Trial (1955)
In director Mark Robson's and MGM's courtroom crime drama
with themes of bigotry, hypocrisy and political extremism - it was
adapted from screenwriter Don Mankiewicz's own 1955 novel of the same
name (that was also published by Harper's); it told about a controversial
trial held after an Hispanic boy was arrested for the death of a Caucasian
female, in a lynch-mob atmosphere of anti-ethnic race prejudice in
the community, and during the growth of Communist special interests;
- in the film's pre-title credits sequence during a nighttime
scene at a crowded San Juno Village, CA private beach (limited to residents
only), after a loud scream, 17 year-old Hispanic teenager
Angel Chavez (Rafael Campos) was found by a game warden standing
over a deceased female, later identified as Marie Wiltse; later, newspaper
headlines read: "MURDER AT VILLAGE BEACH - Youth Accused in Slaying of
16-Yr.-Old Girl"
San Juno Village (CA) Private Beach in 1947

Deceased White Female Marie Wiltse

Detained Suspect Angel Chavez (Rafael Campos)
- after the title-credits, at 9:30 pm at the San Juno
State (California) University on June 7, 1947, a 5-year war veteran
and idealistic, clean-cut university law instructor David Blake
(Glenn Ford), who had taught for about four years, was being threatened
by Dean George (Everett Glass) with the non-renewal of his teaching
contract, for lacking legal courtroom trial experience (a new teaching
prerequisite); Prof. Terry Bliss (Grandon Rhodes) came to Blake's
defense and suggested that Blake find the legal experience needed
over the summer months
- Blake went searching for work in a law office and visited the
small law-firm of street-smart shark-attorney Barney Castle (Arthur
Kennedy), assisted by his competent and smart legal secretary Abbe
Nyle (Dorothy McGuire); he was offered a job if Castle could take
on a case regarding a client that was currently in jail

Law Firm Attorney Barney Castle (Arthur Kennedy)

