Lilies of the Field (1963)
In director Ralph Nelson's drama - adapted by James
Poe from a novel by William E. Barrett:
- the opening scene of handyman/carpenter and ex-GI
Homer Smith (Oscar-winning Sidney Poitier) arriving at a farm in
the Arizona desert asking for water for his station wagon: ("My
car's thirsty. Can I please have some water?") and being recruited
by East German, Austrian and Hungarian immigrant nuns ("God
is good. He has sent me a big, strong man")
- the scenes of them, especially Mother Superior Maria
Marthe (Lilia Skala), coaxing him to stay more than a few hours and
help them to fix things: the fence, the roof - and to build a chapel
(pronounced 'shappel')
- his confrontations with the character of the stern
and harsh but good-hearted Mother Superior - in particular to get
paid for his work, as they spouted conflicting Bible quotes, such
as: (Homer: "And in the same house remain, eating and drinking
such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his hire." Mother
Maria: "Cast in thy lot amongst us, let us all have one purse..." and "Why
take thee thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say unto
you, not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these")
Building the Chapel - Finishing Up with the Church
- after completing the building of the chapel, the
last scene when Homer taught English to the German nuns by way
of the spiritual song "Amen" (they sang the refrain as
he led), and then slipped out the door (while still singing), to
depart in his packed station wagon to drive off quietly into the
night (with "Amen" as "The End")
Teaching the Nuns to Sing "Amen" and
Then Departing
Arizona Desert - Water Needed for Homer's Station Wagon
Mother Superior: "God is good. He has sent me a big
strong man"

Plans for a Chapel
Confronting Mother Superior Maria