Creature from the Black Lagoon
In this classic Universal horror
film by director Jack Arnold, it was originally shot in 3-D, and was
the last great prototypical classic from Universal Studios; in the
pantheon of Universal Monsters, only The Creature was given the 3D
treatment. Special effects effectively used a foam-latex costume suit
to represent the amphibious creature called the Gill-Man - one of the
most famous movie monsters ever created. Director Guillermo del Toro
years later used the movie as inspiration for his Best Picture-winning The
Shape of Water (2017):
- the campy film began with a voice-over from a narrator
(Art Gilmore) reading from the Biblical book of Genesis: "In the
beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth
was without form, and void"; the narration continued with a lengthy
description of the Creation: "This the planet Earth, newly born and
and cooling rapidly from a temperature 6,000 degrees to a few hundred
in less than 5 billion years..."
- with the startling discovery in an upper
Amazonian jungle in Brazil of a fossilized claw or hand (with webbed
fingers) embedded in rock by Dr. Carl Maia (Antonio Moren) - it provided
evidence of an unusual, prehistoric, amphibious web-handed and footed
humanoid-reptile; the discovery might prove that a strong, prehistoric
creature existed that linked sea and land animals
- not visible to the scientist, a
similar-looking webbed hand emerged from the river bank and then
slid back into the water after leaving claw marks
- [Note: In the film, every time the aggressive 'Creature'
appeared in some shape or form, its entry was signaled or cued by
the film's recognizable theme music. It was estimated that the theme
music was played over 130 times throughout the film.]
- on his way to the Institute of Maritime Biology
at Morajo Bay in Brazil, Dr. Maia met with another
scientist, ichthyologist Dr. David Reed (Richard Carlson), who was
studying specimens of lung-fish; Reed was one of Dr. Maia's previous
students; Reed was accompanied by his dark-haired girlfriend-fiancee
and research colleague Kay Lawrence (Julia Adams)
Dr. Reed, Kay, and Dr. Maia
- Dr. Maia showed a picture of a
fossilized, web-fingered claw-hand to Dr. Reed (possibly a million
years old found in limestone deposits dating back to the Devonian
age) - great interest was generated to find the remainder of the
skeletal fossil - possibly another example of the 'amphibious' adaptive
link between sea and land animals
- meanwhile, back in the Amazon jungle campsite, Dr.
Maia's two local assistants, Tomas (Perry Lopez) and Luis (Rodd Redwing),
were suddenly attacked by a humanoid creature (first seen as a disembodied
claw reaching out of the water and then into their tent) - a descendant
of the fossil species; both men were grabbed by the claw in the face
and killed amidst ferocious growls

Gill-Man Creature's Claw-Hand Reaching into Tent

Murder of Tomas

Murder of Luis
Dr. Maia's Two Campsite Assistants, Tomas and Luis
- an
anthropological expeditionary group was organized by Dr. Maia and funded
by Reed's boss Dr. Mark Williams (Richard Denning); they journeyed
to a Brazilian river in the Amazon on board the Rita;
Williams and Maia were accompanied by Reed, Kay, and scientist
Dr. Edwin Thompson (Whit Bissell). Others included Captain Lucas
(Nestor Paiva) and two crew members Zee (Bernie Gozier) and Chico
(Henry Escalante)

Expedition on the Rita

Main Expedition Members (l to r): Williams, Maia, Kay, Reed

At the Destroyed Campsite, A Clawed Hand Reached Out for Kay's Legs
- once the group arrived at Dr. Maia's campsite, they
discovered the destroyed campsite and the two dead assistants; it
was presumed that a jaguar had attacked them with its claws; as Kay
stood by the water's edge, a clawed hand reached out
for her legs, but was unable to grab her
- [Note: there were two individuals who played the Creature
of the film's title, and because of their differing heights, two
different costumes (full-bodied monster suits and masks) were created.]
Creature on Land (stuntman Ben Chapman)

Creature Underwater - (professional diver and water showman Ricou
- after eight days of not discovering any more fossils,
it was theorized by Dr. Reed that more remains or a descendant
of the original fossilized creature, a Gill-Man (Ben Chapman), might
have washed downstream and possibly was located in a dark unexplored
lagoon known as the "Black Lagoon"; Captain Lucas warned:
"I can tell you something about
this place. My boys call it 'The Black Lagoon' - a paradise.
Only they say, nobody has ever come back to prove it," followed by
a laugh
- the six-month romance between Dr. Reed and Kay continued
- they kissed on board, and discussed plans for a possible marriage
and lifetime together, while the Rita voyaged further to the
Black Lagoon; a net was lowered into the water
- two of the expedition
members, Reed and Williams went scuba diving (with aqua-lungs) into
the dark water to investigate and gather some rock samples
to measure their age with uranium-lead test - unaware that they
were being stalked and watched by the Gill-Man
- after the divers
returned and were studying the rock samples below deck, Kay took an
impromptu swim by herself - in a stunning one-piece white bathing
suit; in scary and superbly-photographed underwater sequences after she dove
in, as she swam at the surface, the Creature expressed 'Beauty-and-the-Beast'
love interest in the bathing beauty - stalking and watching her
from below as she swam above him; he even appeared to mirror or mimic
her movements
Film's Most Memorable Scene - "Beauty and Beast"
Underwater Stalking
- after Kay's swim and she was safely back onboard,
the Creature was briefly caught in the ship's dragline net; although
it escaped, it left a huge tear in the net and part of its claw,
proving its existence; Kay expressed dismay when she realized that
she had possibly been swimming near the Creature
- the expedition's two divers, Reed and Williams, again
went underwater to photograph the humanoid-like Creature; Williams
argued that they should harpoon the Creature with a spear-gun, but
Reed favored only studying the Creature; while underwater,
Williams was able to harpoon it with the spear-gun, but the wounded
Creature escaped, although Reed thought they had captured a photograph
The Creature - Pursued and Speared Underwater With
a Spear- Gun
- once back on board while developing the photograph's
negative, Lucas mentioned the rumored legend of
the underwater Gill-Man: "Many years ago, I hear this legend on the
river. A very old native tell me of a man who live underwater, but
she was crazy"; the sole photograph turned up blank
- meanwhile, the Creature climbed onboard and attacked
crew member Chico on the deck of the Rita; Zee claimed that
his brother Chico was grabbed and dragged underwater "by a demon";
Lucas now reiterated his belief in the legend: "There are many strange
legends in the Amazon. Even I - Lucas - have heard the legend of
a man-fish"
- Lucas suggested a plan
to catch the Creature alive by spreading a poison (Rotenone) over
the water's surface to paralyze any underwater fish and float them
to the surface - but the technique failed to affect the Creature,
even after sinking the poison deeper
- later that evening,
during the Creature's attempt to climb into the boat, it was
scared off by the light of a hanging lantern on the deck and swam away;
its full figure was revealed by the light of a spotlight as it emerged
from the water onto land; Reed and Williams pursued the Creature by
swimming toward its last known location and following it into a hidden
cave grotto; they followed its footprints as it evaded them

