Blow Out (1981)
In this dark and twisty Brian De Palma (writer and
director) political thriller - the Reagan-esque era, Hitchcockian-type
film that paid homage to both Blow-Up (1966) and
Coppola's The
Conversation (1974). Its riveting themes were audio voyeurism,
political dirty tricks, and corruption (with illusions to Watergate,
the JFK Zapruder film, and the Chappaquiddick scandal):
- it opened with a 'film within
a film' - the shooting of Co-ed Frenzy - a cheap, low-budget
exploitation film (set in a sorority house filled with scantily-clad
females) where a killer (from his POV as in Halloween
(1978)) stalked and slashed a nude female (Missy Cleveland,
April 1979 Playboy Playmate) in a shower. [Note:
It was a scene reminiscent of the early 1980s film Friday
the 13th (1980) when other imitation slasher films were
being spawned.]
- Jack Terri (John Travolta), a sound F/X recorder-technician
working on the low-budget exploitation film in the "Personal Effects"
department, laughed and rated the undubbed death scream: "That scream
is terrible." His director-producer Sam (Peter
Boyden) asked: "What cat did you strangle to get that??" Jack replied:
"That's her voice"; Jack was informed: "Look
Jack, I didn't hire that girl for her scream. I hired that girl for her
tits"; Jack considered the picture their "finest
film" together, but was asked to replace the
weak cry from the naked coed's lips, and also to find new wind sound effects
- in fact, Jack took his sound-effects job seriously
at Independence Pictures Inc. in Philadelphia where he had worked
for two years - and was interested in capturing truth and reality
in his recordings (weather effects, footsteps, heartbeats, clocks,
glass breaks, gunshots, a body fall, etc.)
- while Jack was recording outdoor sound-effects later
that night with a directional baton-like microphone (and a portable
reel-to-reel device), he witnessed a fatal car crash when a car's
tire popped and screeched, and the vehicle plunged off a deserted
Philadelphia road into a river; Jack dived in, swam down and rescued
the driver's companion, later identified as a ditzy yet good-hearted
blonde named Sally Bedina (Nancy Allen, director DePalma's real-life
wife), but it was fatal for the driver who had drowned
- at the hospital, Jack reported
to disbelieving Detective Mackey (John Aquino) that he had first
heard a "bang" before the tire blow out ("the bang was before the blow out").
Then, he learned that the deceased was notable Governor George McRyan
(John Hoffmeister), a hopeful presidential candidate who, the evening
of his death, had announced his entrance into the primary election; officials
wanted to entirely hush the embarrassing fact that the Governor was with
a female "playmate" companion, although Jack stressed that what he saw was "the truth"
and he didn't want to lie about it
- Jack went along with the deception and cover-up
proposed by the governor's assistant Lawrence Henry (John McMartin)
-- until he had second thoughts after listening to his recorded
sounds tape he had made, in a participatory scene; the tape confirmed
that the car's tire popped and screeched before
it plunged off a deserted Philadelphia road in the fatal accidental
- he realized that he had inadvertently
recorded evidence of an assassination ("I think your tire
was shot out"). Jack believed that the governor's left car tire was shot before
the tire blew, causing the accident (he hypothesized there was
a gunman in the bushes who had shot the left front tire to cause the
crash, where a puff of smoke was seen - it was evidence of a conspiracy and cover-up
- he became more suspicious when a photographer named Manny Karp (Dennis Franz)
sold his "exclusive" series of still pictures (taken from his motion picture camera film) of
the McRyan's accident to the press - appearing in a News Today article
entitled "McRyan's Tragic Blow Out."
- his faith in the authenticity of his film craft was reawakened. In his
past (seen through flashback), the principled Jack had helped crack
down on police corruption until one of his concealed wires short-circuited
and caused undercover cop/detective Freddie Corso (Luddy Tramontana)
to be found out and murdered during a botched sting. The tools of
his F/X trade had failed him, leading to his choice to avoid the
