Guys and Dolls (1955)
In Samuel Goldwyn's production (directed by Joseph
L. Mankiewicz), the crime-related musical was developed from a 1933
short story titled "The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown" by
writer Damon Runyon about a NY sharpster and a missionary girl, and
was released by MGM in the mid-50s. It was the big screen version
of the story adapted from the long-running 1950 Broadway musical
play, and featured marvelous Michael Kidd-choreography. Gene
Kelly was supposed to play the main male role, but MGM refused to
loan him to Goldwyn Studios. It was the 5th highest-grossing film of
1955 at $6.8 million.
- the opening scene was set
in bustling NYC's Times Square (in the Depression Era) with tourists,
street vendors, bobby-sox wearing teenaged girls and other street
hustlers, drunks, and gamblers; a threesome of small-time betters Nicely-Nicely
Johnson (Stubby Kaye), Benny Southstreet (Johnny Silver) and Rusty
Charlie (Danny Dayton) with scratch-sheets sang the opening number "Fugue
for Tinhorns," as they shared tips
on betting for three front-running horses just before race time:
("I got a horse right here / His name is Paul Revere...")
- at the same time on another street, Salvation Army-like missionary Sgt./Sister
Sarah Brown (Jean Simmons) was singing "Follow the Fold" with
her "Save A Soul" mission band - she was delivering an anti-gambling
sermon to bystanders in an apathetic crowd who ignored her invitation
to attend her Thursday night prayer meeting to repent:
("Follow the fold And stray no more... Put down the bottle
And we'll say no more"); the sanctimonious lady then preached
about the unhappiness of the lives of most people involved with
rampant drinking and gambling: ("You who drink too much, you
who gamble at cards and dice and horse racing...in gambling dens
and bookie joints")
- in the next scene, Harry the Horse (Sheldon Leonard)
was looking for the location of Nathan Detroit's most recent Big
Crap Game; he briefly met up with Nicely-Nicely and Benny, and claimed he had a $5,000 reward (for
turning in his own father) and was interested in gambling it away
in Detroit's crap game: (Nicely-Nicely: "There's a lot of loose
money around now and everybody's looking for some action")
- in the main story, Broadway denizen and financially-challenged gambler
Nathan Detroit (Frank Sinatra) was known for organizing and running "The
Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game" in New York; Nathan
was struggling to find a new venue or location to run his
unlicensed, long-running, famous, high-stakes, illegal gambling crap
game that moved from location to location to avoid prosecution; he
was facing pressure and intense "heat" from
NYPD Lieutenant Brannigan (Robert Keith);
Nathan boasted about his career's expertise to his cohorts or partners
Benny and Nicely-Nicely: "I have been running the crap game since
I was a juvenile delinquent"; in a barber shop, Nathan sang with
his cohorts: "The Oldest Established (Permanent Floating Crap

Nathan Detroit (Frank Sinatra): "I have been running the
crap game since I was a juvenile delinquent"