Creature Attempting to Climb Onboard

Creature Disturbed by a Lantern

Captured in Spotlight As It Emerged From Water
- the two caught up to the Creature as it made an attempt
to grab Kay, who was sitting on the bank of the lagoon next to a
palm tree, awaiting their return; when Zee attempted to rescue her
from the Creature's attack, he was killed; fortunately, the Creature collapsed
from the effects of the poison, was netted and captured, and
caged up onboard the Rita in a makeshift cage
- shortly later, as Reed and Williams returned to the
lagoon's grotto to conduct more research, Dr. Thompson was left on
board with Kay to guard the Creature; it escaped
and attacked and seriously wounded Thompson when he hit the Creature
with a lantern and set it on fire; the Creature dove into the water
to extinguish the flames
- after four men had died (Tomas, Luis, Chico, and Zee)
and bandaged Dr. Thompson was ailing, Dr. Reed was ready to call
off the expedition, but Dr. Williams insisted on staying to get the
"We're staying to get him!"; Captain Lucas overruled him
(after pulling out a knife) and insisted on leaving immediately;
as they were departing, they realized that their exit-way had been
deliberately blocked with logs and branches (it was likely that the
Creature was trying to entrap them); Williams was still obsessed
with capturing or wounding "the biggest find ever" to impress
the world with his discovery
- after again arguing and slugging each other, Reed
and Williams both went underwater - but separately; as Reed tried
to clear the blocked passage again, Williams approached with the spear-gun
and hit the Gill-Man in the abdomen; Reed watched from nearby
as the Creature dragged Williams down and mauled him to death; afterwards,
Reed scared the Gill-Man off
- another vain attempt was made to make the Creature
groggy with Rotenone, to keep it away while the blockade was cleared;
while mixing the solution, the Creature was able
to climb on board and reach in through a porthole in an attempt to
attack the bandaged and ailing Dr. Thompson

Clawed Hand Reaching Into Porthole to Grab Dr. Thompson

Kay Grabbed and Kidnapped

Kay Taken to the Creature's Grotto
- after Dr. Reed had injected the solution in the
water, and was able to spray the Creature numerous times with the
paralyzing substance, he was able to place a winch around the
snagged branches to remove them; as the crew was distracted while
working to clear the blockade, suddenly, Kay was grabbed and
kidnapped from the boat; the Creature dove back into the water with
her and took her to its swampy cave or grotto hidden by the bank
- Dr. Reed with a spear-gun came
to Kay's rescue; as the Creature was attacking Dr. Reed and Kay was
cowering nearby, it was shot with bullets (by Dr. Maia and Captain
Lucas) and severely injured in the chest with multiple bullet wounds;
Dr. Reed allowed the Creature to retreat back to the lagoon's beach
("Let him go") where it swam off, disappeared, and sank lifelessly
back into the deep watery depths of the lagoon

Creature Shot With Multiple Bullets

Watching the Creature Retreat

The Creature's Demise in the Lagoon?

Dr. Maia's Discovery of a Fossilized Claw in Rock

With Dramatic Music, a Claw Emerged on River Bank - Similar to the Fossil

Picture of Fossilized Claw-Hand

The Amazing Fossil Find - A Web-Fingered Claw-Hand

Kay's Romance with Dr. Reed During Trip From the Campsite to the Black Lagoon

Creature Underwater in the Black Lagoon - Watching and Stalking
the Two Divers

Kay Preparing to Swim in the Black Lagoon

A Huge Tear in the Net

After Kay's Swim, A Claw Was Found in the Torn Net

Kay Disturbed by the Finding of the Claw

Creature Attacking Crew Member Chico on Deck of the Rita
Attempted Assault on Kay by the Creature

The Creature - Caged Onboard the Rita

Attack of the Escaped Creature on Dr. Thompson and Kay

Creature Set on Fire During Attack on Dr. Thompson

Black Lagoon Exit Deliberately Blockaded by the Creature

Dr. Williams Mauled to Death Underwater

In the Grotto: Kay Was Rescued by Dr. Reed

Kay Cowering as Dr. Reed Was Grabbed