Jacob's Ladder (1990)
In Adrian Lyne's psycho-horror thriller with a complex
story structure - it told about a Vietnam veteran's alleged PTSD
after serving in combat and being lethally wounded, suffering from
various hallucinations and nightmares in his subconscious that were
impinging upon and confronting his daily life's realities, because
he was unwilling to let go of his attachments to life and free his
soul; the film's title referred to a reference in the book of Genesis
about a ladder leading up to or ascending into Heaven.
Many of the characters were given Biblical names: Jacob,
Gabriel (a heavenly archangel), and Jezebel (a seductress and symbol
of lustful desire) to name a few:
- in the opening Vietnam War scene set in 1971 in
the Mekong Delta, soldier Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) was wounded
(or killed?) during combat, when bayoneted in the abdomen, and
was helicoptered out of the fighting zone to an army hospital (seen
in a later flashback)
- there were many nightmarish, chilling images and
blurry, drug-related visions during traumatized veteran Jacob's
own purgatorial, nightmarish after-life after being wounded and
finding himself back in his NY neighborhood; in 1975 as a NY postal
worker, he had been working late (with overtime) before returning
(a strange ride on the dirty subway) to his small, run-down Brooklyn
apartment where he lived with his Latina girlfriend/co-worker Jezebel
("Jezzie") Pimpkin (Elizabeth Pena); he was divorced from his wife Sarah (Patricia
Kalember) with two other children, and was missing his dead son
Gabe (uncredited Macaulay Culkin) who had died before the war
Ex-Wife Sarah

