna stay away from men and juke joints, and booze and
pinball machines. And you're gonna wear a skirt and low-heeled
shoes. And you're gonna wear a girdle. And especially a girdle.
Look, Laura, believe me. I don't usually complain of an attractive
jiggle, but just, you save that jiggle for your husband to look
at - if and when I get him out of jail."
- she consented to wearing more appropriate formal clothing
(a baggy woman's suit), horn-rimmed glasses, and a hat in court.
However, after he drove her to her trailer park, she said she was
very lonely in the trailer all by herself: ("I had to get out
of that trailer. I couldn't stand being cooped up all the time. I'm-I'm
lonely, Paul. I'm awful lonely. I wouldn't have gone to that roadhouse
if it weren't for that, you know?"). She also stated off-handedly
that she would be happy if her husband was convicted, because she
could then be free of him: ("You mean you think maybe Manny
won't get off?...If he didn't, it'd be one way to end it. No, I don't
mean that. I may think it sometimes, but I don't really want it").
- two
days before the trial opened, Detroit army psychiatrist Dr. Matthew
Smith (Orson Bean) had diagnosed that Manion was suffering from
"dissociative reaction" (the "irresistible impulse" or
"temporary insanity" defense that Biegler wanted). The crux
of the case that Beigler planned to argue hinged on a precedent established
in an 1886 Michigan Supreme Court ruling (in People v. Durfee)
that a defendant was forced to commit a crime because of an "irresistible
impulse" he could not control: ("Nevertheless, if he was
forced to its execution by an impulse - by an impulse, which he was
powerless to control, he will be excused from punishment").
- during the melodramatic, sensationalist courtroom scenes
and deliberations, the crafty Biegler was pitted against two lawyers:
the local DA Mitch Lodwick (Brooks West), and flamboyant, tough "big
city" co-counsel and assistant prosecuting attorney Claude Dancer
(George C. Scott). Dancer and the prosecution wished to block any
mention of Manion's motive for killing Quill - the raping of Laura.
- a doctor's testimony brought up touchy subjects
such as the fertility of the sperm of Quill: ("Spermatogenesis was occurring at the
time of death"), and Beigler clarified: "In other words,
the deceased, in life, was not sterile. He could produce children." Also,
determinations regarding intercourse were also made in the post-analysis
- the doctor reported that there was no evidence that Laura had been
raped: ("There could be several reasons why the test on her
was negative. The use of a contraceptive, or possibly, there was
no completion on the part of the man").
- however,
Biegler eventually was able to persuade level headed, even-tempered
Judge Weaver (real-life Boston lawyer Joseph Welch in his only screen
appearance (famous for asking in the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954
- "Have you no decency at last, sir?"))
to rule in his favor and get Laura Manion's rape issue into the record,
when in a monologue, he described how the shooting and killing of
Quill was triggered by Manion's "temporary insanity":
"Your Honor, how can the jury accurately estimate
the testimony being given here unless they first know the reason
behind this whole trial -- why Lt. Manion shot Barney Quill? Now,
the prosecution would like to separate the motive from the act.
Well, that's, that's like trying to take the core from an apple
without breaking the skin. Well, now, the core of our defense is
that the defendant's temporary insanity was triggered by this so-called
trouble with Quill. And I beg the court, I-I beg the court to let
me cut into the apple."
- after a few pregnant moments
when he wound his watch, the Judge made a decision to allow the
motive for the murder into the case: "Objection overruled." During
questioning, it was alleged that Quill beat and raped Laura - and
afterwards, Manion - under an "irresistible impulse," had
calmly walked to the tavern about an hour later, and committed
the crime with five shots of a gun. Was he legally sane or insane?
- later in the testimony regarding the alleged rape,
another doctor testified: "It's impossible to tell if a mature,
married woman has been raped....Insofar as no sperm was present,
it didn't appear that she had had recent relations with a man...Violation
is sufficient for rape. There need not be a completion."
- Dancer's
strategy was to paint Laura as a trampy, loose, provocative and seductive
adulteress who wore tight clothing to entice men. In response, Biegler
had Laura show off her beauty as a point in his favor: "It's
pretty easy to understand why her husband became temporarily deranged,
when he saw such beauty bruised and torn by a beast."
- during a break in the trial, Biegler spoke again to Mary Pilant about her
father, and also heard again from the bartender Al Paquette (Murray
Hamilton) who had witnessed the murder. The lawyer, hypothesizing
that Paquette was covering up for the rape, attempted to persuade
Paquette to testify that Quill had indeed raped Laura, but he refused:
("Barney wouldn't hurt a woman").

