Angel Face (1952/1953)
In Otto Preminger's dark noir of murder involving a
love/hate relationship and betrayal (similar to The
Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)), it starred Jean Simmons
as the gorgeous and sensual but insane 20 year-old Diane Tremayne;
she was a scheming, psychotic 'angel of death' femme fatale,
advertised with the film's taglines: "She
loved one man ... enough to KILL to get him!", and "The
men she loved she destroyed":
- one night, an ambulance was called to the hillside
Tremayne estate, driven by working class Beverly Hills resident Frank
Jessup (Robert Mitchum) and his partner Billy (Kenneth Tobey), to
treat the 'accidental' mysterious gas inhalation-poisoning of Catherine
Tremayne (Barbara O'Neil), the American stepmother of 20 year-old
English stepdaughter Diane (Jean Simmons). The question was - was
it a suicide attempt or attempted murder?
- the disturbed and spoiled heiress Diane
immediately became infatuated with Frank when she met him during
the distress call. Frank noticed her playing the piano in another
room during the incident to calm herself. He approached her, but
when she became hysterical, he slapped her, and she slapped him back
- but then apologized. He told her: "I've been slapped by dames
- after following Frank's ambulance in her own sports
car and meeting up with him in Harry's diner, Diane came onto him,
and he postponed his dinner plans with his steady blonde girlfriend,
hospital receptionist Mary Wilton (Mona Freeman), to go out to dinner
with Diane instead. As he drove her sports car to dinner at a fancy
club, she learned about his past as an ex-race car driver, and his
dream to raise $5-6,000 dollars in finances to fund his own garage-shop.
After dancing with him, Diane became even more determined to sabotage
Frank's relationship with Mary and shake her faith in him.
Diane Following Frank to Diner and Afterwards
Driving Her to Dinner and Dancing - Inching Her Way Into His
- over lunch, Diane intimated
to Mary that she had dinner with Frank - in order to make Mary
jealous. Her efforts paid off when Mary started to date Frank's
partner Bill. Diane offered Frank to drive her sports car in the
upcoming Pebble Beach Road Race (Frank: "Make
it a lot easier for me to get backing for the shop"). She also
hired Frank as their family's chauffeur, and arranged for him to
live in a small apartment over the garage, while encouraging him
to attain his future plans to invest in his own car repair shop -
with co-owner financial help from Catherine. He was beginning to
fall in love with Diane.
- then she entered into
a full-blown love affair with Frank before executing her diabolical
scheme. It was evident that Diane had been thoroughly spoiled by
her father, well-respected, henpecked novelist Charles (Herbert Marshall),
and she wanted to have him all to herself. The deceitful Diane proceeded
to tell a series of lies to Frank - she claimed that Catherine had
reneged on her earlier promise to finance Frank's dream, and began
to drive a wedge between Frank and Catherine. Diane asserted that
Catherine had refused his proposal, and would fire him as chauffeur
if she learned of their affair. She claimed her stepmother was
manipulative and would take it out on her doting father: "If
I try to fight her, she makes him pay for it, and she knows I can't
stand that."
- in
the middle of the night, Diane also told Frank that Catherine had
tried to kill her by turning on her gas fireplace. Frank began to
suspect that Diane was lying about the gas-poisoning incident - and
asked: "If
she's trying to kill you, why did she turn on the gas in her own
room first?" He accused her of outright lying: "I'd
say that your story was as phony as a $3 bill."
- Frank
delivered a famous prophetic quote about her and rightly cautioned
himself: "I
don't pretend to know what goes on behind that pretty little face
of yours. I don't want to. But I
learned one thing very early - 'Never be the innocent bystander.'
That's the guy that always gets hurt. You want to play with matches,
that's your business. But not in gas filled rooms. It's not only
dangerous, it's stupid."
- Frank checked out
where Mary was in her relationship with Bill by asking her point-blank: "What's
the score, Mary? Has Bill taken over or do I still rate?...Yes or
no? Bill or me?" When
told he was on "probation" and that she didn't want to
answer him directly until he was sure what he wanted, he told her
he was going to leave his job as chauffeur
- when
Frank threatened to desert Diane and return to Mary: "I never
should have taken this job...You have your world, I have mine," she
piteously begged for him to stay ("All I want is you. I can't
let you go now. I won't") - and promised to pack up and run
off with him and sacrifice everything to keep him. He prophetically
realized how dangerous she was in regards to Catherine: "You
hate that woman and someday you're gonna hate her enough to kill
her." Diane
confirmed her intense hatred for Catherine - arguing that the "rich
widow" had poisoned her father's ability to write: "He
hasn't written a line since she married him...She's humiliated him
and destroyed him. There's never been anything in my life that she
hasn't begrudged or spoiled somehow."
- Frank was temporarily convinced to remain romantically
entangled with her, although he knew her main secretive objective
was to murder her wealthy and controlling step-mother, in order to
acquire Catherine's inheritance for herself. After convincing Frank
to stay, Diane walked to the cliff's edge of the estate's driveway,
picked up a piece of litter (a cigarette pack), and dropped it over
the edge - an ominous and tragic foreshadowing of the future.

