Blackboard Jungle (1955)
In co-writer/diirector Richard Brooks' and MGM's shocking,
cautionary tale, urban melo-drama and striking film with social commentary
- it told about the state of education in a violent, inner-city
US boys school (the "blackboard
jungle"). The school had a number of budding, undisciplined
punks and juvenile delinquents with switchblades who terrorized each
other and their teachers. Subjects in the film considered controversial
at the time included miscarriage, bigotry, juvenile delinquent gang
violence, and sexual assault. Although some of the film was dated
and off-kilter in parts, overall, it was very powerful and impactful.
It was the first American
film to deal with the social problem of teenage delinquency and classroom
anarchy in our urban public schools. The film was inspiring to an
entire generation of mid-50s teens. However, it had four unrewarded
Academy Awards nominations: Best Original Screenplay (Brooks), Best
B/W Cinematography, Best Art Direction, and Best Film Editing.
It was also notable as
the first film to feature a rock-'n'-roll song in its soundtrack,
"Rock-Around-The-Clock." (sung
by Bill Haley and His Comets during the opening title credits); it
was the first major Hollywood film to use R&R on its soundtrack
- and thus, in other words, it was the first major rock and roll musical
film; the disturbing film was banned in some US cities for inciting
anti-social (and anti-American!) behavior. Theatrical showings exhibited
what would soon be recognized as the first evidence of teenage rebelliousness,
to blossom later in the decade and future years:
- the gritty film began with a long scrolling prologue
(about the social problem of juvenile delinquency in the schools)
accompanied by a lengthy drum solo: "We,
in the United States, are fortunate to have a school system that is
a tribute to our communities and to our faith in American youth. Today
we are concerned with juvenile delinquency -- its causes -- and its
effects. We are especially concerned when this delinquency boils
over into our schools. The scenes and incidents depicted here are
fictional. However, we believe that public awareness is a first
step toward a remedy for any problem. It is in this spirit and
with this faith that BLACKBOARD JUNGLE was produced."
- immediately following the prologue were the opening
title credits (above a blackboard), accompanied by the song "Rock-Around-The-Clock" played
by Bill Haley and His Comets
- the film's main protagonist was idealistic, soft-spoken,
middle-aged US Navy war veteran Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford), one
of three new school teachers hired
to work in a slum, inter-racial and multi-ethnic inner-city boys
vocational school (North Manual Trades High School) in NYC; in
the opening, he exited an elevated train platform and walked through
a poverty-stricken urban slum area to arrive at the school; inside
the school's courtyard, young delinquent hoodlums loitered, danced,
and swaggered about
- Mr. Dadier met with the school's principal
Mr. Warneke (John Hoyt) and was promptly hired as an English teacher;
after Dadier asked if there were any discipline problems at the
HS, Warneke decisively asserted: "There is no discipline problem
in this school"

Experienced, Cynical Teacher Jim Murdock (Louis Calhern)

Another New Teacher Lois Judby Hammond (Margaret Hayes)

Josh Edwards (Richard Kiley) - Math Teacher
Three Other Teacher Colleagues
- Richard Dadier met some of the more experienced
teachers (who spoke about the school's "delinquents" and the "disorderly
mob"), including long-time cynic Jim Murdock who bluntly told
him about the school after 12 years working there: "This is the
garbage can of the educational system"; he also offered advice
consisting of two tips for a rookie teacher on how to stay alive:
"Don't be a hero. And never turn your back on the class"
- one of the other new teachers, pretty, tight-sweater
wearing Lois Judby Hammond (Margaret Hayes) was also cautioned by
Murdock: "You gonna teach 'em in that outfit? Because if those
kids ever get a look at -- have you arranged with the National
Guard to escort you to class every day? ";
Dadier was obviously worried and anxious about his first day of
- that evening, he met with his 4-months
pregnant wife Anne (Anne Francis) who felt unattractive about her
bloated looks; she was moody and upset about her previous miscarriage
after two months, but Richard tried to calm her: ("Please, no bad
memories, huh? No guilty feelings, please"); they celebrated his
hiring at Peroni's Italian Restaurant with champagne and ravioli
- as they exited the restaurant, drag-racing kids
in the street crashed into a parked car and turned it onto its
side, narrowly missing Dadier and Anne - it was an omen
First Day at North Manuel High School

