Orphée (1950, Fr.) (aka Orpheus)
In Jean Cocteau's visually-beautiful, eccentric, surreal,
romantic fantasy drama set in post-war 1950s Paris - it was a retelling
of the classic Greek Orpheus myth (about a musician's descent into
the underworld to reclaim his dead wife) -- the avante-garde film
was part of Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy, including The Blood of
a Poet (1930, Fr.), and Testament of Orpheus (1960, Fr.):
- the title character was light-haired, famous,
handsome and popular Left Bank (Parisian) existentialist, middle-aged
poet Orphée or Orpheus (Jean Marais), who was obsessed with Death; he was
married to his beautiful but unhappily neglected and pregnant wife
Eurydice (Marie Déa)
- in the opening scene, Orphee was visiting inside
the Café des Poètes (Poet's Cafe) in modern-day Paris, talking about how
younger resentful poets scorned his success; a black Rolls Royce
pulled up outside commanded by the Princess (Maria Casares); it was
driven-chauffeured by her assistant Heurtebise (François Périer)
- later revealed to be a man who had recently committed suicide by
gassing himself to death; a poet rival, Jacques Cégeste
(Édouard Dermithe), patronized and supported by the Princess,
emerged from the car
- a chaotic brawl broke out inside and outside the
cafe, and the drunken Cegeste, who broke free when he was being
taken into custody by police, was struck and killed by two
motorcyclists on the street
- the Princess - representing, depicting and personifying
Death (revealed later), ordered the transport of Cegeste's corpse
in the Rolls Royce parked outside to the 'hospital', and firmly urged
Orphee to accompany them as a 'witness'
- the first of many cryptic radio messages was
heard on the Rolls Royce's radio: "Silence. Goes faster backwards.
Three times. Your attention please:
A single glass of water lights up the world"
- after dark, the car was escorted by the Princess'
two henchmen: they were male, helmeted motorcycle riders dressed
in black leather and wearing high boots - they were the ones responsible
for Cegeste's death
The Princess with Her Assistant - the Rolls Royce's
Chauffeur Heurtebise - It Was A Death Vehicle
- the car was driven to the ruins of an abandoned
chateau, where the Princess magically revived or reanimated Cegeste
from death; he and the Princess (and the two motorcyclists) passed
into the Underworld (through a mirror), but Orphee was unable to
follow after them
- after returning home after being given a ride by
Heurtebise, Orphee was told that Cegeste's body had mysteriously
disappeared, and couldn't be located; he began
to receive cryptic messages from Cegeste's spirit, as well as nocturnal
visitations from the Princess who entered through his bedroom's
mirror and watched him sleep
- Orphee had invited Heurtebise
to live in his house and to store the Rolls in the garage, where
he sat in the vehicle and obsessively listened
to the radio that was broadcasting abstract poetry and coded messages
from the afterlife
Symbolic, Magical, Dreamlike and Fantasy Elements

The Princess Entered Through Orphee's Bedroom
Mirror - A Superimposed Shot

At the Foot of His Bed, the Princess Watched
Orphee Sleep

Orphee Transcribed Gnomic Messages Delivered
Through the Car's Radio From the Afterlife
- as the film progressed, a love triangle developed
between Orphee and the Princess (a symbol of Death) who visited
him in his dreams, while the love-struck Heurtebise (the Princess'
chauffeur) romanced Eurydice, Orphee's dead wife
Love Triangle

Orphee's Love for the Princess

Heurtebise with Eurydice
- Eurydice was struck down
while riding her bicycle (off-screen) - she had been killed by
the Princess's leather-clad motorcycle men and taken to the underworld;
Orphee was advised by Death's chauffeur Heurtebise, a faithful
guide, about how to enter the underworld through his bedroom
mirror-portal - to return Eurydice to life (Heurtebise "I
am letting you into the secret of all secrets, mirrors are gates through
which death comes and goes. Moreover if you see your whole life in
a mirror you will see death at work as you see bees behind the glass
in a hive")
Heurtebise Instructing Orphee About Passage Into
the Underworld
Orphee Passing Through Glass Mirror Into Underworld
- A Tricky F/X Shot
- the trick-shot scenes (some with reversed photography)
were of Orphee's crossing into the dreamy underworld to reclaim
Eurydice; Orphee passed himself through a glass mirror (representing
the borderline between life and the underworld); he first donned
a pair of latex surgical gloves (left behind by the Princess) -
that miraculously flew onto his hands - and then extended his magic
gloved hands through the mirror [Note: the scene was accomplished
by the actor putting his gloved hands into a vat of mercury (representing
the glass mirror) and then walking through or into the
- Orphee was brought before
a tribunal panel of judges for interrogation in the afterlife or
underworld; the Princess was forced to admit the reason for illegally
taking Eurydice (and breaching her authority) - it was because of
her love for Orphee: "To get her out of the way and have this man for yourself"; the
judges' decision was that Eurydice would be returned with Orphee
to the living world, but only if he never looked upon her again;
if he looked upon her, he would lose her again; Heurtebise was allowed
to join them, to assist the couple with their new restrictive lives
- in one of the film's most shocking moments, via the
rear-view mirror, Orphee caught a brief glimpse of his wife Eurydice
sitting in the backseat of the Rolls Royce parked in the garage,
causing her to immediately disappear
- shortly later outside his home,
Orphee was killed when accidentally shot by a member of a vengeful
mob from the Cafe that accused him of murdering
rival poet Cegeste
- in the film's resolution, the deceased Orphee returned
to the afterworld with Heurtebise, but was again sent back to the
living world (by walking backwards in reverse) to be with Eurydice,
with their memories erased; the "immortal poet" would soon
become a father with his first child with Eurydice; meanwhile, Heurtebise
and The Princess/'Death' would now become judges in the Underworld
Death of Drunken Poet Jacques Cegeste Outside Poet's Cafe
in Paris
During Drive to Chateau in Rolls Royce - The Outside Background
Was a "Negative" Image
Orphee's Wife: Eurydice (Maria Dea)
Personification of Death: The Princess
Orphee - Blocked From Passing Through a Mirror to the
Eurydice - Orphee's Dead Wife
Orphee Before the Underworld Tribunal
Orphee and Eurydice Returning to the Living World
But Unable to Look at Each Other
Orphee's Brief Glimpse of Eurydice in the Rolls Royce's
Rear-View Mirror - Causing Her to Disappear
Orphee Shot and Killed Outside His Home By Mob
In the Underworld, Orphee Was Returned to the Living World
Orphee's Happy Ending with Eurydice