The Movie (1978) (aka Superman)
In Richard Donner's comic-book superhero classic:
- the innovative 3-D-like effects
in its film title sequence - the first film with a computer-generated
title sequence; as the title sequence began,
it zoomed and animated the words: "ALEXANDER SALKIND PRESENTS" and
then continued with further zooms on the letters of the starring
performers; the graphics also zoomed inward to present the famed
S insignia for Superman
- the image of the "Man of Steel"
comic book Superman hero / alias bespectacled Clark Kent (Christopher
Reeve) with red cape and tights soaring over Metropolis
- Superman's rescue of Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) as
she fell from a helicopter and their conversation (Superman (politely): "Easy,
miss. I've got you" Lois Lane (screaming):
"You've got me? But who's got you?")
- their flight over the city with Lois in a blue chiffon
evening gown to find out how fast he could fly while she recited
the poem Can You Read My Mind
- the scene of Superman's flying chase next to an Army
- his saving resolution of various catastrophes when
a Navy missile struck the San Andreas fault
- Superman flew over one of the massive earthquake's
fault lines that had swallowed Lois Lane's car, and realized she
was dead from suffocation under the ground; after pulling the car
out of its burial location, he held Lois in his arms, kissed her,
and then laid her on the ground; and gave an anguished primal scream
howl-reaction to her death
- the scene of his angry flight into the air to attempt
to change the past with light-speed circumnavigation of the globe
- to reverse time in order to bring Lois back to life
Circumnavigating of the Globe to Reverse Time and
Bring Back Lois

"Alfred Salkind Presents"

Opening Title Credits
"You've got me? But who's got you?"
Primal Scream after Lois Lane's Death