Teachers (l to r) - Lois, Murdock, Josh, Richard

Unruly, Anti-Social, Misbehaving Students in an Assembly

Worried New Teachers

Ethnically-Diverse, Troubled Students
- the first day at school was discouraging for
Dadier and many of the other teachers - delinquent, tough-talking,
lower-class student misbehavior included cat-calls at the assembly's
announcement of Miss Hammond, rude and insolent students who talked
back at Dadier: ("He's playing it real hard. He's a big man!"),
evidence of bullying of the weaker students, and some caught
smoking and loitering in the boys' room
- one of the resistant students in the rest room
was disaffected, inner-city black youth Gregory Miller
(Sidney Poitier in one of his earliest roles), who repeatedly
called Mr. Dadier "Chief"; once Dadier's class was directed to
a classroom, another particularly unruly, insolent,
disrespectful, bullying, rebellious and brash gang leader was
identified as Artie West (Vic Morrow) who mocked his name with
other classmates and called him "Daddy-O" after Dadier spelled
out his name on the blackboard (that was smashed when struck by
a hurled baseball when his back was turned)
- Dadier tried to make the class relevant: "Some
of you may wonder if English can help you get a job as a carpenter,
a mechanic, or an electrician. The answer is yes"; as class was being
dismissed, Dadier asked for Miller to stay behind for a "man-to-man
talk"; he called Miller a "natural born leader" who was "a little
brighter, a little smarter than the rest of those guys"; he
asked for Miller's help to guide the students into becoming more
cooperative: ("Every class needs a leader. You could be that leader,
Miller. What you do, they'll do. You cooperate, and they'll follow
you. How about it, Miller?"); however, Miller refused with a simple
shake of his head and a mumbled: "I don't know" but then added:
"Sure, if you think so"
- at 3:30 pm on the afternoon of the first day, as
she was checking out, Miss Hammond showed interest in Dadier
and offered him a ride home in place of riding the city bus; moments
later, she was dragged into the library and sexually assaulted
in the stacks by a student named Joey Murray (Peter Miller); Dadier
heard her screams, broke down the locked door, grabbed the offending
boy, and defended her against the attack; the boy jumped through
a window and suffered severe facial cuts and a broken nose; later,
Dadier described the entire incident to his wife Anne that evening,
causing her to doubt her own attractiveness to him when he first
arrived home: ("You didn't think I was very sexy, did you?")
- the next morning as he arrived at school, Dadier
was greeted with stony silence and suppressed, intimidating and
angry glances ("the silent treatment") from all of the students;
Dadier tried to influence Miller to take his side ("You're leading
them in the wrong direction"), but he was uninterested; he denounced
their earlier talk as a "little snow job"
- after work, Dadier and jazz music-lover Josh Edwards
went to nearby Ned's Bar & Grill for a few too many drinks as
they discussed how HS teachers might easily become alcoholics,
and about the rough and hostile educational environment of their
school: (Josh: "I am very disappointed...It's not fair. I want
to teach. I really want to teach. So why don't they let me teach?
Any man who really wants to teach should be allowed to teach");
when leaving the bar through an alleyway shortcut to the bus stop,
they were brutally mugged and assaulted by Artie West and other
gang members, and Dadier's briefcase was cut open with a switchblade

Josh At a Bar with Dadier: (Josh - "Why
don't they let me teach?")

