The Cincinnati Kid (1965)
In Norman Jewison's Hustler-like
high-stakes poker-gambling film:
- the scene of the climactic and suspenseful showdown
5-card stud poker game between young poker player The Cincinnati
Kid or Eric Stoner (Steve McQueen) and legendary champion card
player Lancey Howard or "The Man" (Edward G. Robinson)
- in which the Kid's full-house (with Aces and tens) was beaten
by "The Man's" straight flush (when he turned over a
Jack of Diamonds) - accentuated by closeups
- the "Kid" admitted: "I'm through" although
Lancey complimented him on a good game: ("You're good, kid,
but as long as I'm around, you're second best. You might as well
learn to live with it")
"The Man"
(Edward G. Robinson)
The Poker Hands

The Cincinnati Kid