The Devil's Advocate (1997)
In director Taylor Hackford's sexy, supernatural occult)
horror drama and suspense thriller was a proto-typical film of the
1990s; see Sex in Films for uncensored version; it referenced elements
of the Faustian tale (about selling one's soul to the devil), English
writer John Milton's notable work
Paradise Lost (published in 1674), and Italian writer Dante
Alighieri's narrative poem Divine Comedy (in particular, the
first of three sections titled
Inferno) with its imaginative view of the afterlife including
a descent into the underworlds of hell and purgatory:
- the story opened in the small town Gainesville,
Florida where young defense lawyer Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves) lived
with his wife Mary Ann Lomax (Charlize Theron); the undefeated
attorney was involved in a particularly difficult trial - the
case of charges of child molestation against a HS math teacher;
a short recess was called after the Prosecutor in the case had
just questioned the young victim Barbara (Heather Matarazzo), who
testified that her teacher Lloyd Gettys (Chris Bauer) had touched
her under her blouse and skirt; Lomax was extremely worried that
he was about to lose the first case in his career
- Kevin returned to the courtroom and established
through harsh questioning that Barbara didn't like her math teacher
(and was doing poorly in his class), had often exhibited bad behavior,
had written a note calling Gettys a "huge hog beast," and had pressured
her friends to falsely claim that Gettys had also hurt them; as
a result of Lomax's defense, he was able to "squeeze a man like
Gettys through the door of reasonable doubt"
- (SPOILER): During a fantastic day-dream or fantasy,
Kevin was envisioning his future and what would possibly happen
after conducting a very severe cross-examination to discredit the
young victim, even though he knew that his client, child-molester
Lloyd Gettys was indeed guilty; in other words, Kevin chose to
join in the corrupted service of Satan by freeing his client, resulting
in many unforseen consequences for his actions
- Kevin found himself recruited to come to NYC
by a representative of New York law firm, lawyer Leamon Heath (Ruben
Santiago-Hudson); he was tested by the very powerful, multi-national
NYC law firm to assist in jury selection; while
in NY, Kevin learned that as a result
of his courtroom questioning, the verdict came back that Gettys
was "not
guilty" in only 38 minutes
- high-above New York City on a rooftop, the treacherous
senior board member and head of the firm John Milton (Al Pacino)
- (deliberately named to imply "Paradise Lost") was
impressed with Lomax's assistance in jury selection, and negotiated
to offer the aspiring Florida defense attorney fame
and fortune; Milton revealed his perversely-seductive nature by
appealing to Lomax's vanity with offers of wealth, power, fame,
and sex
- Lomax accepted an offer of a high-paying job and
the couple moved to Manhattan, where Lomax began a busy schedule
of work, while Mary Ann was left at home by herself; they didn't
realize that their lives had been totally altered
- Lomax met
some of the other lawyers in the firm, including pretty and attractive
red-headed co-worker Christabella Andreoli (Connie Nielsen); Lomax
found himself entering
into the perversely seductive tutelage and corrupted service of
the diabolical John Milton - had he figuratively sold his soul
to the devil?
- Lomax proved himself by winning his first case -
defending voodoo practitioner Phillipe Moyez (Delroy Lindo) -
on trial for sacrificing a goat; his next proposed,
high-profile case was to defend billionaire businessman Alexander
Cullen (Craig T. Nelson) accused of murdering his wife, her stepson,
and the maid
- with Lomax away and hard at work on the Cullen case,
Mary Ann's increasing isolation caused her distress; her mind became
troubled during a shopping trip with two other lawyer's wives:
Jackie (Tamara Tunie) (wife of Leamon Heath), and Diana (Pamela
Gray) (wife of Managing Director Eddie Barzoon (Jeffrey Jones));
she imagined in a brief vision that Jackie's face had turned demonic
The Hallucinatory Love Scene with Mary Ann (Charlize
Theron) and Christabella (Connie Nielsen)
- to console Mary Ann for being away from her for
long periods of time, Kevin suggested that they should have children;
in a very hallucinatory sequence during love-making with his wife,
Kevin fantasized that he was also having sex with Christabella
- Kevin's fundamentalist mother Alice (Judith Ivey)
met Milton during a visit, and had a disturbing conversation with
Kevin's boss; it seemed that she had possibly known Milton from
an earlier encounter in New York decades earlier [Note: Her sole
act of intercourse in her entire life produced Kevin!]; upset by
her discussion, Alice urged Kevin and Mary Ann to escape NY ("Babylon")
and return home to Florida; at the same time, the very isolated
and desperate Mary Ann was having nightmarish dreams about a baby
playing with her removed ovaries, and the next day was diagnosed
by a doctor as infertile; fearful, Mary Ann vainly begged Kevin