Both Were Brutally Beaten Up by Arte West's Gang
of Seven

Dadier to Anne: "I've been beaten up, but I'm not beaten"
- later when he returned home battered and shaken,
Dadier worried that Anne might react and cause a miscarriage:
("I don't want you to lose the baby, Anne"); she insisted
that he quit his job at the school: 'You're never going back
to that school again," but her headstrong and stubborn husband
vowed to not give up: "Oh,
yes, I am. Yeah, I've been beaten up, but I'm not beaten. There's
a big difference. I'm not beaten, and I'm not quittin'"
- after taking a week to recover, Dadier met with
his former college Professor A.R. Kraal (Basil Ruysdael), who
was now the School Principal at a highly-functioning, suburban
upper-class coed HS; Dadier asked himself whether the teaching
conditions would ever improve: "Is it hopeless? Is there no way
to get through to those kids? Is there no way to make them understand?";
the Professor assured him: "You'll find a way"; Dadier explained
how he hadn't been properly trained to deal with a new generation
of juvenile delinquents in the urban classroom - and he was quite
discouraged: ("The kind of students I have, why bother with them?...
They'll survive without me.... If I'm gonna be a lion tamer, I
should teach with a chair and a whip")
- Dadier felt like he had lost
his ideals about why he wanted to teach: "I thought that if I
could help to shape young minds -- sort of sculpt lives -- then
by teaching, I'd be creating"; although he was offered a job at
the school, he declined and decided to give it one more try at
his troubled urban "blackboard jungle" school: "I think I'll take
another crack at my jungle"
- on his first day back at North Manuel HS, Dadier
told a police detective (Horace McMahon) that he couldn't identify
his assailants in the dark - making it difficult to press charges;
the detective theorized about the root causes of the problems
with the kids: "I've handled lots of problem kids in my time,
kids from both sides of the tracks. They were 5 or 6 years old
in the last war. Father in the Army, mother in a defense plant,
no home life, no church life, no place to go. They form street
gangs. It's way over my head, Mr. Dadier. Maybe the kids today
are like the rest of the world -- mixed up, suspicious, scared.
I don't know. But I do know this -- gang leaders have taken the
place of parents, and if you don't stop them..."; the detective
was frustrated that justice wasn't being served on the troublemakers
by the forgiving Dadier: ("Tying our hands so it can happen again?
And don't worry. It will")
- in his first lesson back on the job, Mr. Dadier
brought a tape-recorder to have students listen to their voices;
one of the Puerto Rican students named Pete Morales (Rafael Campos)
was chosen, and then derogatorily called a "spic" by Arte West,
who also called implicated Dadier as bigoted: ("Morales is a spic...
Maybe you don't like spics"); Dadier used the occasion to lecture
the boys on name-calling: "There's not gonna be any name calling
here, not today, not tomorrow, not ever!" - and he specifically
referred to certain labels, such as "spic,"
"Irish Mick," or "nigger"
that could easily lead to racial divisions and trouble
- later, Principal Warneke called Dadier to his
office to directly accuse him of being "guilty of racial prejudice"
and bigoted thinking in his classroom: ("You're the teacher who's
supposed to be the bigot...It's reported that you've maligned
religious and racial groups in your classroom"); Dadier was infuriated
by the accusation, as Warneke continued: "I
don't care if a boy's skin is black, yellow, or purple! He gets
the same teaching, the same breaks as any white boy"; Dadier
defended himself, claiming that he only
used negative, bigoted terms in a lesson on name-calling, and
was given no recourse to face or know his accuser: ("You
condemned me without even a hearing!"); the
Principal was forced to back down and apologize for the false
accusations: ("Look, I'm sorry, Dadier. I may have been hasty.
If I'm wrong, I apologize"); in his next statement, Warneke appointed
Dadier (with some drama experience) to be in charge of the school's
Christmas show - as an extra job (and/or "penalty...reward"?);
shortly later, Dadier projected and took out his own frustrations
on Miller and accused him of getting him into trouble with the Principal
- that evening at a bus stop,
Dadier happened to witness the hijacking and robbery of
a newspaper truck committed by Arte West's gang (all suspiciously
wearing identical gang jackets); West claimed that his friends
were only members of a "club" and weren't involved in a heist;
Dadier warned that juvenile delinquents faced reform school or
a year in jail, but Arte didn't care and retorted: "Look, you're
in my classroom now, and what I could teach you. The first lesson
is don't butt in. Just don't. Or--or you could flunk out for good"
- the next destructive rampage led by Arte was in
Edwards' classroom where they mocked the swing and jazz music
he was listening to on a phonograph record player; they deliberately
and cruelly assaulted him and smashed his prized and irreplaceable
15 year-old record collection; he was personally devastated and
told Dadier: "They broke my records"; the only punishment the
students received was to write the sentence 500 times: "I respect
private property"; a few days later, Josh Edwards resigned
- in the faculty room when the teachers began discussing
how to retaliate against the unruly students, Dadier spoke up:
"They outnumber ya, they outweigh ya, and they outreach ya.
Besides, they get clobbered at home and in the streets. They're
used to it"; he summarized the uncaring attitude of most of the
teachers who were failing their recalcitrant students: "Nobody
cares. Nobody listens. I mean nobody cares...There must be some
way to reach them"
- meanwhile, Anne received an anonymous letter (printed