Nathan With His Cohorts, Singing: "The Oldest Established (Permanent Floating
Crap Game)" in New York
- Nathan explained how he had been offered an opportunity
to stage his crap game at the Biltmore Garage by its owner Joey
Biltmore for a $1,000 cash advance and security deposit, but didn't
have the money; at the same time, Nathan's frustrated and wacky
girlfriend-fiancee (to whom he had been engaged for 14 years) -
star performer and singer at the Hot Box Club Miss Adelaide (Vivian
Blaine), was pressuring him to finally get married and elope, and
to quit his gambling enterprise and become a normal businessman;
because Nathan was broke, he couldn't even purchase an anniversary
gift for Miss Adelaide
- Nathan was hopeful when he heard that an old acquaintance
- slick, high-rolling, free-wheeling, big-city gambler Sky Masterson (a
slightly miscast Marlon Brando in his musical debut - who sang
with his own voice), was having a steak breakfast nearby at Mindy's
Restaurant, who often made "crazy bets" and could be tricked into
betting on almost anything
- at the restaurant, Nathan
first wagered $1,000 (the amount of the deposit he needed) with
Sky over whether more cheesecake or strudel had been sold by Mindy's
the day before, but Sky became suspicious and declined to take
the bet; then, after Sky claimed
that all women were alike: ("Figuring weight for age, all dolls are
the same....as far as the eye can see"), and boastfully claimed
he could convince any female to join him for a dinner date in Havana
the next day: ("If I wish to take a doll to Havana, the supply
is more than Woolworth's has got beads....There's only one class
- indivisible and interchangeable. A doll is a doll. All dolls,
any doll, you name her"), Nathan thought of another betting opportunity
- the Save-A-Soul Mission Band happened to be marching
by the front of the restaurant, prompting Nathan to tempt Sky
with a $1,000 dollar bet - that he couldn't successfully romance/seduce
Nathan's choice of any "doll" as his date in Havana; after
Sky accepted the bet, Nathan pointed out through the window an
unlikely doll as Sky's date - the prudish, virginal, ultra-religious
and straight Sister Sarah Brown from the Mission
- realizing that he
had made a risky "sucker bet" and had become a humiliated
"chump," Sky went to the mission to acquire the date, where he
told Sarah and her uncle Arvide Abernathy (Regis Toomey) that he
was a repentant but successful gambler and unhappy sinner who desperately
needed salvation: ("Do you take sinners here?"); Sarah became
very skeptical of his truthfulness and trustworthiness, in addition
to his dubious claims about Bible knowledge: ("I imagine
there's only one thing that's been in as many different hotel
rooms as I have: the Gideon Bible. Never tangle with me on the
Good Book. I must've read it through at least a dozen times")
- Sky accused her of failing in her spiritual mission:
"You are stuck with a store full of repentance and no customers.
And without sinners to repent, what is repentance? It doesn't exist.
So you're stuck with a store full of nothing"
- Sky proposed a trade (a "business transaction")
to help her out - he would give Sarah his marker (a written IOU
pledge or guarantee) that he could
recruit a dozen genuine sinners into her Broadway-branch Mission
two days later for her Thursday-midnight prayer meeting: ("I
am in a position to supply you with the raw material you need for
your work, namely sinners"); in exchange, she would agree
to have dinner with him the next night (Wednesday)
in his favorite restaurant (El Café Cabana which happened
to be in Havana)
- angered by his invitation, Sarah threatened to tear up his marker; he accused
her of being the one with improper "sinful thoughts" and of hating
all men, and then asked her to describe the man of her dreams; Sister
Sarah claimed that she was only attracted to "upright, downright,
forthright square(s)" (as he described them); they both shared
in the singing of "I'll Know" (about
the right partner coming along)
- afterwards, he grabbed
and kissed her; after a short delay, she slapped him hard across
the face; he responded: "Well, that makes it necessary for
me to drop back again. Matthew 5:39. Oh, don't bother looking it
up, it's the bit about the other cheek"; Sarah
declined Sky's persistent offer that
he would pick her up at noon the next day
- a confident Nathan phoned Joey Biltmore to assure
him that a bet of $1,000 with Sky Masterson was guaranteed to help
pay the deposit, but it would be a few days until he could acquire
the money; meanwhile at the Hot Box nightclub, Miss Adelaide was
performing ("A Bushel and a Peck") with a
group of chorus girls known as the Alley Kittens; in her dressing
room afterwards, she was still pressuring fiancee Nathan to get
married by announcing that her upcoming club's raise would allow
them to be financially stable; she also told him how her mother
in Rhode Island wrongly believed that they had been married for
many years, and had 5 children
- when Laverne (Veda Ann Borg), one of Miss Adelaide's
dancer-friends referred to Nathan's newest crap game, Adelaide
suspected that Nathan had been lying to her and had broken his promises;
she decided to break up with Nathan ("Get out of my life, Nathan
Detroit!"); she began to believe that she had developed a chronic, psychosomatic
cold due to their frustrating up-and-down relationship ("from
waiting around for that plain little band of gold") - in her dressing
room, she sang: "Adelaide's Lament"
- on the street, Sky was given a cold "brush-off"
by Sister Sarah with her mission's band; Nicely-Nicely
and Benny who had been observing, tried to give the encouraging
news to the recently-rejected Nathan, that he
would probably win his bet against Sky so that the crap game could
go on ("the thousand for Joey Biltmore is practically in your pocket")
- the title song - "Guys
and Dolls" - was sung by Nathan with his two cohorts while
walking down the street, about how "guys" all over the world
often fell in love with
"dolls": ("The guy's only doin' it For some doll");
Nathan confessed that he was the most recent, weakened victim by a
female: "Love is the thing that has licked them And it looks like
I'm just another victim"
- when Sky arrived to pick up Sister Sarah the next
day, he met General Matilda Cartwright (Kathryn Givney), her stern regional director from Boston,
who was threatening to shut down her mostly-unattended
branch that wasn't attracting enough sinners; after Sky protested
the closing of the mission for at least 36 hours, Sarah reversed
herself and changed her mind, and she gladly accepted Sky's offer
for a date, and promised to guarantee that there would be at least
12 genuine sinners in her mission the following evening; the General
said she would postpone her decision if there was "a chance of
finding definite progress and a sizable turnout"
- meanwhile, gamblers were assembling in town in anticipation
of Nathan's big crap game, but Nathan was still uncertain
whether he had won or lost his bet with Sky, and had not yet secured
a location; he feared that he would be
destined to marry Adelaide, change his ways and go straight; he
reluctantly agreed to elopement-marriage ("OK, deal me in")
and sang "Adelaide": ("Ever-Iovin'
Adelaide Is takin' a chance on me Takin' a chance I'll be respectable
and nice Give up cards and dice And go for shoes and rice")
- after flying from New York to Havana, Cuba for
their date, at Racardo's outdoor cafe, Sky ordered
several milk drinks for her (potently spiked with Bacardi rum -
ordered by Sky as "Dulce de Leche") to
loosen up the prim, prudish, and proper Sarah: (she joked: "That
Bacardi flavor, it certainly makes a difference, doesn't it?...This
would be a wonderful way to get children to drink milk")

