Easy Rider
In actor/director Dennis Hopper's debut film and independent
classic road film, it was accompanied by a pulsating soundtrack
of 60s acid-rock 'n' roll reinforcing
or commenting on the film's themes; the generation-defining, youth-oriented,
counter-cultural film was a late 1960s tale of a search for freedom
(or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt America,
in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence; the story contained
sex, drugs, casual violence, and served as a sacrificial tale (with
a shocking, unhappy ending):
- in the opening of the story, two countercultural
hippies Billy (Dennis Hopper) and Wyatt/Captain America (Peter
Fonda) (a reference to Wyatt Earp and Billy the Kid) successfully
scored a cocaine deal in Mexico; Wyatt wore a black leather outfit
adorned with an American flag while Billy wore a bush hat and buckskin
clothing; they rode high-handled motorcycle choppers to Los Angeles
to sell the drugs to their Rolls-Royce driving "Connection" (Phil
Spector); the drug deal was finalized to the tune of Steppenwolf's "The
Pusher" as the rolled-up cash was then
concealed in a plastic tube in Wyatt's tear-drop shaped gas tank

Wyatt/Captain America (Peter Fonda)

Billy (Dennis Hopper)
- as they took to the open road on their motorcycles,
crossed the Colorado River and passed through unspoiled buttes and
sand-colored deserts, the credits began to scroll, accompanied by
the sound of the popular song by Steppenwolf: "Born To Be Wild";
they began a cross-country eastward trek from Los Angeles to New
Orleans to attend Mardi Gras; due to discrimination from motel owners,
they were forced to camp out each night in the outdoors
- during a brief stop for a meal with a horse
rancher (Warren Finnerty), Captain America was
very complimentary about his way of life: ("It's not every man
that can live off the land, you know. You do your own thing in
your own time. You should be proud"); soon,
they were on their way again through a wooded, mountainous area,
while The Byrds' "Wasn't Born to Follow" played on the soundtrack

Stranger on Highway (Luke Askew)