Sarah With Two Children

Haunted by Memories of Deceased Son Gabe
- at a VA hospital, Jacob attempted to be examined
by Dr. Carlson, but the reception nurse (Suzanne Shepherd) kept
insisting that no-such doctor existed and there was no record of
Jacob being a patient; before leaving, another doctor informed
him that Carlson "blew up" in a car accident and died a month
- in a nightclub house party, Jacob had his palm read
by a psychic named Elsa (S. Epatha Merkerson), who told him that
he was already dead: ("According
to this, you're already dead"); in the hallucinatory scene,
Jacob's temptress lover
"Jezzie" performed an erotic dance to James Brown's Ma
Thang (Sex Machine), when a snake-like devil with a scaly
reptilian tail curled around her and then a horn abruptly ripped
open her mouth
- a frenzied Jacob was placed in an ice bath by "Jezzie"
to calm his fever
Ice-Cold Bath For Jacob Singer
- Jacob took a disturbing trip through a decaying,
nightmarish underworld hospital (purgatory or hell?), when he was
strapped down on a stretcher and wheeled through a corridor littered
with bloody human body parts on the floor, stacks of amputated limbs
and appendages, and populated by deformed mental patients and demonic
figures above him on a chain-link floor, and one masked faceless
man (Alva Williams) who was shaking violently
- when Jacob was being
operated upon with barbaric surgical instruments, he was asked by the
evil doctor: "Where do you want to go?"; Jacob asserted: "Home" -
the doctor retorted back: "Home? This is your home, you're dead";
Jacob disagreed: "I'm alive!", when the doctor asked: "Then
what are you doing here?...There is no out of here. You've been killed,
don't you remember?"
Jacob Wheeled Through Nightmarish Hospital With
a Maskless Shaking Figure, Bloody Body Parts on Floor, and Crazed
Mental Patients Above Him
- an evil eyeless doctor (Davidson
Thomson) with flesh-covered eyes (no eye sockets) revealed to Jacob:
("There is no outta here. You've been killed. Don't you remember?"),
and then painfully stuck a long syringe-needle into the middle of
Jacob's forehead
Evil Eyeless Doctor Administering
- Jacob was
then visited by his ex-wife Sarah and their two sons while in the
hospital, as he asserted to her: ("I'm not dead, I'm alive.
I'm not dead"). She responded: "Oh, Jacob. I still love
you, whatever it's worth," but their reconciliation was dashed
when a sardonic disembodied voice taunted: "Dream on" -
causing Jacob to break down in tears, as he realized that her appearance
was only a wish-fulfilling fantasy while he was dying (as he pleaded: "Help
- Jacob was saved by therapeutic sessions
with guardian angel chiropractor Louis (Danny Aiello), who reassured
him while treating him, and cured him of his paralysis - plus he
diagnosed Jacob's problem - that he was frightened of dying: ("You
ever read Meister Eckart?...How'd you get your doctorate without
reading Eckart? Relax...You're a regular basket case, you know that?
Eckart saw Hell, too. You know what he said? He said: 'The only thing
that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life.
Your memories, your attachments. They burn 'em all away. But they're
not punishing you,' he said. 'They're freeing your soul.' Relax.
Good. So the way he sees it, if you're frightened of dyin' and you're
holdin' on, you'll see devils tearin' your life away. But if you've
made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freein' you from
the earth. It's just a matter of how you look at it, that's all.
So don't worry, okay? 'K? (laughing) Relax, relax. Relax")
- Jacob also had a secret rendezvous with 'hippie
chemist' Michael Newman (Matt Craven) who had worked for the Army's
chemical warfare division; Jacob was told that his battalion
had been secretly given a dose in their C-rations of an experimental
psycho-reactive drug (code-named 'ladder'), to counteract the effects
of combat-induced post-traumatic stress, by causing soldiers to
become more aggressive in combat ("A fast trip straight down the
Ladder, right to the primal fear, right to the base anger").
Its negative side effects were intense hallucinations - and in
Jacob's platoon's case, soldiers attacked and killed each other
("It was brother against brother. No discrimination. You tore each
other to pieces"). It was hinted that Jacob's war injury was from
'friendly fire" from one of his own soldiers affected by the homicide-inducing
drug; although there may have been a government conspiracy, Jacob's
hallucinations upon his return to NYC were not caused by the drug,
or battle stress, but because he wasn't freeing his soul
- he suffered from guilt over the death of his son Gabe (or Gabriel) when
Jacob remembered /imagined Gabe's death by an automobile when the
young boy was picking up baseball cards he had dropped in the middle
of the street while walking his bicycle
- Jacob was thwarted by demons into seeing his son again - until the next-to-final
scene (when he returned to his old apartment bathed in golden light)
in which he finally accepted his own death; in the final tearjerking
scene, Jacob spotted his dead son Gabe playing with a red music
box (playing "Sonny Boy") on the stairs - the boy looked up and greeted him with: "Hi
Dad!"; as they hugged, Gabe reassured his father: "It's
OK" - followed by Gabe telling him: "Come on, let's go
up" - they calmly and peacefully ascended up the
staircase (or ladder) into the golden light, after Jacob accepted
his own death

Jacob's Dead Son Gabe

Ascending Stairs into Golden Light with Son Gabe

Revelation of Plot Twist
- the revelation of the plot twist was the fact of
Jacob's actual death during combat in Vietnam from a fellow
US soldier accidentally gutting him, and the army doctor's words
as he was on an operating triage table in Vietnam: ("He's
gone. He looks kind of peaceful... He put up a hell of a fight,
though"); he was experiencing a dream or reflection of his
life that was flashing - literally - before his eyes
- the final screen stated the alleged combat use
of an hallucinogen called 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, to minimize
fear and to increase aggression:
"It was reported that the hallucinogenic
drug BZ was used in experiments on soldiers during the Vietnam
war. The Pentagon denied the story."
Flashback: Combat in Vietnam - Jacob Skewered by a Bayonet

Civilian Life in NYC as a Postal Worker

Current Latina Girlfriend/Lover Jezebel or "Jezzie" (Elizabeth

Jacob's Palm-Reading by Psychic Elsa

Freaking Out at Dance Party
"Jezzie"'s Disturbing
Dance Attack in
Strapped Down on a Stretcher - Jacob's Torment

Purgatorial Hospital Tour - Bloody Floor Littered with
Human Body Parts

Treatment of Therapeutic Chiropractor Louis (Danny Aiello)
- With Crucial Speech Diagnosing Jacob's Problem

Michael Newman (Matt Craven) Explaining Experimental War Drug - Code-Named
Scene of Son's Death in Car Accident
Jacob Accepting His Death