Rope (1948)
In director Alfred Hitchcock's first feature film
in color and his first film as an independent producer - it was a
stage-bound, experimental thriller and the first of four films with
James Stewart; it was also his first film released by
Warner Bros; it was considered the famed director's most controversial
work (for its implied homosexuality), and was loosely based upon
Patrick Hamilton's 1929 play Rope's End.
[Note: The basis for the film was the notorious 1924 (Nathan) Leopold
and (Richard) Loeb murder case involving two University of Chicago
students who - for the thrill of it - murdered a 14 year old.]
Rope was Hitchcock's first and
only attempt to make a film appear as a single shot, with a series
of ten-minute takes cleverly spliced together. The 'stunt' was unique
- the seamless intercutting of 10 long takes (ranging from 4 and
a half minutes to 10 minutes).
It created the appearance of the film's action occurring all in 'real-time'
in a single, continuous shot of 80 minutes (although the film's actual
time frame was 100 minutes) - there were clever splices between takes
(and two brief, reverse-angle shots).
[See detailed analysis of Rope's 'Unique
Editing Technique' here.]
- in the film's opening, the camera panned over to
the exterior of a draped, panoramic Manhattan penthouse window
- with the piercing sound of a male scream; after a cut to the
interior of the apartment, two implicitly homosexual, pseudo-intellectuals,
bachelors, and psychopathic college buddies-lovers were in the midst
of a rope murder:
- Phillip Morgan (Farley Granger), nervous and
- Brandon Shaw (John Dall), more caustic
and arrogant
The Opening Scene: Rope Strangulation of David Kentley
(Dick Hogan)
The Two Killers (l to r): Phillip (Farley Granger) and
Brandon (John Dall)
- the two were thrill-killing (by rope strangulation)
a third individual - Harvard undergraduate and friend David Kentley (Dick Hogan); they hid Kentley's body
in a large antique wooden chest; the opening line of dialogue found Brandon ordering Phillip: "Open
it!" - before they stuffed David's body in the chest-trunk and closed it
- Brandon proudly rationalized the killing of an inferior individual:
"The good Americans usually die young on the battlefield,
don't they? Well, the Davids of this world merely occupy space,
which is why he was the perfect victim for the perfect murder.
Course he, uh, he was a Harvard undergraduate. That might make
it justifiable homicide"; in eight hours, they planned to dump
his corpse in a lake on their way out of town
- Brandon continued to gloat about his satisfying
murder: "You know I never did anything unless I did it perfectly.
I've always wished for more artistic talent. Well, murder can be
an art, too. The power to kill can be just as satisfying
as the power to create. Do you realize we've actually
done it, exactly as we planned? And not a single infinitesmal thing
has gone wrong. It was perfect....An immaculate murder! We've killed
for the sake of danger and for the sake of killing. We're alive,
truly and wonderfully alive"; they toasted to David's demise -
with chilled champagne
- in a chilling, sexually-tinged scene, Brandon (exhausted
and breathing heavily) recounted his feelings about the murder
to Phillip, that had occurred in the dark: "I
don't remember feeling very much of anything -- until his body
went limp and then I knew it was over...I felt tremendously exhilarated!"

Brandon: "An immaculate murder!"

Brandon About the Murder: "I felt tremendously

Brandon: "The party's the inspired finishing touch to our work"
- the two then dared to host a dinner party for some
of David's friends and relatives - Brandon boasted: "The party's
the inspired finishing touch to our work. It's more. It's the signature
of the artists. Not having it would be like, uh..." and Phillip
finished his sentence: "Painting the picture and not hanging it?"
And then Brandon proposed the "brilliant" idea
of having the unlocked chest with David's body serve as the dinner
party's main buffet table: ("Making our work of art a masterpiece...a
ceremonial altar which you can heap with the foods for our sacrificial
feast") - a table cloth, two candelabra and plates were set on the chest
- as a superior being, Brandon kept insisting that they
must execute everything perfectly: "We agreed there was only one crime
either of us could commit, the crime of making a mistake. Being weak
is a mistake.... Because it's being ordinary"
- once the housekeeper Mrs. Wilson (Edith Evanson) arrived
to assist, Phillip was nervous about Brandon holding the incriminating
rope in his hand - Brandon responded boldly: "It's
only a piece of rope, Phillip, an ordinary household article. Why
hide it? It belongs in the kitchen drawer"
- Phillip was also nervous and "frightened"
about the invitation extended to their ex-prep-school
housemaster/teacher Rupert Cadell (James Stewart) at Somerville: "Of
all the people on this Earth, Rupert Cadell is the one man most likely
to suspect," but Brandon was undeterred: "He's the one man who might
appreciate this from our angle, the artistic one. That's what's exciting!"
- as the guests began to arrive, Brandon announced:
"Now the fun begins"; the evening's invited guests included
(in order of their appearances):
- Kenneth Lawrence (Douglas Dick), the "washed-up" ex-boyfriend of David's
fiancee Janet
- Janet Walker (Joan Chandler) (a columnist for Allure magazine), David's fiancee
- Mr. Henry Kentley (Sir Cedric Hardwicke), the victim's father
- Mrs. Anita Atwater (Constance Collier), the victim's aunt
- Rupert Cadell, ex-prep-school teacher
- as the guests arrived, Brandon fondly remembered his prep-school
days with Kenneth, David, and Phillip,
when he sat at the feet of their housemaster Rupert Cadell, who was
impatient with social conventions - and his approval of murder: "For
example, he thinks murder is a crime for most men, but (Phillip interjected)
a privilege for the few"
- during the discussions, there was a tracking close-up
to Phillip's bloody hand gripping a broken champagne glass; soon after,
Mrs. Atwater offered him a palm-reading
and foretold that his hands (now completely healed - an obvious continuity
error) would bring "great fame" (due
to his piano-playing), but he guiltily interpreted her statement as
a reference to his strangulation notoriety