to go back to Gainesville
- Eddie Barzoon,
who felt threatened by Kevin's fast ascendancy in the law firm, was
found beaten to death in Central Park by ghostly homeless vagrants
who appeared as demons
- in the Alex Cullen murder case, Kevin accepted the
false testimony of Cullen's secretary Melissa Black (Laura Harrington)
who had a perjured alibi that she was
having sex with Cullen on the night of his wife's murder, and Cullen
was acquitted
- after the secretary's testimony cleared Cullen,
Lomax discovered Mary Ann in a local church covered by a blanket,
claiming that Milton, who had earlier flirted with her, was having
sex with her - and then forcefully raped her (Milton "made me do
it"); Lomax was disbelieving since Milton had a solid alibi - he
had been in court with him, and he took Milton's side against his
wife; to prove her story, Mary Ann lowered her blanket to show
cuts, bruises and scratches all over her body; fearful that Mary
Ann was inflicting self-harm and injury, Kevin admitted Mary Ann
to a mental institution
- the film's major turning point came at Eddie Barzoon's
funeral when Kevin noticed that Alexander Cullen was stroking his
14 year-old stepdaughter Alessandra Cullen's (Monica Keena) skin
- and suddenly imagined Cullen as the child-molesting HS teacher
Gettys who he was defending in his case in Florida; Kevin was
also urgently notified by US Justice Dept. agent Mitch Weaver (Vyto
Ruginis) that Milton's worldwide firm was corrupt (involved in
arms brokering, chemical weapons and toxic waste, money laundering
- "Milton is into everything"), and that Barzoon - now dead - was
about to testify against Milton; he added that released pedophile
Gettys was under arrest for another underage crime - this time
a homicide of a 10 year-old girl found in the trunk of his car;
immediately after, Weaver
was conveniently struck and killed by a car in Lomax's view, as Milton
at Barzoon's funeral service dipped his fingers into
baptismal holy water causing the liquid to boil, with his hysterical
laugh in curtains of flames
- in the next startling scene set in the mental
institution, the mentally-ill Mary Ann envisioned her case manager
Pam Garrety (Debra Monk) as a demon; she barricaded herself in
her room and suicidally slit her throat as Kevin tried to break
into her room to prevent her from hurting herself
- Kevin confronted Milton in his law office, who
confessed that he had raped Mary Ann; Lomax attempted to shoot
and kill Milton with gun shots, but he was invincible - due to
being Satan himself; he also revealed that he was Lomax's father
("Call me Dad"); Milton reminded Kevin that everything
he had done was of his own free-will choices ("Stop deluding
yourself") - he was too busy and had neglected Mary Ann, causing
her to be attracted to Milton and ultimately commit suicide, and
he had defended the guilty teacher Gettys; Lomax reluctantly admitted
that Milton was right
- Milton delivered a
climactic, fiery monologue in which he called God an "absentee
and revealed himself as the charismatic, evil Satan himself: ("...Well,
I tell ya, let me give you a little inside information about God.
God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man
instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does
He do? I swear, for His own amusement, His own private cosmic gag reel,
He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look, but
don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Aha ha ha.
And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is He doin'?
He's laughin' His sick, f--kin' ass off. He's a tight-ass. He's a sadist.
He's an absentee landlord. Worship that? Never!"); Lomax asked: "'Better
to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven'", is that it?"
- Milton added that he was a humanist through and
through, and had been on man's side (as opposed to the absent God),
and had made the 20th century his own century:
"Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the
whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man's been inspired
to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why?
Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections,
I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who, in
their right mind, Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century
was entirely mine? All of it, Kevin! All of it. Mine. I'm peakin'.
It's my time now. It's our time."
- as the wall sculpture mural with
naked figures came to life behind him, the charismatic, evil Milton
further seduced and tempted Lomax with Kevin's half-sister Christabella,
to have sex with her and offering him the possibility of fathering
the Anti-Christ; while referring to his own 'free will' to make the
- in response to Milton's offer of "Everything,
anything...How about bliss for starters, instant bliss, bliss on
tap, bliss any way you want it," Lomax began kissing the nude Christabella,
but then asked "What about love?"; Milton interjected: "Overrated.
Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate"
and urged:
("It's time to step up and take what's yours")

