Doll (1956)
In director Elia Kazan's scandalous, pot-boiling,
harshly condemned and censored film (for its time) by the Catholic
Legion of Decency
for its depiction of older aged
men pursuing an under-aged female:
- in the story, a rural, middle-aged
Mississipian, a deeply-indebted cotton gin operator named Archie
Lee Meighan (Karl Malden) had just married thumb-sucking, white-trash,
19 year-old 'baby doll' child bride "Baby Doll" Meighan
(Carroll Baker) with only a fourth grade education. He had married
her as an uneducated, naive child bride two years previously. She
continually repulsed him because union with him wouldn't be sexually-consummated
until her 20th birthday - two days away as the film opened
- Baby Doll slept in a small crib-bed in the nursery
while sucking her thumb as the desperate, feverishly-horny and
sexually-frustrated Archie peeked at her through a hole in the
wall (and thrust with a penknife to make the hole wider - as
her mouth opened and closed around her thumb). She caught him
watching her, and confronted him: "Do you know what they
call such people? Peepin' Toms!"
Archie Accused of Being a "Peeping Tom" by
Baby Doll
- shortly later, Archie barged in on Baby Doll who
was in the bathtub, taunting and teasing Archie by bathing in
front of him - and when he attacked her (off-screen), she yelled: "Get
your hands off me...I'm movin' to the Kotton King Hotel the very
next time you try to break our agreement. The very next time!"
- during
a visit to town, Archie was the local laughing-stock - everyone knew
that he was sexually-unsatisfied and ruled by his stuck-up, spoiled,
child bride. While she sat in the back seat of his open car in town,
he brought her a single-dip ice cream cone which she pleasurably and
childishly licked - another blatant sequence of teasing temptation.
Baby Doll knew that she had him wrapped around her finger: "What you've done is
bit off more than you can chew." When she realized that
their furniture was being repossessed, she threatened to move
to the Kotton King Hotel in town and get a job, since Archie
Lee could no longer provide for her. Her stipulation with Archie
Lee was that he had to provide a furnished home for her - or
otherwise his rights to her as a wife would be forfeited.
- Archie's vengeful and competitive business rival
was a covetous, wily, sleek, beady-eyed and cocky Sicilian named
Silva Vacarro (Eli Wallach). He was the manager of the up-and-coming
Syndicate Plantation and Gin Company that had stolen away all
of Archie's business in Tiger Tale County and had received recognition
for his business success from a local Senator. Resentful and
retaliatory, later that night, Archie took a kerosene can and
set the Syndicate gin building on fire. Although some of the
locals weren't sympathetic to the Sicilian outsider and refused
to side with a foreigner against a local boy, Vacarro insisted
on justice and carrying on his own investigation - he immediately
suspected Archie. Vacarro announced that he would take twenty-seven
wagon loads of his cotton for ginning to Archie Lee's gin, until
his own gin could be rebuilt.
- Archie Lee was elated
with his newfound prospect for business, and wished to extend every
bit of hospitality to Vacarro, including entertainment by his willful
child bride virgin while he worked ginning the cotton ("I believe in the good
neighbor policy. You do me a good turn and I'll do you a good
turn, Mr. Vacarro. Tit for tat and tat for tit is the policy
we live on...Honey, honey, honey...Now I want you to entertain
this gentleman"). Ultimately, Vacarro's aim during his time
at Archie's place was to pursue the truth and bring forth a confession
from Baby Doll about Archie's guilt. At the house on a hot afternoon,
the virile Vacarro went to use the old-fashioned pump in the
yard at the side of the house to get a nice cool drink and vigorously
pumped the well - a sexual symbol and contrast to Archie's thwarted
and elderly masculinity.
- there were numerous seduction
scenes of Baby Doll by Vacarro to 'take' the virginity of Baby Doll
and deflower her to get back at her husband for arson. He first tried
when he played "chauffeur" in the back seat of a rusty,
old wheel-less Pierce-Arrow limousine in the side yard, where
he flattered her about her charm bracelet, and she admitted she
was shy one day from being 20 years old.
- when she stepped up to the porch, the rotting,
wooden step crumbled and she fell backward into his arms. As
they casually wandered over to an old decepit double-swing on
the property, she admitted that Archie hadn't returned home until
long after the gin fire.
- the film's next most notorious,
highly-sexual seduction scene was sizzling due to the sexual reactions
that an overcome, writhing Baby Doll exhibited on a double-seated
plantation swing in the yard. Vacarro continued his cat-and-mouse,
teasing interrogation about the arson (and Archie Lee's complicity)
as he advanced closer. She became agitated and nervously fingered
her hair ribbon due to his taunting questions. He sat next to her
on the swing and proposed letting the swing's motion ease her tensions,
and then put his arm around her. During the
course of their discussion, he decided to exchange his burned-down
gin for her seduction - referring to Archie Lee's 'good neighbor
policy': ("You do me a good turn and I'll do you one")
- after noticing a small piece of cotton lint fiber
on the front bodice of her dress, he delicately removed it and
blew it away, and then inched closer and closer to her and pressed
on her, as he complimented her on
"the ab-so-lute delicacy of your skin." She actually
realized that he was "getting familiar" and told him "I
don't like to be touched"
- claiming that she was ticklish. The seduction scene was severely
criticized - but mostly for what was not shown just below
the camera's frame - was he possibly reaching under her dress?
- when
she left the swing feeling weakened and began moaning and claimed she
was dizzy, he pursued her up to the house, following close behind her
as he brushed on her arm with his riding crop. Still breathless, she
requested that he stop his playful use of the whip: "Cut it out. Feels funny...Feels
funny, all up and down. Quit switchin' me, will ya?...Cut it
out or I'm gonna call." Soon after as she felt scared about
his suspicions about her husband, she basically conceded to his
assertion that Archie was involved: "I knew the fire was
not accidental. And you know it was not accidental too."