Ordering "Bacardi" Milk Drinks

Sarah On a Personal Salvation Mission to Be With Sky

Surrendering To a Kiss With Sky
- after several drinks, an aroused Sister
Sarah came closer and closer to his lips before an intimate
kiss -- telling the "full time sinner" that she wanted
to be with him as a "full-time job"; he asked: "A one-woman mission
for the personal salvation of me?" - she promised him that he wouldn't
be fighting sin alone anymore because she was on a mission to faithfully
be with him: "I'm gonna be with you...Day and night, night and day....Whatever you
do, wherever you go...I wanna be with you...anytime, anywhere..."
- in the noisy restaurant over dinner, as mambo
music played and couples danced, Sky was
seductively tempted by a red-dressed Cuban dancer to join with
her on the mambo dance floor; the jealous
Sarah instigated a vicious fist-fighting and destructive chair-throwing
brawl with her and other locals until it was broken up by the police
Sarah with Sky: "If I Were a Bell"
- after the brawl ended, Sarah sobered up next to
a pool of water near a church bell that was ringing in a courtyard;
she openly revealed her feelings of happiness and love for him
as she sang: "If I Were a Bell": ("Ask me
how to describe This whole beautiful
thing Well, if I were a bell I'd go ding-dong-ding-dong..."); she
fell into his arms for embraces and a kiss as the song ended;
feeling guilty for having enticed her to accept a date motivated
by a crude wager, Sky admitted his deception (and partially revealed
he was also in love with her); she thought he was "mixed-up," and
responded that she wouldn't have met him otherwise: "Why not? You're
a gambler. And darling, you are also a chump"
- once they returned to New York by plane at dawn,
they took a taxi to Times Square and walked to the front of the
Save-A-Soul Mission, where Sky and Sarah sang a duet together
"A Woman in Love" about their newfound, reciprocal love: ("Your
eyes are the eyes Of a woman in love And, oh, how they give you
away...Your eyes are the eyes Of a man who's in love"); they were
unaware that Nathan was using the empty Save-A-Soul mission for
another one of his crap games
- sirens blared as Lt. Brannigan
was about to raid the mission that was filled with
dozens of gamblers, who were warned by Nicely-Nicely
just in time to evade the police;
Sarah was accused by Brannigan of arranging for the gamblers to be
there in her absence; she inaccurately but suspiciously blamed Sky
for using her and arranging the crap game, and although he was
innocent and denied the accusations, the love between them rapidly
cooled and they broke up
- Arvide tried to convince Sarah
that Sky had nothing to do with setting up the "filthy crap game"
in the Mission during her absence with him in Havana; Arvide
knew that Sarah's heart was with Sky and urged her to let herself
fall in love with him: ("And I never saw until now how much
in love with him you are...Why would anyone wanna get over the
one thing you hope for from the minute you're born and remember until
the day you die?...Why? Because it's the greatest reward that woman
or man can have on this earth? To love and to be loved?"); however, Sarah
was resistant to him because she was worried that his gambling connections
would lead to future police arrests
- when Sky arrived and again promised to deliver
"sinners" to her mission, to win his bet with Nathan, Arvide
warned Sky that he must fulfill his part of the bet: "If
you don't make that marker good, I'm gonna buzz it all over town
you're a welcher"
- in the meantime, Nathan had cancelled his elopement
plans with Adelaide, due to her continued resistance to his gambling;
he was out promoting a 24-hour crap game located in an underground
city sewer against armed Chicago hoodlum Big Jule (B.S. Pully);
Nathan was cleaned out of all of his money against the dice-cheating
tactics of Big Jule; Sky entered, knocked down Big Jule with two
punches and disarmed him, and then deceitfully told Nathan that
he had lost their Havana bet; he paid off the $1,000 dollar stake
to Nathan
- Sky decided to make a very bold, daring, risky,
and all-or-nothing roll of the dice bet against Big Jule and the
other gamblers; he proposed that a loss would mean that he would
pay $1,000 dollars to each of the gamblers, but a win would immediately
require all of them to attend Sarah's Thursday-night midnight prayer
meeting: ("One roll. And on that roll I'm gonna bet each of you
$1000 against your soul. One thousand cash against a marker for
your soul. If I win, all of you show up at the mission tonight")
- before the dice-roll (off-screen), he murmured
to himself: "I got a lot more than money ridin' on this one," and
then sang the most well-known song-dance
number of the film: "Luck Be a Lady," to ask for help: ("Luck, be
a lady tonight Luck, if you've ever been A lady to begin with Luck,
be a lady tonight")
- before arriving at the Mission, Nathan spoke to
Adelaide - and told her that they couldn't elope before 12 midnight
because he was obligated to go to a prayer meeting; she complained
about all his lies as he vowed his love for her, as they sang "Sue
Me" together: ("Call a lawyer and sue me, sue me What can you do
me? I love you Give a holler and hate me, hate me Go ahead, hate
me, I love you")