Mrs. Atwater's Palm-Reading for Phillip

Prediction: His Hands Would Bring "Great Fame"

Phillip Perplexed and Upset
- once Rupert Cadell arrived, Brandon spoke to him with
a stutter, something astutely observed: "You always did stutter when
you were excited"; also, it was recalled by Rupert (and Mr.
Kentley) that Brandon's favorite tale in prep school ("The Mistletoe
Bough") told about a young girl, a bride-to-be on her wedding day,
who playfully hid herself in a chest - with a spring lock - "Fifty
years later, they found her skeleton"
- when Phillip strangely refused to eat chicken at the
buffet table, Rupert and Brandon publically recalled the reason -
about three years earlier in Connecticut, Phillip had strangled three
live chickens for the evening meal: ("Oh, dear! It was a task
he usually performed very competently. But on this particular morning,
his touch was perhaps, a trifle too delicate, because one of the
subjects for our dinner table suddenly rebelled. Like Lazarus, he rose")
- after the recitation of the chicken tale, Phillip
angrily and intensely denied the incident: "THAT'S
A LIE! There isn't a word of truth in the whole story. l never strangled
a chicken in my life!"; Rupert realized the outburst was very
real between them: "In another moment, you might have been strangling
each other instead of a chicken...A man's honor was at stake. And
personally, I think a chicken is as good a reason for murder as a
blonde, a mattress full of dollar bills, or any of the customary,
unimaginative reasons"
- the conversation evolved into Rupert
Cadell's approving thoughts on murder: "Think of the problems
it would solve: unemployment, poverty, standing in line for theatre
tickets..."; Janet chuckled: "Rupert, you're the end!";
with tongue-in-cheek dark humor, he mentioned instances of murder
to get one's way - 'death by slow torture' was justifiable against
hotel clerks, bird lovers, small children and tap-dancers
- as he became the center of conversation, Rupert began
to philosophize using the intellectual concepts
of Nietzsche's Übermensch ('superman') (confirming the
acceptability of the privileged and superior few to murder inferiors): "After
all, murder is - or should be - an art. Not one of the 'seven lively',
perhaps, but an art nevertheless. And, as such, the privilege of committing
it should be reserved for those few who are really superior individuals"
- the impressionable Brandon
concurred: "And the victims: inferior beings whose lives
are unimportant anyway"; Rupert went on: "Obviously. Now,
mind you, I don't hold with the extremists who feel that there should
be open season for murder all year round. No, personally, I would prefer
to have 'Cut a Throat Week' or, uh, 'Strangulation Day'"; Mr.
Kentley reacted with distaste to all the 'murder talk': "Probably a
symptom of approaching senility, but I must confess I really don't
appreciate this morbid humor"; but the conversation went even further
when Brandon specified the "privileged few" who would decide who to
murder: "Oh, myself, Phillip - possibly Rupert...The few are those
men of such intellectual and cultural superiority that they're above
the traditional moral concepts" - he confirmed his approval of Nietzsche
and his theory of the superman, and then stressed: "I'd hang all incompetents
and fools, anyway. There are far too many in the world"
- after the heated discussion that bothered Mr. Kentley,
Rupert asked Brandon why he was so extreme and adamant with his statements:
"You were pushing your point rather hard. You aren't planning to
do away with a few inferiors, by any chance?"
- at various points in the evening, Brandon maliciously
played matchmaker between Janet and Kenneth; first, he tried to get
Kenneth to deliver a drink to Janet in the bedroom; then, he proposed
switching on "sweet music" in the living room as Janet
and Kenneth were left together alone; (the ex-couple talked about
how David's money wasn't really a factor in her choice, because Kenneth
was the one who had broken up with her!); and now, David and Kenneth
had broken their friendship; the two became suspicious about Brandon's
earlier quip to Kenneth when he first arrived: (Kenneth: "I
don't get it...Brandon made a crack when I got here. Well, he sorta
implied I'd have a better chance with you again because David would
be out of the running")
- during the party, there were numerous worrisome and