After the Swing Seduction: "I feel so weak!" --
Vacarro Followed Her to the House
- Baby Doll was left alone when Archie drove away
into town to obtain machine parts, after Vacarro demanded repairs
to his outdated and run-down gin machinery. In the house with
her after preparing lemonade, Vacarro joined her upstairs where
she was changing her wet clothes. In a memorably lewd sight -
Vaccaro mounted and sat astride a small wooden hobby horse in
the child's nursery - rhythmically rocking back and forth on
the tiny toy whose head was hardly visible between his legs -
gyrating back and forth to the raunchy accompaniment of the rock
song "Shame on You." Then, he
moved from room to room, playing a childhood game of hide-and-seek
with Baby Doll - who was nearly undressed in a slip although
covered with a blanket.
- eventually, he was able to trap her in the upper
attic (with rotting timbers) where she had fled and locked the
door. There, he threatened to cave in the entire attic floor
unless she signed an incriminating statement attesting to the
fact that her husband set fire to the gin and that Archie had
lied about his alibi. Afterwards, he accepted her invitation
to take a nap in her crib - it was entirely possible that during
a fade-out as she knelt over him and covered him with her blanket,
he was able to succeed in having sex with the nubile bride.
- when
Archie returned, he jealously reprimanded Baby Doll for being with
Vacarro, dressed only in her slip: "Ain't
I told you not to slop around here in a slip?" Vacarro had
been invited for supper at Baby Doll's request. Just before supper,
he was able to accomplish a further seduction of Baby Doll in
a sneaky and steamy kissing scene behind a wall, seen from Archie's
POV (although Archie's back was turned and he was on the phone
in the other room trying to encourage his rough friends to come
over from the Bright Spot Cafe and deal with Vacarro). The two
were in a darkened adjoining room under a bare-bulb. Vacarro
told Baby Doll: "I do my own justice," and then lasciviously
looked at her:
Vacarro Seducing and Kissing Baby Doll in Adjoining
- Vaccaro also flirted with Baby Doll at the stark
dinner table when they shared hunks of bread dipped in raw, uncooked
greens, while moaning, giggling and exchanging looks.
- the
film ended with Vacarro confronting Archie with Baby Doll's signed
affidavit. Vacarro further enraged Archie by admitting that he had
coaxed other favors from Baby Doll, and that there existed a "certain attraction" between
them - after a crib-nap, a sung lullaby, and "the touch
of cool fingers."
- Archie responded by retrieving his shotgun and
chasing Vacarro outside while Baby Doll called the police. Both
Baby Doll and Vacarro hid in the fork of a pecan tree in the
yard until the police arrived and promptly arrested Archie (when
Vacarro presented the signed affidavit for the crime of arson)
at around midnight when Baby Doll turned 20. It was left ambiguous
whether Baby Doll or Aunt Rose Comfort (Mildred Dunnock) would
be cared for in the future; Baby Doll asked: "We got
nothin' to do but wait for tomorrow and see if we're remembered
or forgotten"

Archie With Shotgun

Archie Arrested for Arson

To Be Remembered or Forgotten the Next Day?
Baby Doll (Carroll Baker)
in Crib

Baby Doll in Bathtub

Baby Doll Licking Ice Cream Cone in Town

Silva Vacarro (Eli Wallach) Honored For Business Success by a Senator

Competitor's Cotton Gin Set on Fire by Archie Lee

Baby Doll Introduced to Silva

The Virile Vacarro Pumping Water

Vacarro in Car with Baby Doll

Falling Backward Into Vacarro's Arms on the Porch

In the Nursery, Vacarro Rode a Hobby Horse

Baby Doll Signing the Affidavit Against Archie

Vacarro in Baby Doll's Crib with Her

Baby Doll In Her Slip

Vacarro Invited For Late Supper

Baby Doll and Vacarro Eating Uncooked Greens

Archie Incensed by Vacarro and Baby Doll