Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)
In John Ford's historical action-adventure film and
epic-historical drama was based upon Walter D. Edmonds' 1936 novel.
It was his first film in Technicolor and his sole film set in colonial
America. It was about pioneer settlers in NY's Mohawk Valley during
the pre-Revolutionary War era between 1776-1781 - with exciting battle
- the film beautifully highlighted
the harshness of survival amongst recurring attacks by savage Indians,
the British, and the Loyalist Torys in the Mohawk Valley wilderness
of upstate colonial New York
- in the opening scene set in July of 1776, Lana "Magdelana" Borst
(Claudette Colbert), a young, frightened, cultured and well-bred
bride from the Eastern city of Albany, NY, was wed to her
loving husband Gilbert "Gil" Martin (Henry Fonda) in
her home; on their honeymoon, they immediately traveled to a
cabin built by Gil in central/upstate NY's Mohawk Valley, in the
town of Deerfield, to join other settlers
on the frontier; unfortunately the area was being plagued
by Indian attacks; on the way, they spoke to a menacing, eye-patched
local Tory named Caldwell (John Carradine), who was allied with
a force of Mohawk Indians
- during her first night in her new home, Lana was
startled and shocked by the appearance of friendly Indian brave
Blue Back (Chief John Big Tree), a Christian convert; when she
became crazed and hysterical and cried out: "He'll murder us!",
Gil had to slap her to restore her to her senses: ("You've
gotta get a hold of yourself"); Lana expressed upset with
the primitive conditions and threatened to return home: "I can't
stand it! Mother was right. I'm no frontier woman. I had no idea
it was like this"; Gil affirmed: "You're
gonna stay right here and do as I say from now on. You're gonna
get over this foolishness and stop being scared" - and then he
apologized; Blue Back recommended that Gil keep a switch above the fireplace - handy
if he needed to further keep her in line: ("Lick her good! Make
fine woman"); at first, the harsh life proved to be a difficult
adjustment for Lana

Gil to Lana (after slapping her): "You've gotta
get a hold of yourself"

Blue Back (Chief John Big Tree)

Lana - Recovered From Her Crazed Hysteria
- at the fort in the nearby settlement of German Flats,
the Martins met other local residents; the
locals had formed a militia to be trained to protect themselves;
Gilbert was enlisted in the community militia under
General Herkimer (Roger Imhof) at a time when the struggle
for independence from England was turning into "a real war"
- later as the Martins cleared their farm land with
other settlers, warnings came from Blue Back that a native war-party
of marauding Seneca Indians, led by Caldwell,
were on the "warpath" and threatening to attack; to seek
refuge as the Indians burned their cabin and haystacks, they fled
to the nearby fort; the pregnant Lana was taken frantically to
the fort in a large wagon, where she fainted and miscarried
her first child
- with their home and crops destroyed, Gil and Lana
commiserated with each other when they returned and surveyed the
ruins: (Gil: "It doesn't seem possible people can work as hard
as we did, Lana - for nothin'" Lana: "We can build it back again,
Gil"); Gil spoke about how he shouldn't have let her come in the
first place: "This is no place for you. It's no place for any woman"
- with the cold
winter approaching, the Martins were fortunate to be hired by feisty elderly widow and stubborn frontier matriarch Sarah McKlennar
(Edna May Oliver); her hired man had just drunkenly run off; they
replaced him as paid live-in servants and farm workers at her home,
to make a new start in life; she bluntly told them: "I've got a long
face and I poke it where I please"
- it was soon announced during a Sunday service by
the community's stern Reverend Rosenkrantz (Arthur Shields) that
another attack of Torys (British soldiers) and "savage" Indians
was imminent, so Gilbert was pressured to report the following
morning for duty to General Herkimer; standing on a hilltop during
an impressively-filmed sequence, Lana watched as a column of troops
(with her husband among them), marched off into the distance to
be readied for battle, to the tune of "Yankee
Doodle" played on fife and drum; she collapsed onto the ground as the sequence ended
Gil Marching Off with the Militia - Lana Watched
Their Departure
- Gilbert and the local group of militia defended
against the attack, but were ambushed and many men perished; General
Herkimer suffered a serious leg injury and later died of blood loss
during a botched amputation operation; Gilbert was wounded - he
returned home delirious, but was able to deliver a step-by-step,
detailed account of the Battle of Oriskany (in August of 1777)
to Lana; he ended his account with joy over their victory: "Out
of 600 of us, about 240 were still alive, but we'd won. We licked
'em....We showed 'em they couldn't take this valley"
- now pregnant a second time, Lana was overjoyed when
she gave birth to a son during a long period of peace
- however, the Indians regrouped and made
another major attack; elderly widow Sarah refused to leave her
bed in her home during the assault and seek shelter in the fort;
she reprimanded two Indian warriors: "What do you mean coming
in my house?";
she persuaded them to carry her, in her bed, out
of her bedroom before setting it ablaze ("I won't move a step
without my bed...Stop that! Shame on you. Get this bed out of here
quick...I'm not leaving this house. I've lived in it all my life");
as her house burned down around her, Gil had to forcibly pick her
up and evacuate her
Sarah McKlennar Reprimanding Indians To Save
Her Bed During Attack
- the
settlers were again forced to seek refuge in nearby Fort Herkimer
at German Flats where the women valiantly fought side-by-side with
the men; one of the casualties of the skirmish was Mrs. McKlennar;
as she died (from a fatal arrow wound in the chest), she bequeathed
her farm and some gold pieces to the Martins: ("I want you and
Gil to have my place - everything. You've been like my own flesh
and blood")

