Inception (2010)
In writer/director Christopher
Nolan's mind-bending, non-linear, smart and very complex sci-fi heist
thriller and fantasy film - it told about a world
where the subconscious could be infiltrated through dreams, and entire
worlds could be created and altered with the mind. The film's tagline made
sense after viewing: "Your mind is the scene
of the crime."
Due to the nature of the film, it was open to interpretation that the whole film might
have been the dream of either the main protagonist, or someone else:
- Dominick "Dom" Cobb
(Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled corporate espionage spy and professional
thief, often performed psychic thefts (or mind-hacking extractions)
of corporate secrets by invading people's dreams; however,
"Dom" had become an international fugitive and had ruined
his own personal life
- the film opened with a scene revisited much later
in the film - Cobb was lying on a beach where he was found delirious
- he envisioned his children playing near him
Dominick "Dom" Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio)
Awakening on Beach

Vision of Dom's Children Playing on Beach
- he was taken by an armed guard to a beachside fortress
where he was faced by wealthy, aged Japanese corporate executive
Saito (Ken Watanabe) - the businessman had been Cobb's
latest employer
- during the mission, Saito was in "limbo" (a
state he entered by dying while in a sedated dream) - he had received
a lethal wound in a lower dream level while sedated (that extended
over to deeper levels), requiring Cobb to liberate him - by killing
him - to bring him safely back to reality
- it was revealed that this initial mission had been a test, to see whether Cobb would be capable
of a much more difficult "extraction" -
or "inception." Cobb had passed the test, and was readied
for his next mission; as a dream manipulator,
Cobb was tasked with one final, seemingly-impossible "inception" job
- this time not to steal an idea ("an inception") but
to plant one into an individual's subconscious mind
- [Note: The method of entering a dream state was
by injection, using portable technology cases. One of the film's
major premises was that each person was required to have a totem
- to help identify if one was in the dream world or in the real
world. Cobb's totem was his wife's spinning top, which would keep
spinning around if he was in a dream world.]
- "Dom" (and his
team) were then hired by Mr. Saito
to enter the multi-leveled psyche of Saito's rival energy corporation competitor
named Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy); Fischer
was the son and heir of dying business empire tycoon Maurice Fischer
(Pete Postlethwaite)
- the objective was to implant an idea to persuade
Robert Fischer - out of his own self-generated volition - to choose
to not follow in his father's footsteps and
break up his corporate energy empire; (Cobb's mission was to
successfully plant the seed of the idea that Maurice never wanted
his son Robert to be like him)
- if Dom succeeded in the task, he would be redeemed;
his criminal record as a fugitive for the murder of his suicidal
wife Mal (Marion Cotillard) would be erased - and his family life
with his children would be restored
- to accomplish their objective of planting seeds
within Fischer, a very dangerous, complicated and daunting
task, it was necessary to enter very deeply into Fischer's
subconscious, possibly to a third dream level. Going deeper into
dreams exponentially turned minutes into hours, into days, and
even into years; they were required to create
three dreams-within-dreams (or dreamscapes) described as mazes
- Dom assembled a team of experts, including:
- Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a manager/researcher
and Cobb's
"extraction" (and "inception") partner
- Ariadne (Ellen Page), a maze-building
architect for dream landscapes, a gifted prodigy
- Earnes (Tom Hardy), a con-man, an identity
shape-shifter or forger
- Yusef (Dileep Rao), a sedative chemist or pharmacologist
- at each stage, one member of the team who was creating
the dream remained behind while the others fell asleep to travel
to the next level; so-called "kicks"
would propel the dreamers out of the dream and back toward reality step
by step (for example: Yusuf driving the van off a bridge and hitting
the water, Arthur detonating an elevator carrying the entire team to
fall down the shaft and simulating free-fall, and the ice-fortress being
detonated and collapsing)
- the various dream levels or stages were:
- Level Zero - Cobb's entire team (with Robert
Fisher) were on an airplane flying from Sydney, Australia to Los
Angeles, and transporting Maurice Fisher's body after his death
- Level One - Yusuf's Dream (on the Plane)
of Driving the Team in a Van in Heavy Traffic in Rainy Los Angeles,
and Attacked by Fischer's defensive projections
- Level Two - Arthur's Dream (in the Van) of
Being in a Corporate Hotel. Cobb posed as "Mr. Charles" to
trick Fischer and Turn Him Against His Father's Right-Hand Man
Peter Browning (Tom Berenger), impersonated by Eames
- Level Three - Eames' Dream (in the Hotel
Room) as the Others Attacked a Snowy Mountain Hospital Fortress.
Inside was a safe next to Maurice Fischer's hospital deathbed,
where Robert spoke to his father
- Limbo - Cobb and Ariadne entered Limbo
where they encountered Cobb's wife, Mal
- [Background: Guilt-ridden Cobb was continually
seeing projected images of his late wife Mal during his dream-jobs.
He refused to accept the fact of her death, and his subconscious
(that was missing her) needed to remember her and be with her.
She would invasively sabotage his dream efforts - all he wanted
was to see his children again.
In their previous experiments
with dream technology, Mal and Cobb had entered Limbo together.
In his subconscious mind, Mal would continue to entice Cobb to
follow her toward deeper levels into Limbo to live with him as
they grew old together. She felt that being in Limbo was better
than reality, and refused to return to reality with him. The
Limbo space included Cobb's memories of the city he and Mal had
built for themselves and lived in for 50 years.
In a past dream state with him, he disagreed
with Mal about remaining in Limbo: "Your world is not real." He
tricked her into awakening back into reality (he told her: "The
idea that caused you to question your reality came from me"),
but she thought that she was still dreaming. Mal committed suicide
by leaping from a hotel suite window (where they always spent
their anniversary), although he had warned her: "If you
jump, you're not gonna wake up, remember? You're gonna die." He
felt responsible for causing her deadly suicide and blamed
himself. He was charged with her murder in the real world and
had become a fugitive outside the US.]
- in the last phase of the
current "inception," Mal
agreed to give up Fischer on the porch if Cobb would remain with
her in Limbo. Cobb told her that he couldn't keep coming back to
her because it wasn't her - "You're just a shade of my real
wife...I'm sorry, you're just not good enough." She was merely
his projection of her from memory ("I can't stay with her
anymore because she doesn't exist"). He had continually been
plagued by her. When he refused her demands, Mal shot Fischer to
death in Level Three. Then, Mal stabbed Cobb, and Ariadne shot
her. She died in Cobb's arms as he told her: "I have to let
you go." Ariadne and Fischer fell off the building
as their "kick" to get back. Cobb woke up again on the shores
of Saito's beach house - the film's opening scene
- for Cobb's successful efforts at inception with
Fischer, Saito made a phone call to clear away Cobb's legal troubles
with immigration at LAX, enter the US, be freed of his guilt, and
be reunited with his children - at the film's conclusion
- in the ambiguous ending, Cobb tested out his totem
(his wife's spinning top) to help identify if he was in the dream
world or in the real world. If it kept spinning around, he was
in a dream world. The film ended with an abrupt cut to black from
the slightly-wobbly spinning top. Had he joined his children in
the real world? What was clear was that Cobb walked away
from the top in order to be with his children.
Cobb Hired By Japanese Businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe)
Cobb's Suicidal Wife Mal (Marion Cotillard)
A Portable Technology Case - Used to Enter a Dream State
via Injection
Japanese Businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe)

The Fischers
Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy)
In Corporate Hotel
A "Kick" - Van Driven Off Bridge
Suicidal Mal
Cobb Reunited with Children
Cobb's Totem: A Spinning Top (On Table)