Prayer at Commune's Mealtime With 360 Degree Scar

Skinny-Dipping at Local Hot Springs
- they picked up an evasive hitchhiker,
credited as Stranger on Highway (Luke Askew) and took him to a
New Mexico commune, where they stayed for a day; the entire commune
was entertained by a traveling, singing and acting mime troupe
(Gorilla Theatre); at mealtime, there
was a 360 degree scan view of the entire group holding hands and
saying a blessing for a meal and praying for a good crop harvest
- as the two bikers departed, they were joined by some "free love" females
Sarah (Sabrina Scharf) and Lisa (Luana Anders) for skinny-dipping
at a local hot springs; briefly back at the commune, the
hitchhiker offered them a tab of LSD: ("When you get to the right
place, with the right people, quarter this. You know, this could
be the right place. The time's running out")
- the riders was arrested for joining in a parade without
a permit on Main Street and jailed in the small town of Las Vegas,
NM, where they met up with drunken ACLU civil rights lawyer George
Hanson (Jack Nicholson) in jail; they were released and outside while
looking at their "super-machines," George
toasted the day with a bottle of Jim Beam, accompanied by his
elbow flapping on his side like a chicken: "Here's
to the first of the day, fellas. To ol' D. H. Lawrence. Nik-nik-nik-f-f-f-Indians!"
- George was invited to join them on their two-to-three day trek to New Orleans; he claimed
he had always wanted to visit a famous whorehouse there printed
on a business card: "The governor of Louisiana gave me this. Madame
Tinkertoy's House of Blue Lights, corner of Bourbon and Toulouse,
New Orleans, Louisiana. Now, this is supposed to be the finest
whorehouse in the south. These ain't no pork chops! These are U.S.
With ACLU Lawyer George Hanson
- Captain America questioned George: "You
got a helmet?" - and George responded: "Oh, oh, I've
got a helmet. I got a beauty!" - next was the priceless image
of George grinning and wearing a football helmet as he rode
on the back of Captain America's high-handled motorcycle (to the
tune of "If You Want to Be A Bird"), sat up, and spread
his arms as wings
George's First Sampling of Marijuana
George's Crackpot Theory About Alien Venutians
- at an outdoor campfire as they bedded down for
the night, George reluctantly sampled his first taste of marijuana
and asked: "You - you mean marijuana. Lord have mercy, is that what that is? Well,
let me see that," and then displayed paranoia when he presented his lengthy, crackpot,
'stoned' theories about extra-terrestrial UFOs and alien Venutians
on Earth and freedom: ("They've been coming here
ever since 1946 - when the scientists first started bouncin' radar
beams off of the moon. And they have been livin' and workin' among
us in vast quantities ever since. The government knows all about
'em...Well, they are people, just like us - from within our own
solar system. Except that their society is more highly evolved.
I mean, they don't have no wars, they got no monetary system, they
don't have any leaders, because, I mean, each man is a leader.
I mean, each man - because of their technology, they are able to
feed, clothe, house, and transport themselves equally - and with
no effort...Why don't they reveal themselves to us is because if
they did, it would cause a general panic. Now, I mean, we still
have leaders upon whom we rely for the release of this information.
These leaders have decided to repress this information because
of the tremendous shock that it would cause to our antiquated systems.
Now, the result of this has been that the Venutians have contacted
people in all walks of life - all walks of life. [laughs] Yes.
It-it-it would be a devastatin' blow to our antiquated systems
- so now the Venutians are meeting with people in all walks of
life - in an advisory capacity. For once, man will have a god-like
control over his own destiny. He will have a chance to transcend
and to evolve with some equality for all")
- at a local cafe/diner in rural Louisiana, the shunned
hippie group, immediately considered as troublemakers, witnessed "country
witticisms" from good ol' boys, including both racist and homophobic slurs
- during George's last campfire scene outside of town,
he spoke about the film's prophetic theme - their threat to the
Establishment and to Americans who were hypocritical about life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ("You know, this used to
be a helluva good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong
with it...They're scared of what you represent to 'em...What you
represent to them is freedom")
- after they settled down in their sleeping bags,
unidentified men [presumably the men from the cafe] ambushed and
attacked them and beat them with baseball bats in the dark; Billy
and Wyatt were both bloodied and bruised, but Billy was able to
scare them off with a switchblade; however, George had
been clubbed to death in the head
- once they arrived in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, they
had sex in a New Orleans bordello recommended by George with a
group of four hookers, and a psychedelic LSD trip in a nearby graveyard
with two other prostitutes: Karen (Karen Black) and Mary (Toni
Basil); they frolicked throughout the crypts, but ultimately they shared a sour, bad trip together
- during their final campfire scene as they again set
off eastward toward Florida, although Billy was ecstatic about their
trip: "Hey, man! We've done it! We've done it! We're rich, Wyatt.
Yeah, man. Yeah. Say, we did it, man. We did it! We did it. We're
rich, man! We're retirin' in Florida now, mister," Wyatt disagreed: "You
know Billy, we blew it"
The Deaths of Billy and Wyatt
- the ending of the film was
remarkably and unexpectedly bleak, brutal, cynical and fatalistic;
Middle America's hatred for the long-haired cyclists was shown
in the film's famous ending; on one of the last stretches of roadside
where American industry had not yet sprawled, two armed Southern
rednecks (David C. Billodeau and Johnny David) in a small pickup
truck thought they'd have some fun with the two hippie bikers (Arnold: "We'll
scare the hell out of 'em"); when he
pointed a shotgun at Billy, and remarked: "Do ya want me to blow
your brains out?", the long-hair obscenely and rebelliously gestured
with his 'finger'; Arnold then taunted: "Why don't you get a haircut?" and
a sudden shot-gun blasted Billy in the stomach and he was mortally
wounded; his bike rolled and skidded down the road
- Captain America-Wyatt stopped and turned
back toward Billy to help his dying friend, but when he saw
how injured Billy was on the side of the road, he then pursued
the truck - which had stopped and reversed itself further down
the road and was driving toward him - gunfire again blasted through the window and suddenly,
Wyatt's American flag-decorated bike exploded
in flames (metaphorically?) (after a brief flash of red) when his
gas tank was shot, but his body didn't appear in the wreckage of
the bike that went sailing through the air
- the film ended with a pull-back shot of the camera rising high into the sky to view
the flaming bike wreckage

Drug "Connection" (Phil Spector)

The Start of the Their Eastward Journey to Mardi Gras
("Born to be Wild")

First of Many Campfire Scenes

Horse Rancher (Warren Finnerty)

Arrested in Small Town For Participating in a Parade

Jailed with ACLU Lawyer George Hanson (Jack Nicholson)

Toasting Jail Release with a Bottle
of Jim Beam: "Nik-nik-nik-f-f-f"
George's Last Campfire Discussion About Freedom

Billy with Prostitute Karen (Karen Black)

Foursome Taking LSD Before Entering New Orleans Cemetery

Wyatt Hallucinating on LSD in Graveyard
Wyatt: "You know Billy, we blew it"

The Last Two Helicopter Images of Bike Wreckage