Legal Secretary Abbe Nyle (Dorothy McGuire)
- they visited the local jail where Castle
bribed racist courthouse jail-sheriff A. A. "Fats" Sanders
(Robert Middleton) with $20 to speak to the incarcerated Chavez (and
his mother Consuela (Katy Jurado)); the scared but forthright boy admitted
that he had trespassed onto the private beach, and had become acquainted
with the victim who was a student in his HS; he claimed that she
willingly kissed him and they started to make out, but then she got
scared and ran away; he found her dead body and screamed for help;
Abbe mentioned that the girl was known to have suffered from recurring
rheumatic fever - the reason for her collapse ("her heart gave
however, Chavez had to be charged on suspicion
of statutory rape (due to Marie being under-age) and first-degree
"felony murder"
- Blake was hired by Castle as a defense lawyer to take the pro-bono Chavez
case known as State vs. Chavez: ("You're gonna take this case to
court"); Castle claimed he would function as the "outside man" engaged
in fund-raising to support their client
- the DA prosecutor was John "Jack"
Armstrong (John Hodiak) who openly announced his intentions to Blake
of the type of proper sentencing recommendations he would propose,
including manslaughter pleas (from two to 10 years),
in order to avoid having the town labeled as the place where a tabloid-like
sex-murder case occurred
- during his preparation for the trial, the inexperienced
Blake was aided by Castle's earnest and supportive legal secretary
Abbe, who eventually became a love interest
- while Angel was held in jail before trial, a small
private funeral and burial ceremony was conducted for the dead girl
by her grieving parents at the cemetery; a group of disgruntled townspeople,
led by aristocratic and bigoted real estate mogul Ralph Castillo
(John Hoyt) and long-time Ku Klux Klan member Cap Grant (Paul Guilfoyle),
arrived as the ceremony concluded; Castillo declared that they would
seek vengeance against the Hispanic boy; he also advocated strict
segregation of the races: "But now we're going to see that justice
is done. We're going to see to it that this little girl didn't die
for nothing...We're going to see to it that people live with their
own kind, the way it used to be. They call it discrimination, but
why is it called discrimination to keep the races apart"
- the vigilante lynch mob of racist townsfolk attempted
to stir up protest and retaliation by marching to the jail; their
objective was to break the boy out of jail and execute him; DA Armstrong
arrived to pressure jailer "Fats" Sanders
to tell the crowd that the accused boy would be
found guilty during a legal trial and executed: ("You can promise them
we'll hang that boy legally if they give us a chance"); the jovial "Fats"
implored the mob to leave and not create a bad reputation for the town
as a 'lynch-town': "I can give you my solemn oath. The man that killed
Marie Wiltsie will hang for it - legal...If the law doesn't hang this
lousy Mex, I swear I'll quit my job and never run for public office again"
- during everything that occurred pre-trial, Blake began
to realize that the shady Castle had an ulterior motive; he clearly
had no desire for Angel to be acquitted, and was in fact sabotaging
the case; he was also manipulating and controlling the boy's
mother Consuela Chavez
- to raise funds for the defense of the boy in the sensationalist,
racially-charged, felony-murder case, Castle planned a New York City
fund-raising rally sponsored by the All Peoples Party (a Communist
front); Castle flew Angel's mother to NYC to attend
- meanwhile, Blake and Abbe worked
overtime at Castle's California beach "shack"; a love-affair began
to develop between the two, after she admitted that an affair between
her and Castle had ended over a year earlier
- when the San Juno trial opened, it was presided
over by black Judge Theodore Motley (Juano Hernandez); Blake suspected
the black judge had been chosen due to pressure from town bigots
who wanted only the appearance of a fair trial, so they could proceed
with executing the Mexican boy; the Judge harshly rebuked Blake for
his unfounded suspicions and his own racist attitude: ("I'm
sure that you consider yourself completely without racial prejudice,
but you'd bar me from the bench for this trial because of the color
of my skin")
- during the first day of jury selection, novice
lawyer Blake was compelled to throw out the original jury panel because
of charges of jury tampering - the prospective jurors had been visited
in their homes and interrogated (and intimidated) by city detectives beforehand
- on the first weekend during the trial, Blake was
summoned to the New York rally to join Castle, who was raising money
by courting investors and funders in the "All
Peoples Party Club" (a Communist front organization), to support the Angel Chavez Defense
Fund; in a back-room before the rally began in Madison Square Garden, Castle
stressed the need to over-emphasize the choice of Mexican food at
the rally's dinner: ("You can't be expected to eat nomally"),
contradicted by Angel's mother who stated that she often ate typical
white food (meat and potatoes and vegetables)
- Blake objected that Castle was taking
money from Communist groups and labor unions ("Half of 'em are a
bunch of Communists!...I don't want that kind of money"); Castle
condescendingly replied: "Of course you don't. You
want nice honorable American money, not dirty Communist money"; Blake
ripped up the prepared speech given to him, and vowed to deliver
his own speech - however, at the start of his
anti-Communist remarks, Blake was almost immediately and deliberately
silenced by Castle (who cut off his microphone - similar to a scene
in Meet John Doe (1941)), and his words
were drowned out by a loud brass band; Castle's own
fund-raising and anti-establishment speech roused the hysterical
crowd with his central message: "Don't trust anybody! The time for
trusting and cheek-turning is passed"
Three Speakers at the 'Communist' Rally in NYC