truth and make cheap exploitation films with phony sound effects.
But now that he found himself caught up in some kind of political
corruption, he convinced the rescued blonde Sally to join him to
investigate the suspicious incident
- Jack synchronized
Karp's series of photographs with his own audio tape to create a
film of the incident. He decisively pinpointed the moment of the
gunshot - seen as a flash in the bushes. He hid the incriminating
film in a ceiling panel in his office, believing it was evidence
of a major political conspiracy. He then reported his findings to
Detective Mackey, who was mostly uninterested, reflecting the times'
political apathy: "Nobody wants to know.
Nobody cares."
- meanwhile, a serial killer-stalker
named Burke (John Lithgow) was terrorizing the city, dubbed "The
Liberty Bell Strangler"; Burke's first unfortunate sex-crime victim at an excavation site
was a 22 year old receptionist (a Sally look-alike), strangled
and then stabbed (and mutilated) with an ice-pick in the pattern
of a Liberty Bell; a second victim was a prostitute strangled in
a women's room at the train station
- Burke had been hired as part of a political conspiracy
to effectively eliminate Governor McRyan from the upcoming election;
he had changed the tire on the vehicle, to make it look like a
blow out; he also infiltrated sound guy Jack's office and erased
the tapes to make Jack look like a "crackpot"; he then
explained to his political operative that Sally's killing would
eliminate loose ends when her death was attributed to the "Strangler":
"I've decided to terminate her (Sally) and make it look like one
of a series of sex killings in the area. This would completely secure our operation"
- photographer Karp was Sally's pimp who had set her
up to be with Governor McRyan the night of the 'accident' - he
was paid $6,000 by one of McRyan's unidentified opponents (the
original plan was to scandalize the governor by exposing him with
a floozy - "he wasn't supposed to die")
- Karp was doing "divorce work on the side," using
prostitute Sally to set up and incriminate cheating husbands so
they could be bribed for hush money (one of Karp's b/w photos showed
an unsuspecting client caught in bed with Sally); Sally knocked
Karp unconscious and stole Karp's original film reel of the car
accident, to give to a TV investigative reporter named Frank Donahue
(Curt May)
- serial-killer Burke was a Bell Telephone repairman,
who had wire-tapped Jack's phone and was able to circumvent all
of Jack's efforts to present the truth and expose the conspiracy
- the film's climactic, violent
pursuit scene occurred during a surreal Liberty Day Jubilee 1981
centennial celebration in Philadelphia with red-white-blue-fireworks
and a parade down Market Street; to cover all the bases, Jack had
'wired' Sally and vowed to her: "Nobody's
gonna f--k me this time." She
would be recorded as she met with Donahue to give him the tape and film
- however, as Jack listened, he realized that Sally
was speaking to Burke, who had intercepted her and was impersonating
Donahue. After a car pursuit and frantic chase after Burke, across
Philadelphia in his Jeep during the crowded festivities, Jack crashed
and was injured. He didn't reach Sally in time before she was killed
by strangulation, on the top of the Port of History building. Jack
killed Burke by stabbing him with his ice-pick weapon, and was stunned
to realize that Sally's lifeless body meant that she was truly
Sally's Death Scream Used on Re-edited Soundtrack
of Slasher Film
Drowning Out Sound of Authentic Scream
- ironically, Sally's recorded
scream - haunting and sad - and intensely realistic, was used for
the re-edited soundtrack of the shower scene in the cheap, exploitational
slasher film seen in the film's opening (Producer Sam: "Now
that's a scream!").
Jack muttered to himself: "It's a good scream," but he
held his ears to drown out the sound

Shower Slashing With "Terrible" Scream

Cheap, Low-Budget "Film-Within-A-Film": Co-ed

Sound Effects Technician Jack Terri (John Travolta) Recording
Sounds of the Governor's Fatal Car Crash
Jack Listening to Tire Shooting and Blow-Out
Gunman in Bushes
One of Pimp/Photographer Karp's Incriminating Photos by
of Sally (Nancy Allen) To Incriminate Cheating Husbands
Burke: The Liberty Bell Strangler
Murder of Sally by "Strangler"