Bitter Victory (1957, Fr./US) (aka
Amère Victoire)
In Nicholas Ray's powerful, black and white CinemaScopic
anti-war drama set during WWII:
- the opening scene (behind the title credits) set
at a British base - a long shot of hanging stuffed dummies or mannequins
used by British soldiers for target practice training - book-ended
in the closing scene
- the film's conflict and rivalry between two British
officers (both untried in real battle), selected by General Paterson
(Anthony Bushell), who were on a risky mission to cross the N. African
desert (in Libya) and search for German documents: introverted yet
courageous Welsh archaeologist and recruit Captain Jimmy Leith (Richard
Burton) and South African-born Major David Brand (Curd Jurgens),
a self-absorbed, petty, starchy and by-the-book career soldier-commander
ultimately revealed to be a coward
- the developing love triangle between the jealous Brand,
his pretty Army officer wife Jane Brand (Ruth Roman), and her ex-lover
Leith - making the story both a romantic and military conflict between
the two men
- the tense sequence of the mission - the two officers
were disguised as Arabs, and sent from Cairo, Egypt to break into
a safe in General Rommel's Nazi headquarters in Benghazi, to steal
secret documents; Leith was forced to stab a sentry to death in the
back with a dagger when the cowardly and trembling Brand failed to
- Leith was ordered to stay behind at the Benghazi base
to care for two seriously wounded men (one a German, another a British
soldier in Leith's group); while a bunch of beetles scattered from
beneath the dying German's writhing body, Leith shot the man who
was begging for his life and displaying a family photo: "We
were so happy before the war, Help me!", but when the Britisher
begged for his own mercy killing ("Hurry up...Don't drag things
out. You do what you've got to do. Be quick about it"), the
gun clicked empty; Leith carried the second dying man out of the
desert on his back
Decision-Making: Death in the Desert
Leith's Murder of Dying German Soldier
Leith's Choice: To Kill or Spare
Seriously-Wounded Britisher Spared
- later, Leith met up with
his old Arab friend and helpful bearded protector Mekrane (Raymond
Pellegrin), and was told that the British soldier he was carrying
was a corpse; Leith chuckled crazily and muttered the film's absurdist
conclusion: "I kill the living and I save the dead"
- it was basically a failed mission after the acquisition
of the documents and Leith's rendezvous with Brand - the return trek
in the desert was on foot after their expected camel guides were
- the lengthy dialogue between Brand and the contemptuous
Capt. Leith as they strode across the desert, with Leith's denunciation
of Brand's cowardice: "You didn't have the courage to kill the
sentry, and you don't have the courage to kill me....You're afraid
to go in and kill with your bare hands. That's what makes a soldier
and destroys you as a man...You have the Christian decency that forbids
killing a dying man, but approves the work of a sharpshooter...So
the fine line between war and murder is distance. Anybody can kill
at a distance with the same sort of courage that , but when it comes
to the dirty work, you have to call in the civilian ...I despise
you for the professional coward that you are. You left me in the
desert so there wouldn't be any witnesses left to the real Major
Brand, didn't you? Therefore, my death becomes essential to you.
I'm a kind of mirror of your own weakness, and it's unbearable, isn't
it?"; when Brand asked if Leith was goading him to murder, Leith
"Perhaps...perhaps because I haven't the courage to do it myself"
- in a concluding betrayal -- Major Brand neglected
to warn Capt. Leith of a deadly scorpion crawling up his pants leg,
and he was bitten with a lethal sting; at night, Mekrane vengefully
attempted to attack Brand with a knife (holding him responsible for
Leith's scorpion bite), but was instead killed by Brand's gunfire
- Captain Leith (with gangrene setting in) was mercilessly
left to die by Brand in the desert - with only some water and a gun;
Brand coldly noted his orders: "You must not be captured by
the enemy. If it endangers your mission, you're not obliged to save
the wounded"; Leith made one final attempt to goad Brand into
killing him: "I wonder if you have the courage to finish me
off now...You're not the sort of man, Brand, who'd kill for his woman.
But you'd murder to stop her from finding out that you're a coward,
wouldn't you? Brand - the returning hero. A stuffed dummy with a
medal on his chest, and all the witnesses dead.... You're not a man,
Brand - you're an empty uniform starched by authority so that it
can stand up by itself" - Brand replied: "But I'm standing";
Leith continued: "You know, Brand, for the first time, I almost
have some respect for you. You'd better go now. You'll miss the column...If
you haven't got the courage to kill me, don't try to save me" -
shortly later, Leith perished in a deadly desert sandstorm (ghibli)
- when Brand returned to the base, his distraught wife
asked about the fate of her true love Leith - she was told: "The
men think I killed him...I wanted to save him, but it was too late";
upset, she held the arm of one of the mannequin-dummies, as Brand
told her Leith's final words: "Tell Jane I love her...Those
would have been my last words too"
- in the ironic conclusion, during a brief ceremony,
the undeserving Brand received the Distinguished Service Order Medal
- praised as "the hero of Benghazi" - although the mission
was in reality a failure; when the medal was being presented, Jane
walked out and decided to leave Brand for good
- in the film's ending, the self-loathing Brand pinned
his meaningless medal on the stuffed dummy that Jane had touched
Stuffed Mannequins for Military Training
Captain Jimmy Leith (Richard Burton)
Major David Brand
(Curd Jurgens)
Leith's Dagger Stabbing of Guard

Brand Carrying Britisher's Corpse: "I kill the living
and I save the dead!"
On the Desert March: Contemptuous Leith vs. the
Cowardly and Unfit Brand
Brand with His Wife Jane Back at the Base
Brand Pinning His Medal on a Mannequin