conspicuous references to David's suspicious tardiness and strange
absence - he had neither phoned nor talked to anyone
about not coming; Janet accused Brandon of deliberate complicity
in David's absence in order to cause trouble: "I think
you deliberately arranged it so that he wouldn't come" - she
prepared to leave the party (with Kenneth) after accusing him of
a "warped sense of humor"
- one of the film's two reverse tracking shots moved
backward from the chest, where housekeeper Mrs. Wilson was griping
to Rupert about the "peculiar party" and how she was forced
to set up the chest as the serving table, when everything had already
been laid out in the dining room; the tracking shot revealed Phillip
who was worried by their conversation and asked: "Is she still
harping on her table and how awkward it is to serve from this?"
Reverse Tracking Shot # 1: Back From the Chest
- Rupert suspected something was amiss at the "peculiar"
party - and began to interrogate the nervous Phillip on his own;
his first question: "What's going on, Phillip?" was
cleverly circumvented; he persisted while Phillip played the piano: "You
know, Phillip, I wish I could come straight out with what I want
to know. Unfortunately, I don't know anything. I merely suspect...Where's
David, Phillip?...Just what is Brandon trying to do with Janet and
Kenneth?"; Rupert also wondered why Phillip had reacted so strongly
to Brandon's assertions about his chicken strangulation, and Phillip
began to show signs that he was cracking
- when Mr. Kentley was about to depart, he received a stack of first-edition
books from Brandon, wrapped with the rope that was used to strangle
his son David; Phillip was distressed: ("I just think it's a
clumsy way of tying them up, that's all"); noting Phillip's
reaction, Rupert mentioned to both Brandon and Phillip: "There's
something upsetting both of you a great deal"
- there was a beautifully shot sequence with a stationary
camera - calmly observing as Mrs. Wilson cleared the buffet table
in various stages and walked back and forth (to the table in
the foreground), as Rupert pondered with the others about David's
whereabouts (off-screen); as she was about to open the chest to deposit
books inside, she was abruptly interrupted and stopped by Brandon,
who suggested she return to finish the cleanup in the morning: ("You
can put the books back when you come in to clean in the morning")
Mrs. Wilson Clearing the Top of the Buffet Table-Chest
The Chest - Almost Opened by Mrs. Wilson But Stopped by Brandon
- and when Rupert left, he was accidentally handed David's
monogrammed hat from the closet by Mrs. Wilson, with the letters DK;
troubled, he departed at the same time as everyone else, and soon,
Phillip and Brandon were left alone in the apartment, and were ready
to leave to drive to Connecticut that evening (while disposing of the body on the way)
- in the concluding sequence, Rupert called and said
he was coming back for a quick visit to the apartment
(faking that he left his cigarette case), to specifically talk more
about David's unusual disappearance; when Phillip went into a panic,
Brandon shouted at him: "I am not going to get caught, because of
you or anyone else. Nothing is going to get in my way now"
- in the apartment, Rupert began to search for his mislaid
case (and quickly found it after planting it on top of the chest
behind some books); he asked for a drink and then began a verbal
investigation into David's absence; he mentioned Janet's theory ("She
thinks you kidnapped David, or did something to prevent him from
coming"); then, Brandon dared Rupert to theorize about what he might have done
to get rid of David - if he were him
- as Rupert described the entire
murder plot, the camera tracked his directions - and came to rest on
the chest as the hiding place for the body: ("...As I recall,
David was quite strong. So he'd have to be knocked out. So l'd move
quietly around behind the chair, hit him on the head with something.
His body would fall forward on the floor....I'd have to find someplace
to hide the body until dark"); Rupert hinted that a body might be concealed
in the trunk in the middle of the room
- an exasperated Phillip, now
drunk, threw his champagne glass as he shouted out: "Cat and
mouse, cat and mouse....But which is the cat and which is the mouse?"

Phillip: "Cat and mouse, cat and mouse!"

