The Blue Angel (1930, Germ.)
(aka Der Blaue Engel)
In Josef von Sternberg's erotic drama, a star-making
role for Marlene Dietrich, and the first feature-length German full-talkie:
- the captivating and alluring image of leggy, black-stockinged
temptress Lola Lola Frohlich (Marlene Dietrich) astride a barre
with a tilted top hat singing "Falling in Love Again (Can't
Help It)" (her signature song) in a sleazy German nightclub
cellar (named The Blue Angel Cabaret); she tilted her head to the
side, leaned backwards, and grasped one gartered-stockinged leg
on bare thighs with her arms; Lyrics: "Falling in love again,
Never wanted to, What's a girl to do?, I can't help it, Love's
always been my game, Play it how I may, I was made that way, I
can't help it"
- her entrancement of college prep HS teacher Professor
Immanuel Rath (Emil Jannings) in the audience
- the degradation scene in which once-dignified but
now disheveled, disgraced and broken Prof. Rath was forced to crow
like a rooster in a pathetic clown act for her cabaret troupe's stage
show, as Lola was in the arms of her new love interest - strongman
Mazeppa (Hans Albers) and kissing him off-stage
- in the film's sad conclusion, the eventual death of
a very destitute and almost insane Rath - consumed by jealousy, hate,
remorse, and regret about his abject life of servitude; his body
was found draped over his old classroom's master desk where he once
taught, with his clenched hand gripping the side of the furniture

Lola Lola "Falling in Love Again"
(Marlene Dietrich)
Prof. Rath
(Emil Jannings)