Russia With Love (1963)
In Terence Young's second Bond film (with Sean Connery
as James Bond) - including all of the requisite Agent 007 Bond film
elements, including the opening credits sequence:
- the first view of evil, menacing SPECTRE No. 1 villain
Ernst Stavro Blofeld (uncredited Anthony Dawson) - only his hands,
in close-up seen petting a white Persian cat
- the character of this film's pretty Bond girl --
Soviet defector/double agent Tatiana Romanova (Daniela Bianchi -
Italy's 1960 Miss Universe runner-up); later, she would nakedly await
Bond in bed in his hotel suite, with a close-up of her red lips -
and wearing only a sexy black velvet choker
- the menacing figure of ex-KGB agent/assassin Rosa
Klebb (SPECTRE # 3) (Lotte Lenya) with a poisonous toe-spiked shoe
- the gypsy cat-fight between two jealous women: Zora
(Martine Beswick) in green, and Vida (Aliza Gur) in red, who were
both interested in the same man - son of gypsy chief Vavra (Francis
de Wolff)
- the amazingly-edited, prolonged, vicious and choreographed
train fight scene in the film's climax in a tiny sleeper compartment
aboard the Orient Express train between Bond and ruthlessly-evil
SPECTRE assassin Donald "Red" Grant (Robert Shaw); after Grant tried to strangle
Bond with his garrote wire from his wrist-watch, Bond stabbed Grant
in the shoulder with his flat throwing knife, and then strangled him
with his own garrote
- the death-defying chase between Bond and an enemy
helicopter (throwing hand-grenades), in which Bond (with his rifle)
caused the helicopter to explode and crash, killing its two occupants

Bond vs. "Red" Grant
with a Garrote

Enemy Helicopter Crash

Death of Kelbb
- the ending, marked by the death of Klebb (disguised
as a Venice hotel maid) who first kicked and threatened Bond with
her poisoned toe-spike, but Bond pinned her to the wall with a
chair, and Tania shot the "horrible woman" dead - as
Bond quipped: "She's had her kicks"
- and the final image of Bond sailing away with Tania
while relaxing on a Venetian water-taxi gondola in a canal
Opening Credits
Bond Villain: Ernst Stavro Blofeld, SPECTRE No. 1
(uncredited Anthony Dawson)
Catfight: Zora vs. Vida
Bond Girl: Tatiana Romanova (Daniela Bianchi)
Ending Clinch on Venetian Canal Gondola