in capital letters on student notebook paper): "WATCH YOUR
HUSBAND. THERE'S ANOTHER WOMAN"; more letters followed plus phone
calls; they hinted that her unfaithful husband
and pretty work colleague Miss Hammond were having an ongoing affair
- shortly later, Anne encouraged her husband to consider
quitting like Josh had done and to accept
a teaching job in Prof. Kraal's school: "You'd teach in a decent
place where kids want to learn, where a teacher's respected,"
but Richard refused to leave the "challenge" at North Manual HS
- one day in the school's auditorium, Dadier discovered
- to his surprise - that George Miller was leading a group of
black singers while playing the piano as they sang: "Go Down Moses"
together as they rehearsed for the Christmas show; Dadier was
puzzled by the major change in Miller's behavior (and the revelation
of his musical skills) compared to his uncooperative rule-breaking
in class ("I mean, you can be so cooperative on a thing like this.
In my classroom, I--I--")
- after showing an animated film "Jack and the Beanstalk"
to his class, a discussion about the "fairy tale" with a happily-ever-after
ending was encouraged amongst the students; the story was relatable
to most of the students: ("That Jack was a real heist man. He
got away with burglary three times. I liked the part where he
knocked off the giant"); it was concluded by Miller that Jack
was a burglar and committed murder, but then was rewarded and
married a Princess - making it clear to Arte that "crime always
pays"; Dadier asked the students if it was right to dislike the
giant only because he was "different than anybody else"; he summarized
that any stories heard in life (in printed materials and the media)
needed to be intelligently analyzed and examined for "the real
meaning," and then added: "Learn to think for yourselves!"; Dadier
was encouraged that he was finally able to get through to his class
- meanwhile, more anonymous letters arrived for Anne
as well as phone calls about Dadier's alleged affair with Miss
Hammond; after a late-night Christmas show rehearsal, Miss Hammond
openly asked if Dadier would like to escape from the tensions
of school and run away with her: "Don't you feel that you want
to throw your briefcase away and take a flier someplace, anyplace,
with me maybe? Don't you? Don't you, Rick?...You'd like to, all
right, but you're married"; he refused: "You keep thinking that
way, you're gonna end up in a mess of trouble"
- Dadier counseled and pestered George Miller about
how he should continue his schooling after HS: ("Don't give up
trying, Miller. Don't quit"), but because of his limited
options, Miller was willing to settle being an auto mechanic:
("There ain't much choice, is there? For the same reason I live
in this neighborhood, colored neighborhood, Mr. Dadier"); Miller
explained how he quit trying to further his education and apply
himself, because everything seemed hopeless: ("Nobody gives a
hoot"), and he accused Dadier of being short-sighted about racial
discrimination: ("We're talking from different sides of the fence,
Mr. Dadier. You're not black"); to prove that he cared, Dadier
proposed a pact between them: "We'll have sort of a pact, you
and I: Neither of us quit. How about it?"
- the stress of the letters and phone
calls about a possible affair led to Anne's "mentally-disturbed"
state and her unexpected labor and delivery of a premature baby
boy; Anne's doctor told Richard about his concern that her torment
was due - not to her worries about a past miscarriage - but to
problems in her marriage and her doubts about him
- after Richard briefly spoke to Anne in her hospital
room, their neighbor Mrs. Brophy (Martha Wentworth) handed him
the letters that had caused her labor pains; a successful
Christmas show didn't matter to Dadier, who now felt
completely defeated by the school and his students; he announced
his resignation to Murdock: "I'm through. I'm finished. I'm quittin'.
As far as I'm concerned, that school is just dead"
- the no-longer cynical Murdock admitted that he
had become inspired by Dadier's commitment and dedication to care
for his students: ("I wanted to get through to them, too"), and
saw the change that he had brought to the school: ("You proved
something. The kids in our school can be taught if you don't stop
trying. You got through to them"); but Dadier felt that no one
truly cared about the teaching vocation: "Who cares? You think
the kids care, their parents care? Who cares about teachers anyhow?";
he mentioned how little teachers were paid: "Teachers get $2.00
an hour, right?" - less earnings than a household cook, and about
the same as a babysitter or a soda jerk
- once their premature baby boy was out of danger,
Anne admitted: "I was silly and vain and selfish, so I doubted
you. I was like one of the bad kids in your class-- somebody told
a lie, and I believed that lie"; she also confessed that she was
wrong for urging him to quit earlier, and assured him to continue
in the profession: "You'll get through to them"
- back in class after the Christmas and New Years'
break during a lesson on reading want ads, Dadier caught
Belazi (Dan Terranova) cheating ("having loose eyes") and copying
from another student's paper - 5 points were deducted
from his paper; at the same time, Arte West also flagrantly plagiarized
answers from another student and was caught, but refused Dadier's
repeated requests to bring his paper up to the front to receive
a penalty; when Arte refused to comply, Dadier was prepared to
take him to the Principal's office; the confrontation escalated,
and Arte drew his switchblade and kept threatening Dadier to "Come
on, take it"; George Miller prevented Belazi from unfairly grabbing
Dadier from behind, but Dadier was still struck in the hand and
wounded by Arte's knife; none of the other students obeyed Arte's
commands to get into the "rumble" to overwhelm Dadier

