Diamonds of the Night (1964, Czech.)
(Démanty Noci)
In Czechoslovakian New Wave director Jan Nemec's uncompromising,
stark, and expressionistic, nightmarish war drama with very little
dialogue - his feature film debut - an hour-long, minimalist, compelling
experimental work (with many hand-held camera shots) about the Holocaust:
- the opening B/W sequence of the tense and desperate
escape from a train by two exhausted, teenaged Jewish-Czech boys:
thin, tall and injured 1st Boy (Ladislav Jansky), and younger,
dark-haired 2nd Boy (Antonin Kumbera) while being transported in
Dachau from one concentration death camp to another; with extreme
close-ups of their faces and hands as they breathed heavily, scrambled
and struggled to run up a hill in one lengthy, continuous and uninterrupted
shot, with the sounds of Nazi-Germans behind them crying out:
"Halt!", with gunfire and screeching train brakes
- their fugitive status for a few days in the woods
(they wore jackets emblazoned with KL (Konzentration Lager/Concentration
Camp)), where they faced severe conditions of survival (overcoming
starvation, the elements, lack of shelter, injuries, complete fatigue)
- the frequent interruptions by a series of elliptical,
non-linear, baffling and surreal flash-cuts or flashbacks, dream-fantasies
and fragmented memories, including an image of ants swarming on a
hand and in one of the boy’s eye sockets (in homage to Luis
Bunuel's sequences in Un Chien Andalou (1929))
- the depiction of one of the boy's internal streams
of consciousness -- the struggles in his mind when confronting a
stern-looking, wary village woman in her farmhouse - he experienced
delusional fantasies of violence and sex (should he assault the woman,
knock her out to silence her, rape her, and steal food - or trust
her and accept an offer of food?); in the end, the two boys accepted
pieces of dried bread and milk, but it caused their sore gums and
mouths to bleed
Delusional Fantasies of Violence and Sex With
Village Woman
- their recapture by a group of senile, elderly, motley
group of armed German peasant-hunters or local militia, and their
sentencing by a village official to be shot by a firing squad for
stealing bread, while the old men - the boys' captors - celebrated
by noisily drinking, carousing, eating and dancing
- and the film's ambiguous, open-ended double-conclusion
- were the boys shot in the back as they walked away from the firing
squad, or did they escape back into the black forest? (Didn't the
audience hear the shots that killed them, and see their corpses lying
in the dirt?)
Shot in the Back? or Did The Boys Escape?
Escaping From a Concentration Camp Train
Struggling to Survive
Swarming Ants
KL Jackets

The Boys Recaptured by Local Militia