Rupert With The Rope

Phillip's Outburst: "He's got it! He's got
it!...He knows, he knows, he knows!"
Phillip and Rupert Struggle For Brandon's Gun
- Rupert then produced the murder weapon - the rope
- from his pocket, and began to question them about it; now hysterical,
Phillip babbled drunkenly about the crime, confessing to and implicating
them in its execution: ("He's got it. He's got it!...He knows,
he knows, he knows!"); there
was a struggle between Rupert and Phillip for Brandon's loaded gun
sitting on the piano (Rupert's right wrist was grazed when the gun
discharged); Rupert seized the gun and
insisted on examining the contents of the chest; Brandon finally assented:
"Alright! Go ahead and look! I hope you like what you see!" -
to Rupert's horror after lifting the lid of the chest, he discovered David's corpse
- after the crime was uncovered, Rupert demanded an
explanation from his former pupils about their motivation; Brandon
rationalized the murder - reinforcing the reason for the crime by
mentioning their previous discussion during the party - they had
only put Rupert's theories into practice: ("Remember
we said, 'the lives of inferior beings are unimportant'? Remember
we said, we've always said, you and I, that moral concepts of good
and evil and right and wrong don't hold for the intellectually superior...That's
all we've done. That's all Phillip and l have done. He and I have
lived what you and I have talked. I knew you'd understand, because
you have to, don't you see, you have to")
- the thriller ended when guilt-ridden
and ashamed Rupert realized that his former students had twisted his
ideas and actually carried out his mad theories; he disavowed
his teachings and exonerated himself with a powerful
speech: ("Brandon, till this very moment, this world and the people in it have always
been dark and incomprehensible to me. And I've tried to clear my way
with logic and superior intellect. And you've thrown my own words right
back in my face, Brandon. You were right, too. If nothing else, a man
should stand by his words. But you've given
my words a meaning that I never dreamed of! And you've tried to twist
them into a cold, logical excuse for your ugly murder! Well, they never
were that, Brandon, and you can't make them that. There must have been
something deep inside you from the very start that let you do this
thing. But there's always been something deep inside me that would
never let me do it, and would never let me be a party to it now....I
mean that tonight, you've made me ashamed of every concept I ever had
of superior or inferior beings. But I thank you for that shame, because
now I know that we are each of us a separate human being, Brandon,
with the right to live and work and think as individuals, but with
an obligation for the society we live in. By what right do you dare say
that there's a superior few to which you belong? By what right did
you dare decide that that boy in there was inferior and therefore
could be killed? Did you think you were God, Brandon? Is that what
you thought when you choked the life out of him? Is that what you thought
when you served food from his grave? I don't know what you thought,
or what you are, but I know what you've done. You've murdered! You've
strangled the life out of a fellow human being who could live and love
as you never could. And never will again")
- Rupert vowed that they would be severely punished
(and executed) by society's laws: ("It's
not what I'm going to do, Brandon. It's what society is going to
do. I don't know what that will be, but I can guess, and I can help.
You're gonna die, Brandon. Both of you. You're gonna die")
- with three gunshots out the window, Rupert
signaled for the police to apprehend the killers; as they awaited
the arrival of the authorities, the camera made its second long reverse
tracking shot - pulling away as all three came into view in the living
Reverse Tracking Shot # 2: Film's End
- Rupert sat in a chair next to the chest; the
film's last line of dialogue was from Phillip stating that the police
had arrived (with the sound of a siren): "They're coming!";
Brandon calmly poured himself a drink, and Phillip played on the piano
The Two Killers Hid David's Body in a Wooden Chest-Trunk
Brandon's Rationalization About the Killing: "The
perfect murder... justifiable homicide"
The Chest Holding the Body Was Chosen as The Dinner
Party's Buffet Table
Kenneth Lawrence (Douglas Dick) - Janet's Ex-Boyfriend
Janet Walker (Joan Chandler) - David's Fiancee
The Victim's Father Mr. Kentley and Aunt
Mrs. Atwater
Close-up of Phillip's Bloody Hand
Rupert With Brandon - Noting His Nervous Stuttering
Phillip's Reaction to Brandon's Chicken-Strangling
Story: "THAT'S A LIE!"
Rupert's Theoretical Approval of Murder - "Think
of the problems it would solve"
Brandon's Endorsement of Rupert's Theory of Murder: Victims Should Be
Inferior Beings
Rupert's Questioning of Brandon's Extremism About Murdering
Matchmaking: Kenneth Left Alone with Janet
Janet's Confrontation With Brandon About David's Unusual Absence

Mr. Kentley's Books Wrapped Up in the Strangulation
Rupert: "There's something upsetting both of you
a great deal"

Rupert's Suspicions Aroused by Phillip's and Brandon's

Rupert Is Handed David's Monogrammed Hat (DK)
During Rupert's Description of the Purported Crime
- The Camera Came to Rest on the Chest
Rupert's Reaction to Seeing David's Corpse in Chest
Rupert's Speech: Disgust With His Former Students - Especially