Odd Man Out (1947, UK)
In producer/director Carol Reed's searing, taut and
suspenseful crime-chase (melo)-drama and noirish British post-war
thriller (adapted from F.L. Green's 1945 novel) about a doomed man-on-the-run
with gritty, expressionistic black and white cinematography by Robert
Krasker. Reed's first post-war feature film was a rich character
study about a rebel leader (of an unnamed "organisation") who would
tragically suffer a fatalistic ending. As the doomed fugitive was
dying and searching to be saved, each of the individuals that he
came into contact with treated him with varying degrees of pity and
sympathy, aid, greed, fear, distrust, or outright exploitation.
Another loosely-based film version of Green's novel
(and Reed's 1947 film) was co-writer/director Robert Alan Aurthur's The
Lost Man (1969), replacing the Irish underground members with
a gang of black revolutionary militants led by Jason Higgs
(Sidney Poitier), accompanied by his girlfriend - white social
worker Cathy Ellis (Joanna Shimkus, Poitier's future wife).
- an opening crawl was superimposed
over an aerial view of Belfast: "This story is told against
a background of political unrest in a city of Northern Ireland.
It is not concerned with the struggle between the law and an illegal
organisation, but only with the conflict in the hearts of the people
when they become unexpectedly involved"
- an early scene in a cramped
row-house introduced rebellious Irish underground leader and IRA-like
nationalist gunman Johnny McQueen (James Mason in one of his best
performances), six months after escaping from prison; he was hiding
out in the house of his loving girlfriend Kathleen Sullivan (Kathleen
Ryan in her debut film) and her Grannie (Kitty Kirwan)
- with his compatriots, he was planning a daring payroll robbery-holdup (presumably
in Belfast in N. Ireland) of a factory mill, to fund the underground
IRA operations of "The Organization"
Johnny Suffering From Vertigo and Dizzyness During
Holdup Sequence
- McQueen's vertigo was represented
on the way to the robbery and during the ill-advised, unsuccessful
robbery-holdup attempt; the buildings and other passing objects
were at sharp angles, his vision blurred, and he appeared delirious;
after the heist, McQueen stumbled on the front steps as he approached
the get-away car parked outside, driven by hothead Pat (Cyril Cusack),
and as he fought off an armed cashier at the mill, he was lethally-wounded
in the left shoulder before killing the man
- and then as the getaway
car sped away, he was unable to fully get into the vehicle from
the running board - he fell onto the street and had to be left behind
- for the remainder of the film, Johnny lost control
of his destiny (and free will) as he desperately struggled to avoid
capture, and stumbled through the streets of Belfast (disguised)
while trying to hide; when not able to make it back to Kathleen's
house, Johnny sought shelter in the city's ghettos, an air-raid
shelter, deserted buildings, pubs, and back alleys (and even in
a junkyard bathtub on the edge of town); he also continued to experience
hallucinations, irrationality and mental torment
- as the British dragnet around him closed in
tighter, for eight tense hours in a series of expressionistic
chase sequences, the increasingly-delirious Johnny was pursued
in a manhunt by the police and others - all with their own
motives of either helping him, dismissing him out of fear,
or exploiting him by turning him in to the authorities to claim
the £50,000 reward; they included:
- Johnny's girlfriend Kathleen
- his IRA buddy-partners
Dennis (Robert Beatty)
- Pat and Nolan (Dan O'Herlihy) who wanted
to rescue him (Pat and Nolan were gunned down after informed
- informer Theresa O'Brien (Maureen Delaney)
- law-enforcing
police Inspector (Denis O'Dea) who wanted justice
- tippling hansom cab-driver "Gin" Jimmy
(Joseph Tomelty)
- bird-dealer and poor street con-man/hustler
Shell (F. J. McCormick) was looking for the best deal to turn Johnny
- forgiving Catholic priest and Johnny's
childhood teacher Father Tom (W. G. Fay), who wished for Johnny's
- bar proprietor Fencie
(William Hartnell)
- and crazed, bedeviled, frustrated drunken and
eccentric homosexual painter Lukey (Robert Newton), who wanted
to pose Johnny for his canvas
Various Characters Circling Around Johnny

Inspector with Informant Theresa O'Brien (Maureen

Hansom Cab-Driver "Gin" Jimmy (Joseph

Bird-Dealer and Poor Street Hustler Shell (F. J.

