The Hurricane (1937)
In director John Ford's adventure/disaster drama and
intense love story:
- in the opening sequence, the nostalgic description
of the deserted South Pacific, French-controlled colonial island
of Manakoora by Dr. Kersaint (Thomas Mitchell) on the deck of a
cruise ship passing by many years later: "It's a little in
disrepute, madame...It's the island of Manakoora. That was once
the most beautiful of all the islands that raised their little
green heads above these waters. The most beautiful and enchanting
bit of paradise in all the world, madame. I always throw it a kiss
when I pass it....It made the mistake of being born in the heart
of the hurricane belt"
- leading to the film's flashbacked tale
- the iconic images of bare-chested lover Terangi (Jon
Hall) with childhood sweetheart Marama (Dorothy Lamour) (and future
wife) in her tropical sarong on the island of Manakoora
- the freedom-loving Polynesian sailor Terangi's many
efforts to escape imprisonment and confinement, after being harshly
and unjustly imprisoned following a bar-room brawl incident in Tahiti
with an antagonistic white man
- the first of Terangi's many daring prison escape attempts
from his island encampment, when he dove from a steep cliff and swam
toward a passing schooner, but was recaptured and brought back to
his cell, and resentenced:
"It just hangs another year on your sentence. That's the penalty.
That's what I've got to go by: The law. Lucky you didn't break from
the inside. That would've added five years. Now you behave yourself.
We don't want to keep you here any longer than we've got to"
- the sequence of Terangi's return to Manakoora, and
his dangerous and risky decision (while being pursued) to remain
and warn the people about what to do about the impending hurricane:
"The great storm is coming, the wind that overturns the land.
Go to Tavi's store. Get ropes. Anchor your houses. Take to the trees
if the sea should cover the land. Go quickly!"
- the spectacular, but disastrous hurricane sequence
in which the local church, a place of refuge, was soon devastated
by the rising waves; after tying Marama to a tree, Terangi rushed
back and offered rescue to save Father Paul (C. Aubrey Smith) (who
refused) and French Governor's wife Mme. Germaine De Laage (Mary
Astor), as its walls were breached and caved in, and the entire structure
was washed out to sea
The Church in the Hurricane
- the final line in which the strict, recently-appointed
French Governor Eugene De Laage (Raymond Massey) observed through
his binoculars wrongly to his wife Madame Germaine De Laage:
"You're right, Germaine, it's only a floating log," in
order to save Terangi, whom he realized had rescued some of the survivors
(including Germaine) and was escaping in a canoe
Dr. Kersaint
(Thomas Mitchell)
Terangi with Marama

One of Terangi's Daring Prison Escape Attempts
Marama Seeking Shelter From the Storm in a Tree
De Laage: "It's Only a Floating Log"