Dead Poets Society (1989)
In Peter Weir's dramatic film about educational inspiration:
- eccentric, unorthodox 1959 Vermont prep school English
teacher John Keating's (Robin Williams) lesson on the motto: "Carpe
Diem" to his staid Welton Academy boarding school students
("Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe
diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary")
as they stood in front of old pictures of the school's athletic
teams (and the camera panned across the faces of the now-deceased
- the scene in which the dedicated but dismissed teacher
was paid tribute by his former pupils (including tongue-tied betrayer
Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke)) as they stood on their desks, defied
authority and emotionally chanted: "O Captain! My Captain!" (taken
from Walt Whitman's poem about Abraham Lincoln), as Keating thanked
the students from the doorway: "Thank you boys, thank you"
John Keating:
"Carpe Diem"
Close-Up of School Athletic Team

Students on Desks:
"O Captain! My Captain!"