Consuela Chavez

David Blake

Barney Castle
- Blake realized that he had walked into a "trap" and
was being used and duped by the prejudiced Castle for propagandistic
purposes (a guilty verdict would bring continued racial unrest and
promote fund-raising and support for his own Communist-backed organization);
once he returned, he briefly asked why Abbe had knowingly let him
go to the rally
[Note: Before the end of the film, it was revealed that
Castle had raised $50,000 BEFORE the rally - and didn't need any
additional funding to support the legal case; the rally brought in
an additional $320,000 for the Communist cause.]
- as the trial finally was about to commence after three
weeks, process server Finn (Elisha Cook Jr.) subpoened Blake to appear
before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) on the next
Saturday for his involvement in the New York rally; he was to be
questioned by zealous Senator Carl Baron Battle, the chairman of
the HUAC committee, and the results would be "highly incriminating" for Blake
- Blake began to suspect Abbe's own past (including her intimate relationship with
Castle and her own political pro-Communist political leanings when
she attended college); she explained how she wasn't ever a "card-carrier,"
but only an "enthusiastic and fellow traveler" when she was younger
and in school; she admitted that she had been duped and swayed, and no longer supported the
Communist cause because she was deemed a "hopeless bourgeois": ("They
were right. I could never really accept the party line. The way it
kept changing. Monday's truth would be Tuesday's
lie"); she apologized for not warning him ahead of time: ("Now it's
too late, I've let them destroy you...I believe in you!")
- during the trial's opening statements, the DA called
for the death penalty; the DA's first witness was Marie's physician
from childhood, Dr. Johannes Schacter (Richard Gaines), who testified
that Marie died of "violent exertion" to her heart, due to a long
history of rheumatic fever
- Blake's strategy was based on solid, rigorous and aggressive
cross-examination to rebut the prosecution's case; he revealed that
the victim was at risk of dying at any time anyway, and she was found
halfway up a long flight of stairs; another young male witness' testimony
about clearly seeing the beach incident with his car's spotlight
was also debunked
- the atmosphere of the trial was tense, due to the continuing
protests of white supremacists and other lynch mob members who were
rallying to put the Latino Chavez boy away; Castle put
undue pressure on Angel's mother to have the boy called to the stand;
he was counting on Angel's testimony to be self-convicting, in order
to ruin any chances of acquittal (and to make Chavez
a martyr for his political leftist cause supporting a "new world" order)
- as it turned out, Angel's testimony was self-damning,
vague and not very convincing; he claimed that Marie had held his
hand and had put his hand on her knee before he kissed her and put
his arms around her; then the buttons ripped on her dress, she screamed
and scratched his face as she fled up the stairs and fell down; there
was no attempt at seduction or forcing her against her will; under
cross-examination, it was suggested that Angel had lied about what
had happened that night
- the jury ruled against Angel and he was convicted
of the crime of felony murder; Blake sought to set
up an immediate appeal, but was fired by Castle to prevent him from
participating in the sentencing hearing the next day; Blake
discovered that Castle had been maneuvering and brainwashing Angel's
mother to allow her son to be sacrificed and mourned as a way to advance
racial equality ("He will die for all of us and he will not die in vain!")
- at the sentencing, Castle proposed a mandatory death
penalty; Blake burst into the court and asked to speak during the sentencing
with an "amicus" (friend of the court) ruling by the Judge; the race-baiting
Castle strenuously objected and zealously denounced the Judge for
"outrageous prejudicial conduct"
- in the film's trial climax, Blake
delivered an emotional speech to denounce the bigoted and prejudiced
Castle for using everyone as his own pawns, and for supporting Angel's
execution in order to advance support for his own Communist interests
even before the trial began: ("Mr. Castle no longer considered Angel
Chavez a defendant in peril of his life. But Bernard Castle and the
Communist Party had decided that Angel Chavez should die so that
his death might stir up more race hatred, might raise more money
for the Communist cause! But in my, my anxiety to help this boy,
I permitted myself to be used as a Communist front. I was a fool,
and this boy suffered because of my foolishness")
- Castle rose to object and personally criticized
the Judge to provoke him: "You ought to disqualify yourself for incompetence.
You're a frightened little man, selling out his own people for a
fancy title and a black gown. They may call ya Judge to your face,
but they got better words for ya behind your back. You're a handkerchief
head, you're an Uncle Tom!"
- in the film's happy ending, Blake
argued for an obscure code statute requiring that the youthful juvenile
offender be sent for a short term to the state's industrial reform
school; even DA Armstrong added that the defendant should receive
an "indeterminate sentence" rather than the death penalty; the
Judge accepted Blake's argument for "justice" with a "much fairer
[Note: In the original novel, the boy was hanged.]
- the film concluded with the Judge sentencing the out-of-order
Castle to 30 days in the county jail for contempt of court due to
his earlier outburst, and the HUAC summons would probably be postponed
indefinitely; the victorious Abbe and Blake left the courtroom together

San Juno State University Law Instructor David Blake (Glenn

Newspaper Headlines of Murder at Village Beach

Racist Jail-Sheriff A. A. "Fats" Sanders (Robert Middleton)

The Scared Boy Angel Incarcerated in Jail

Angel's Mother Consuela (Katy Jurado)

The Prosecuting District Attorney "Jack" Armstrong (John Hodiak)
Two Racist Townsfolk:

Ralph Castillo
(John Hoyt)

Cap Grant (Paul Guilfoyle)

Love-Affair Developing Between Abbe and Castle

Black Judge Theodore Motley (Juano Hernandez)

Defense Attorney Blake With Defendant Angel Chavez

Tensions Between Blake and Abbe Over Her Own Communist Background
in College

Blake's Rigorous Cross-Examination of Witnesses

Castle Pressuring Blake in the Courtroom to Put Angel on the Witness

Angel Chavez on the Witness Stand

The Judge Denounced by the Race-Baiting Castle

Blake's Emotional Speech

Angel Saved From Execution - Thanks to Blake

Abbe and Blake Leaving the Courtroom