Sarah Lethally Shot in Chest by Arrow

Sarah Bequeathing Her Place and Money to the Martins
- in the stirring finale during
the siege of the fort, ammunition supplies ran out, and Gil offered
to go for regular army reinforcements; he took the place of Joe
Boleo (Francis Ford), who had been captured during his attempt to
reach nearby Fort Dayton; everyone watched from the fort as
he was about to be burned alive; the Reverend regretfully shot him as a mercy kill
- Gil described how he could
outrun the Indians: ("If I can make the woods, I can outrun 'em....If
I can get in the clear, there isn't an Indian living that can catch
me"); he was given
permission to take a chance by his trusting wife Lana: "I'm
not afraid, I want you to go"; Gil outran three Mohawk Indians
in hot pursuit for miles while racing for help (with just a hand
axe) from nearby Fort Dayton; he saved the besieged fort at the last
possible moment as the attackers were "over the wall", when he arrived
with troops to defeat the Indians, and restore peace to the valley
- the drama ended with Gil's reunion with his exhausted
but relieved wife (and young son); they could now peacefully live
on the farm given to them by the deceased Mrs. McKlennar; it had
just been announced that British General Cornwallis had surrendered
at Yorktown in 1781 to French and American troops (led by George
Washington) in the last week
- a new American flag (with 13 stripes and 13 stars)
was raised at the fort, to the tune of "America, My Country
Tis of Thee"; Gil told Lana before they departed: "Well, I reckon
we better be gettin' back to work. There's gonna be a heap to do
from now on"

Marriage of Lana Borst to Gil Martin in Albany, NY

Traveling to Gil's Rustic Cabin in Mohawk Valley

Eye-Patched Tory, Caldwell (John Carradine)

Gil and Lana Working on Their Own Farm - Gathering Hay

Their Cabin and Hay Burned Down by Caldwell and Mohawk Indians

Widowed Sarah McKlennar (Edna May Oliver) - Hiring the Martins

Reverend Rosenkrantz (Arthur Shields)

Gil's Delirious Account of the Battle of Oriskany

Lana's Birth of a Son

Mercy-Kill of Joe Boleo (Francis Ford) Before He Was Burned Alive

Gil Martin's Foot-Race to Seek Reinforcements
Reunion: Gil with Lana

The New American Flag