Pickpocket (1959, Fr.)
In writer/director Robert Bresson's influential and
well-crafted crime drama, reportedly inspired by Dostoevsky's novel Crime
and Punishment, about a tall and dark, obsessed, and emotionally-empty
pickpocket whose life was ruined by his compulsion to steal:
- the film's opening title from the director: "The
style of this film is not that of a thriller. Using image and sound,
the filmmaker strives to express the nightmare of a young man whose
weaknesses lead him to commit acts of theft for which nothing destined
him. However, this adventure, and the strange paths it takes, brings
together two souls that may otherwise never have met"
- in the thrilling opening scene, a disembodied hand
(with voice-over narration) was hand-writing the words of a letter,
in French (translated), as he confessed:
"I know those who've done these things usually keep quiet, and
those who talk haven't done them. Yet I have done them"
- the revealing letter continued, as the protagonist
-- a disaffected, amoral petty Parisian thief named Michel (Martin
LaSalle), who was still narrating, spoke about his next fateful crime
at a horserace track; after watching who had cash at the betting
window, he snuck up behind two money-laden targets watching the race
and carefully began to unlatch a woman's purse before a brazen pickpocket
attempt: "I had made my decision some days before, but would
I have the nerve? I should have left. I was walking on air, with
the world at my feet. A minute later I was caught" - after the
successful purloining of a wad of cash from her purse, he confidently
left the grounds' outer gates, but he was immediately apprehended
by two undercover police for the crime, and driven in the backseat
of a car to a police station; however, without evidence to arrest
him, he was released
- the great tautly-choreographed set-piece of a group
of coordinated thefts, beginning at the ticket counter of the Gare
de Lyon, where a line of pickpocket thieves targeted a well-dressed
woman with a purse, who after she purchased her train ticket was
tricked into putting a newspaper under her arm instead of her handbag;
the assembly line of robbers passed her bag back to the end of
the string of accomplices, where the last man emptied the purse
of cash and deposited the bag in a trash container; the next victim
was a man who was relieved of bills that were dangling from his
wallet, and another man was deftly robbed of his inner coat pocket
wallet; once on the train in the narrow corridor, the string of
thieves continued to delicately and dexterously pilfer wallets
and money from more unsuspecting passengers - they were even able
to replace an emptied wallet back into the inner coat pocket of
the victim
- his long-term, on-and-off again romantic relationship
with devoted ingenue neighbor Jeanne (Marika Green), who sought to
redeem him - in the film's conclusion, after he was humbled and jailed,
she visited him (a long-awaited visit) and kissed his hand through
the bars; he told her - the film's final hopeful line: "Oh,
Jeanne, to reach you at last, what a strange path I had to take"
Handwritten Letter
The Set-Piece of Coordinated Thefts

Jail Visit from Jeanne