Peeping Tom (1960, UK)
In director Michael Powell's highly-disturbing, British
psychological horror film about voyeurism - one of the earliest slasher
films and a variation on Psycho (1960),
about a sexually-repressed and childhood-traumatized photographer
who used his camera as a weapon to kill women; it was a film that
was savaged by critics and nearly destroyed Powell's directorial
- in the shocking opening title credits sequence filmed
from the point-of-view of the voyeuristic camera's cross-haired
viewfinder, Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) stalked and
filmed the murder of call-girl/prostitute Dora (Brenda Bruce)
who he met on a dark London street; after she negotiated for two
quid ("It'll be two quid"), she walked upstairs to her
cheap apartment, disrobed, and then gave a look of horror as she
was being murdered by the spiked leg of his camera tripod that
was closing in on her - from the POV of the killer
The Film's Opening Title Credits - Murder of
Prostitute Dora
- the whole scene was repeated - as photographer Mark
watched the projected grisly footage over and over in the
darkness of his lab-studio in his apartment; his viewing of the
film's title and credits sequence implicated the audience-viewer
as a complicit 'peeping tom' voyeur or murderer who was as guilty
as Mark
- the film's plot was the 'voyeuristic' chilling
story of shy, reclusive and disturbed young studio cameraman (and
psychopath) Mark Lewis who murdered women with his 16mm camera
(with a cross-haired viewfinder creating a POV shot) at the time
of their deaths with an ingenious mirror device attached so that
his screaming, red-headed female victims could watch themselves
die (after being impaled by the sharp spiked leg of his camera
tripod that was plunged into their throats); he was also perversely
obsessed with voyeuristically capturing the moment of death and
the fear it caused (the look of distorted, fearful faces in a mirror);
it was an affliction termed scopophilia, the morbid urge
to gaze
- Mark viewed his own childhood's b/w home movies
with his red-haired female friend Helen Stephens (Anna Massey)
on her 21st birthday in the upstairs level of his later father's
flat; she was his downstairs neighbor/tenant who lived with her
blind mother Mrs. Stephens (Maxine Audley) - they were films of
Mark's abused childhood when he was mentally tormented by his scientist
professor-father A.N. Lewis (director Michael Powell himself) and
bizarre experiments about fear were conducted on him as a guinea
pig (e.g., his reaction to the lizard dropped on his bed, his speaking
to his mother on her deathbed, or his father's new young
wife); he explained to Helen: "I never knew the whole of my childhood
one moment's privacy. And those lights in your eyes and that thing.
He was interested in the reactions of the nervous system to - to
- on the side in addition to his British film studio
work, Mark sold cheesecake photographs ("views")
of his soft-core, nude pin-up photo shoots to round-faced neighborhood
news-agent store-owner Mr. Peters (Bartlett Mullins), who pedaled
the pornography to an elderly gentleman customer (Miles Malleson)
- after the murder of Dora, the film presented a continuing
unsavory view of Mark's obsessive, perverted and morbid crimes
perpetrated (and witnessed almost as "snuff
upon unsuspecting female victims (all perceived as loose women or whores),
with his camera serving as a substitute phallus that was unsheathed
at the moment of stabbing-penetration into their throats; Mark
was both recreating and releasing his childhood trauma upon his
subjects, including:
- Dora (Brenda Bruce), a prostitute in the opening
titles sequence
- Vivian
(Moira Shearer), an actress-dancer and studio stand-in
- Milly (Pamela Green), a pin-up model
The Second of Mark's Spiked Tripod Leg Murders
- Red
Haired Actress/Dancer Vivian (Moira Shearer)
- in the second murder scene with actress/dancer
Vivian, Mark had promised to make a genuine film with her on the
closed set of the film studio; as she stood before him, she said
that she didn't feel frightened about being stuffed into a trunk
behind her on the floor, and wanted to be inspired: ("What would
frighten me to death? Oh, set the mood for me, Mark"); to help
her acting, he described a situation of total fear: "Imagine someone
coming towards you who wants to kill you, regardless of the consequences";
she asked: "A madman?" and he agreed: "Yes. But he knows it, and
you don't. And just to kill you isn't enough for him. Stay there,
Viv. You're just right"; she was having trouble with feeling fearful:
"But I can't imagine what you've thought of"; he opened the collapsible
tripod of his movie camera (without the sharp tip exposed): "Imagine
this would be one of his weapons"; she was unphased by the plain
camera leg: "That?"; he then unsheathed the pointed sharp tip of
the camera leg aimed directly at her neck: "Yes, that"; she was
taken aback: "Mark, yes, that would be frightening"; he continued:
"There's something else"; as she asked, "Well, what is it?", and
he began filming her as he slowly approached closer with the sharp
spike blade; she objected: "That? Mark. Mark, no. Take it away!
Take it away! Mark! Mark!!" and screamed as she stumbled backward
into the trunk after being impaled in the neck (off-screen)
- in the final murder scene, model Milly (Pamela Green,
a real-life 50s pin-up) asked herself as she reclined backward
(while Mark closed the blinds): "I might as well talk to a
zombie. Is it safe to be alone with you, I wonder? It might be
more fun if I wasn't." His shadow covered her face, as he
moved and stood above her nude body, when she momentarily revealed
one nude breast [Note: It was reportedly the first nudity
in British film history]; the film faded to black with loud piano
chords on the soundtrack, before she was murdered (off-screen)
- in the film's dramatic
conclusion, Mark experienced his own suicidal death (in the same
horrific manner that he often used with a concealed blade in
his camera's tripod leg) when he impaled himself in the neck
with his own spiked device, as he spoke to the spared Helen: "Helen,
Helen, I'm afraid...And I'm glad I'm afraid," and then slumped
to the floor before the police arrived
- the last
lines of the film were from a tape recording of his childhood, made
by his father (Father:
"Don't be a silly boy. There's nothing to be afraid of!" Young
"Good night, Daddy. Hold my hand")
Viewing B/W Home Movies with Downstairs Neighbor Helen
of Mark's Own Abused Childhood
Threatening Blind Mrs. Stephens
POV of Threatened Victim: "I made them watch their
own deaths"
Murder of Nude Model Milly

Threatening but Sparing Helen - Then Mark's Own