Earlier, In His Song "Adelaide," Nathan Agreed to Marriage
(Elopement) with Adelaide
Nathan with Adelaide: "Sue Me"
- at the Mission, Sarah
- who felt she had failed, was totally shocked when the large group
of "sinners" arrived with Sky just after midnight - obviously,
he had won the dice-roll, and General Cartwright was very pleased;
during the service, it was shocking and moving when Nicely-Nicely
was truly converted and authentically redeemed from being a sinner,
after recalling a dream about being on a boat to heaven: ("Sit
Down, You're Rockin' the Boat")

The Sinners-Gamblers at the Prayer Meeting

Nicely-Nicely: ("Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat")

Lt. Brannigan: "Aren't these the men?"
- after Nicely-Nicely's conversion, Lt.
Brannigan (who had burst into the meeting) reported to General
Cartwright that there had been a late night crap game there that
the 'sinners' had participated in: ("Aren't these the men?"),
but Sarah denied the fact: ("You must be mistaken, Lieutenant.
I never saw these gentlemen before in my life")
- after the Lieutenant departed, Nathan confessed
that the crap game held at the Mission could not be blamed on anyone
associated with the Mission; he also privately told Sarah that
Sky had lost the Cuba bet: ("The guy told me he did not take
the doll away"); she was puzzled because she obviously knew
that Sky won the bet; now realizing and knowing that he loved her,
she ran off to find him
- the film concluded with preparations for a double-marriage
in Times Square the next day between Nathan and Miss Adelaide, and
Sky with Sarah; participants included gangsters, and Adelaide's
troupe of dancers; Nicely-Nicely had joined the Save a Soul Mission and was romantically involved
with Sarah's regional supervisor Gen. Cartwright; Arvide presided
over the ceremony and provided the film's last line of dialogue
("I hereby pronounce you men and wives") after which cheers erupted
Horse-Betters: "Fugue for Tinhorns"

Sgt and Save-A-Soul Mission Sister Sarah Brown (Jean Simmons): "Follow
the Fold"

(l to r): Nicely-Nicely, Harry the Horse, Benny - Looking For Nathan Detroit's
'Crap Game'

NYPD Lieut. Brannigan (Robert Keith) Turning Up "The Heat"

Nathan With Fiancee of 14 Years Miss Adelaide (Vivian Blaine) - Nightclub

Sky Masterson (Marlon Brando) in Mindy's Restaurant

Sky's Bet with Nathan - A Havana Dinner Date with Sister Sarah Brown

Sister Sarah and Her Uncle Arvide at the Save-A-Soul Mission with Sky

"I'll Know" - Followed by Sky's Unwanted Kiss
and Sarah's Slap

Miss Adelaide Performing On Stage in the Hot Box Club: "A Bushel and
a Peck"

Backstage in Adelaide's Dressing Room - She Pressured
Nathan about Marriage and His Gambling Habits

"Adelaide's Lament"

"Guys and Dolls"

Sky Convincing General Cartwright To Keep Sarah's Empty Mission Branch
Open for 36 More Hours

Sky's Flirtations with Sexy Dancer in Havana Before a Brawl Broke Out

Sky and Sarah: "A Woman in Love"

Arvide Threatening Sky to Make Good On His Marker with Sarah

Nathan Detroit's Dice-Game with Chicago Gangster Big Jule (B.S. Pully)

Sky Singing "Luck Be a Lady" Before His Risky
Dice-Roll Bet

Double-Wedding in Times Square