Attorney Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves) Committing
Suicide - An Awakening!

Satanic John Milton Shrieking Hysterically: "No!"
- instead, Lomax voluntarily committed suicide by
shooting himself in the head, citing his use of "free will." In
reaction, Milton shrieked hysterically "No!" and
due to his hot volcanic rage, he and the wall mural burst into
raging flames while a
naked Christabella age-withered and died, and Milton was converted
into angelic form resembling Lomax
Christabella Age-Withering and Dying in Milton's
Hot Rage
- after this climactic series of events, in the first
of two major plot twists, Lomax was brought back to reality, and
returned to the Gettys case courtroom during a recess period; Mary
Ann was still alive, and everything previously viewed was Kevin's
fears of his future if he defended a known pedophile
- in the Florida courtroom, Lomax announced
(as part of doing "the right thing")
that he would no longer represent his guilty client and cross-examine
the witness - thus threatening his own disbarment
- during the final curtain-closing
meeting between Lomax and press newsman Larry (Neal Jones), the reporter
summed up his high-profile offer of a sensational media story about
Lomax's turn-about - bringing fame and stardom: "A
lawyer with a crisis of conscience?...It's huge!...You've gotta give
me an exclusive. This is wire service. This is 60 Minutes!
This is a story that needs to be told. It's you! You're a star!"
"Vanity - definitely my favorite sin!"
- and then after acquiring acceptance of his deal
from Kevin (and Mary Ann), the press-man morphed into Milton, a
second major plot twist, and gloated with a devilish grin: "Vanity
- definitely my favorite sin!" - insinuating that the Devil
would continue to intervene in the Lomax's lives; he then dissolved
into flames as The Rolling Stones' Paint It, Black played

Defense Attorney Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves) During Harsh Questioning
in Florida Courtroom
John Milton (Al Pacino) and His Rooftop Persuasion of
Kevin Lomax to Join NYC Law Firm

During Shopping Trip, Mary Ann's Momentary Flash of Jackie's Demonic Face

Kevin's Wife Mary Ann (Charlize Theron) in Church After
Alleged Rape by Milton - With Bruises as Proof
Milton's Fingers Made Baptismal Water Boil at Eddie Barzoon's
Church Funeral
Mary Ann's Suicide in a Mental Institution - She Slit Her
Own Throat

Milton In Front of Wall Sculpture Mural Confronted by Lomax with Gun
Milton's Over-the-Top Rant and Denunciation of God

Lomax Tempted by Milton's Nude Half-Sister Christabella
to Conceive the Anti-Christ

The Wall Mural and Milton Bursting into Flames
Milton Converted Into Angelic Form Resembling