Mary Pilant

Bartender Witness Al Paquette (Murray Hamilton)
with Mary

Mary's Explosive "Panties" Testimony
- when Laura took the stand, Dancer was able to get her
to divulge on the record that she was previously married, and tied
the knot with Manion three days after her divorce. He also made 'veiled
suggestions' about her frequent flirtatious behavior: "When
you left to go to the inn, did your husband know you were going?...Had
you ever gone to the Thunder Bay Inn or elsewhere in Thunder Bay,
alone at night?...Did your husband know you were going?...Did you
ever go to meet another man?...You mean to say, Mrs. Manion, a lovely
woman like yourself, attractive to men, lonely, restless, that you
never once...On these occasional excursions into the night, did you
always go and return home alone?...Was this the first time you had
been in Barney Quill's car at night?"
Laura Manion On the Stand Against Dancer
- the trial contained daring
details, testimony, and evidence regarding contraceptives, rape
charges, and the entering into evidence of white or pink nylon
lace "lost panties" (allegedly
torn off by Quill): "Do you always wear panties?...Since they've
not been found, I submit that it's possible she wasn't wearing any
and has forgotten." Dancer suggested that Laura hadn't worn
panties that night, and that she lied about being raped to prevent
her insanely jealous husband from beating her: ("Is your husband
a jealous man?...Did he hit you that night?...Hadn't he already beaten
you up at the gate when he caught you coming home from a trip down
lovers' lane with Barney Quill?").
- damning but unreliable testimony
was provided by Manion's cellmate Duane "Duke" Miller
(Don Ross) who claimed that Manion had told him that he had fooled
everyone in court and then he made a shocking statement about what
Manion also said: "He
said that when he got out, the first thing he was gonna do was to
kick that bitch from here to kingdom come." Biegler had Manion
testify that he had never beaten his wife at any time.
- it was also verified by the last witness, inn manager Mary Pilant who
was the sole heiress of the Thunder Bay Inn, that she had found Laura's
missing (and torn) white laced panties the next day in the laundry
chute near Quill's room. Supposedly, Quill had dropped them down
the laundry chute when he returned home. Dancer argued that Mary
was lying - he assumed that she was Quill's mistress: ("Are
you Barney Quill's mistress?") and that she had sought
jealous revenge against Quill's interest in Laura. The most shocking
revelation of the case reversed Dancer's theory - Quill was actually
Mary's father and she was his illegitimate daughter.
- in the quick conclusion to the case, Manion was
found not guilty (by reason of temporary insanity at the time of
the shooting). He unexpectedly left town with Laura (who was seen
crying) - with only a note for Biegler, explaining that he was
seized by an "irresistible
impulse" to leave. Evidence at the trailer park in their trash
barrel suggested that Manion was a heavy gin drinker who beat Laura
before they left (the reason for her tears).
- the film ended with a mystifying possibility that the
Manions had duped everyone - it was highly probable that Laura's
sexual encounter with Quill was consensual (and not rape) and that
Manion had killed Quill out of drunken jealousy

The Next Morning: Beigler Speaking to Mrs. Manion

Manion's Trampy Wife Laura with Black Eye

Accused Suspect Lt. Frederick Manion (Ben Gazzara) in Jailhouse

Laura's Off-Handed Wish to be Rid of Her Husband
Judge Weaver (Joseph Welch)

Mrs. Manion Dressed Appropriately at the Trial

Paul Biegler (James Stewart) in the Courtroom: "I beg the
court to let me cut into the apple"

Conferring with the Judge Regarding Laura's Undergarments: "Panties"
Claude Dancer (George C. Scott)

Laura Asked to Unveil Her Hair in Court

Psychiatrist Dr. Smith (Orson Bean) Testifying About Manion's "Dissociative

Cellmate Miller's Startling Confession

Laura's Reaction to Miller's Derogatory Statement

Mary Pilant: "Barney Quill Was My Father"

Manion's Farewell Note About an "Irresistible Impulse"

Manions' Trash Barrel |