The Devil and Daniel Webster
(1941) (aka All That Money Can Buy)
In William Dieterle's cautionary and classic fantasy
tale, faithfully based on Stephen Vincent Benét's 1937 Faustian
short story - it featured an Oscar-winning score by Bernard Herrmann:
- the film's opening title cards: "It's a story
they tell in the border country where Massachusetts joins Vermont
and New Hampshire. It happened, so they say, a long time ago. But
it could happen anytime - anywhere - to anybody... Yes - it could
happen even to you"
- the main story: in 1840, poor, 27 year-old Cross Corners,
New Hampshire farmer Jabez Stone (James Craig), a kind-hearted man,
married for two years to Mary (Anne Shirley), found that he was down
on his luck; his family and shrewd and wise mother Ma Stone (Jane
Darwell) faced eviction and were in debt to local loan shark Miser
Stevens (John Qualen) - they were threatened with poverty and farm
- the scene of 19th century farmer Jabez bargaining
injudiciously with his soul - with the jolly but ruthless Satan/Devil/Mephistopheles
(Mr. Scratch) (Walter Huston) - for seven years of "good luck...and
all that money can buy"; he idly offered to sell his soul for
two cents to the jolly but ruthless Mr. Scratch; Jabez became financially
prosperous and wealthy after which the Devil would take his invisible
soul; Jabez found Hessian gold coins under the floor of his barn
and immediately paid off his debts to Stevens, and became richer
and richer (with the townsfolk owing him money as a fearsome land
baron), but also he became greedy and hard-hearted
- Scratch's sending of his bewitching and alluring live-in
housemaid-nanny, a temptress named Belle (Simone Simon), who callously
drove off his wife Mary and newborn son; Jabez also took up drinking
and gambling
- Jabez was given the option of giving up his son to
save his soul after the 7 years was up - but he refused; he enlisted
the aid of silver-tongued orator/lawyer Daniel Webster (Edward Arnold)
to defend him - with a jury trial - to plead his case and win back
his soul from an iron-clad contract
- in the film's dramatic conclusion, Webster argued
to save Jabez Stone's soul from the devil in front of a jury of
"damned souls" summoned by the Devil - composed of infamous
cutthroats, brigands and traitors in American history, such as Benedict
Arnold, who had also previously sold their souls and lost their freedom
- the judge was Justice John Hathorne (W.B. Warner)
of the Salem witch trials, who refused cross-examination, and denied
disqualification of the prejudiced jury
- with eloquent oratory in the final moments, Webster
gave an impassioned closing argument, which persuaded the jury and
the court to turn against Mr. Scratch, destroy the contract, and
have mercy on Jabez's soul:
"Gentlemen of the jury, it's the eternal right of every man to
raise his fist against his fate, but when he does, there are crossroads.
You took the wrong turn. So did Jabez Stone. But he found it out in
time. He's here tonight to save his soul. Gentlemen of the jury, I
ask you to give Jabez Stone another chance to walk upon this earth,
among - the trees, the growing corn, and the smell of grasses in the
spring. What would you all give for another chance to see those things
you must all remember and often yearn to touch again? For you were
all men once. Clean American air was in your lungs and you breathed
it deeply for it was free and blew across an earth you loved. These
are common things I speak of, small things, but they are good things.
Yet without your soul, they mean nothing. Without your soul, they sicken....(pointing
at the Devil) You can't be on his side, the side of the oppressor.
Let Jabez Stone keep his soul - a soul which doesn't belong to him
alone, but to his family, his son, and his country. Gentlemen of the
jury, don't let this country go to the devil! Free Jabez Stone! God
bless the United States and the men who made her free!"
- the last fade-out image of the defeated but never
down Scratch on the fence looking at the camera/audience for his
next 'victim' - breaking the fourth wall

Daniel Webster
(Edward Arnold)