Catholic Priest Father Tom (W. G. Fay)

Bar Proprietor Fencie
(William Hartnell)

Crazed, Drunken and Eccentric Homosexual Painter
Lukey (Robert Newton)
- Johnny additionally imagined faces from conversations
of people who he had recently been confronted by, in the bubbles
of his spilled beer on the counter in Mr. Fencie's bar, and later
in Lukey's studio lined with paintings, Johnny experienced a delirious
vision of the paintings flying off the wall

Spilled Beer on Counter of Fencie's Bar

Faces Appeared in Beer Bubbles

Paintings Flew Off the Walls in Lukey's Art Studio
- in the film's visual religious symbolism of crucifixion,
McQueen became a Christ-like figure as a condemned man slowly approaching
death - when brought to Lukey's building, McQueen was compelled
to pose for the painter for endless hours as a model for a series
of Christ paintings; the artist was obsessed with painting the
eyes of the dying man as he noted: ("there's something to
be said about him before he dies...I understand what I see in him....It's
the truth about us all....He's doomed"); he discussed his
obsession with failed ex-medical intern student Tober (Elwyn Brook-Jones),
Shell's house-mate, who was attempting to treat the seriously-wounded Johnny
- with a low-angled view of Johnny with a sling on
his left arm, he delivered a crazed hallucinatory recitation of
the Bible (I Corinthians 13) from words he learned from Father
Tom as a child: ("I remember.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I understood
as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not
charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Though
I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all
knowledge and though I have all faiths so that I could remove mountains
and have not charity, I am nothing"); Lukey reacted:
"He's mad, he's out of his mind"
- in the powerful and violent finale in a very snowy
Belfast, girlfriend Kathleen finally met up with Johnny; he thought
she was another dreamy vision - he asked: "Is it really you?...If
you are real, stretch out your hand to mine"; she rushed into
his arms and embraced him; he then asked: "What d'you want with
me? Go back to life and peace" - she assured him of her faithfulness
to him: "I'll
stay with you, my love"; he told her: "Hold up your head.
Don't cry"
- at the sound of a foghorn of a ship announcing its
imminent departure at the waterfront, she told him that she had arranged
for their escape: "That's our chance. Will you take it with
me?"; he asked: "Is it far?" and she promised: "Keep holding
my hand" - she slowly assisted him to the dock as the police manhunt closed in
on them - and their ship was leaving without them in the distance; when he tired and
fell back against an iron gate (with arms extended in a crucifix
pose), he wondered: "Kathleen, where are you?" - and she responded:
"It's all right, Johnny. I'm here";
again, he asked: "Is it far?" - she told him: "It's
a long way Johnny, but I'm coming with you - we're going away together"
- Kathleen had protectively decided to transcendentally
and romantically sacrifice herself with Johnny rather than let him
endure capture and execution; she
reached into her pocket, pulled out a gun seen in closeup, and fired
two shots as the police approached closer; it was ambiguous whether she
fired at the police to force them to retaliate, or killed Johnny to
prevent him from being captured by the police; they were both left dead
by police in a barrage of return gunfire (off-screen), and expired in
each other's arms on the snow-covered ground; the Inspector was informed: "There's
their gun, sir" - he inspected the gun: "Two
shots fired," and was told in the film's final line of dialogue: "Yes
sir, that's when we had to fire back"
- the sound of the foghorn (with the departing ship) ended the film
as witnesses Father Tom and Shell walked away from the tragic scene
- [Note: The ending scene was similar to the conclusion
of Julien Duvivier's Pepé le Moko (1937), a perfect
example of French poetic realism ]

Crucifix Pose Against Iron Gate

Kathleen: "I'm
coming with you"

Kathleen: "We're
going away together"

Kathleen's Two Shots - Fired Either at the Police
or at Johnny

Their Two Bodies in Snow

("Two shots fired") - "Yes
sir, that's when we had to fire back"
Johnny McQueen (James Mason)
Johnny's Planned Robbery Compatriots, Including Girlfriend
Kathleen (in back)
Kathleen Sullivan (Kathleen Ryan)

Johnny Shot in Shoulder During Holdup

Murder of Armed Cashier
Johnny Left Behind After Robbery - Stranded in the Streets
of Belfast
On the Run - As a Delirious Fugitive
Johnny Reclining in Washtub
Wandering in Snow
Lukey: "There's something to be said about him
before he dies..."
Johnny Posing As Model for Lukey, As Tober Operated
Johnny's Recitation of I Corinthians 13
Johnny and Kathleen's Last Moments Together