Frank's Indecision About Leaving Diane

Frank's Decision to Remain - Sealed with a Kiss

Diane's Ominous Release of Litter Over the Cliff's
- a plan to eliminate Catherine (devised by both Diane
and Frank) was supposed to work smoothly after both of them tampered
with the Tremayne car. It was rigged to crash and kill Catherine
by suddenly accelerating in reverse. However, unexpectedly, the
day of Catherine's planned drive to Santa Barbara for a bridge
tournament, Charles asked for a lift to Beverly Hills for an appointment,
and both he and Catherine drove off in the car. The resultant car
crash at the end of their driveway sent both Tremaynes
over a nearby cliff and killed the two of them.
- the
crash scene dissolved to a view of the female mastermind sitting
impassively and playing at a grand piano, about to suffer a nervous
breakdown. Delirious and devastated by her father's unexpected death,
Diane was imprisoned in a prison hospital-infirmary where she kept
insisting that she had planned and executed the car accident-murder
by herself ("I did it all by myself. Not Frank"). However,
Frank was also implicated since her suitcase was found in his bedroom
and it appeared they were planning to flee together.
- to
exonerate themselves from charges of murder, Diane's defense lawyer
Fred Barrett (Leon Ames) urged Frank and Diane to marry, so that
they couldn't testify against each other ("You
have a much better chance together than separately"). It would
also look more plausible since they were in the midst of an affair
and were planning to elope. The prosecuting district attorney Judson
(Jim Backus) during the trial called their marriage a shameless tactic
to gain sympathy and beat the charges: "I
say the word 'love' is profaned when applied to their unhealthy,
shameless passion! And their marriage, under these circumstances,
is a travesty."

The Married Couple During their Court Trial

Their Court Case Acquittal

Frank's Intention to Divorce Diane After The Trial
- after their defense attorney
Barrett argued: "If
love is a crime, Diane and Frank Jessup are guilty. But this is the
only crime that can be, or has been, proved against them,"
the strategy worked and the newly-married couple was ultimately acquitted.
But Frank was ready to give up on Diane and divorce her. She remained
jealous of Frank's continuing contact with Mary and threats to end
their marriage, but Mary refused to leave her current boyfriend Bill:
("You can't
just walk in the door and say, 'I'm getting a divorce' and expect
me to fall into your arms").
- shortly later
during a wordless four minute sequence, Diane wandered through the
empty rooms and hallways of the mansion and throughout the grounds,
contemplating what to do next. She awakened the next morning wrapped
in Frank's coat and cuddled in a chair, and rushed to the office
of her lawyer Barrett, where she confessed that she alone had killed
her stepmother. Without Frank's knowledge, she explained how she
had tricked him into showing her how the car's transmission worked
so that it could be tampered with to cause a malfunction. The lawyer
tore up her written confession of guilt, stressing that the double
jeopardy rule prohibited a re-trial: ("Once
you've been tried for a crime and acquitted, you can never be tried
again or punished for it").

Diane Begging To Go to Mexico with Frank

Sitting In the Car Ready to Go to the Bus Station

The Shocking Finale: A Second Car 'Accident'
- fatefully in the surprise, ironic bleak ending, as
Frank was packing to permanently leave for Mexico by bus, Diane begged
him to take her too: ("I can't let you go, darling. I just can't"),
but he adamantly refused ("It's all over. It's finished").
She offered to drive him to the bus station rather than take the
taxi he had ordered, and he reluctantly agreed.
- As they sat in the
car in the driveway ready to drive off, she produced a bottle of
alcohol and two glasses. Just when he poured them drinks, Diane -
in retaliation - gunned her car in reverse over the embankment and
killed them both - the same cliff where the Tremaynes were killed.
The film ended with the taxi-cab driver coming up the driveway and
honking his horn to alert his passenger.

Frank Jessup (Robert Mitchum) - Ambulance Driver

Diane Tremayne (Jean Simmons) - Troubled

Diane's Love For Her Father Charles (Herbert Marshall)

Diane At Lunch with Frank's Girlfriend Mary Wilton (Mona Freeman)

Mary Now Dating Bill, Frank's Partner

Frank Offered the Tremayne's Chauffeur Job and Lodging

Frank Calling Out Diane's Lying: "I don't pretend
to know what goes on behind that pretty little face of yours. I don't want to"

Diane's Deviousness
The Tremayne's Tragic Car Crash Scene

Diane's Stone-Faced Reaction to the Crash at a Grand Piano

Diane in Prison Infirmary

Diane Waking Up, Cuddled in Frank's Coat