Arte West Flagrantly Cheating in Class

Arte Drawing a Switchblade on Dadier

Dadier Stabbed in the Hand and Bloodied by Arte
- Dadier knew that West was helpless without support
from his gang: "You're not so tough without a gang to back you
up, are you, West?"; Dadier also accused Arte of three previous
infractions: (1) for attacking him (and Mr. Edwards) with his
gang in the alleyway with 7-2 odds, (2) for falsely accusing him
of racial prejudice to Principal Warneke, and (3) for having sent
the "foul" anonymous letters (and phone calls) with false allegations;
while Dadier roughed up Arte and scuffled with him at the blackboard,
the other classmates subdued Belazi (who picked up the switchblade)
who yelled out before trying to escape: "I'm gettin' outta here.
I'm not goin' to that reform school! Not me"
- Dadier explained why he wasn't going to forgo any
punishment this time: "There's no place for these two in
your classroom. Look, we've all made a step forward this morning.
Now, there's no sliding back now, not ever again. Now, whether
you like it or not, I'm taking these two downstairs"; with
the other class members, Miller decided to assist Dadier in dragging
Arte and Belazi to the Principal's Office: ("I think maybe
we can give you a hand, Mr. Dadier")
- in the final scene as they both exited the school,
Miller made a deal with Dadier that they both wouldn't quit the
school prematurely, since Miller had heard rumors that Dadier
was planning on quitting; Miller mentioned how Dadier was already
broken in and should take advantage of his experience: "Well,
you know the ropes around here pretty good now, and it would be
a shame to waste all that...Besides, it would be kind of rough
breakin' in somebody new"; they
both agreed to honor their pact: (Miller: "Well, we have
a pact. We wouldn't want to break that", Dadier: "No,
I--I guess we wouldn't",
Miller: "Well, see ya around", Dadier: "I'll see
you around")
- the film ended with a reprise of "Rock-Around-The-Clock"

Opening Scrolling Prologue

Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford) Outside Boys' High School

Mr. Dadier Reporting to Principal Warneke's Office - Hired as an English Teacher

Soft-Spoken Dadier with Principal Warneke: ("There is no discipline problem")

At Dinner, Dadier Celebrating His Hiring with His Pregnant Wife Anne (Anne Francis)

During First Day's Assembly, New Teacher Miss Hammond's Reaction to Cat-Calls

Students Caught Smoking in Boys' Room

Rebellious Black Student Gregory Miller (Sidney Poitier) with Dadier

The Class Making Fun of Dadier's Last Name ("Daddy-O"), and Breaking the Blackboard
with a Baseball

Gang-Leader Arte West (Vic Morrow)

Dadier's "Man-to-Man Talk" with Miller: "Every class needs a leader...How
about it, Miller?"

Sexual Assault on Miss Hammond in the Library

The Next Day - Dadier Was Treated Like an Outcast by Students

Detective: "The kids today
are like the rest of the world -- mixed up, suspicious, scared..."

Dadier's Classroom Lesson on Bigoted Name-Calling

Dadier Falsely Accused by Principal Warneke of Being Racially-Bigoted

Dadier with Gang Leader Arte West at the Time of His Gang's Newspaper
Truck Hijacking

Arte West to Mr. Dadier: "You're in my classroom now"

Arte's Classroom Assault on Mr. Edwards and His Prized Record

Anne's Receipt of Anonymous Letters

George Miller Revealing His Musical Gifts - Playing and Singing
With a Black Vocal Group

Dadier's Lesson on The "Real Meaning" of "Jack
and the Beanstalk"

Miss Hammond's Flirtations with Dadier

Dadier's Encouragement to Miller to Further His Education

At the Hospital Following Anne's Premature Labor and Delivery

Dadier to Murdock: "I'm through. I'm finished. I'm

Anne Admitted to Her Husband That She Was Wrong for Doubting Him
or Urging Him to Quit

Dadier Scuffling With Arte at the Blackboard Before Taking Him
to the Principal's Office

Final Scene - The Pact Between Miller and Dadier Was Confirmed:
Both Would Remain at the School