Best Film Speeches and Monologues
Title Screen
Film Title/Year and Description of Film Speech/Monologue |
Breaking Away
Screenwriter(s): Steve Tesich
Else I Never Got the Chance to Be"
19 year-old recent high
school grad Mike (Dennis Quaid), an ex-star quarterback and
now a "cutter" (son of a quarry worker) in the town
of Bloomington, Indiana, facing an uncertain future as a 'have-not,'
while battling the local rich college jocks at Indiana University:
You know, I used to think I was a really
great quarterback in high school. Still think so, too.
Can't even bring myself to light a cigarette 'cause I keep
thinkin' I gotta stay in shape. You know what really gets
me, though? I mean, here I am, I gotta live in this stinkin'
town, and I gotta read in the newspapers about some hot-shot
kid, new star of the college team. Every year, it's gonna
be a new one. Every year it's never gonna be me. I'm just
gonna be Mike. Twenty year-old Mike. Thirty year-old Mike.
Old, mean old man Mike. These college kids out here - they're
never gonna get old or out of shape 'cause new ones come
along every year. And they're gonna keep calling us 'Cutters'.
To them, it's just a dirty word. To me, it's just somethin'
else I never got a chance to be.
The Great Santini
Screenwriter(s): Lewis John Carlino
Is the Eye of the Storm"
Marine officer and training commander Lt. Col.
Wilbur "Bull" Meechum (aka The Great Santini) (Robert
Duvall) welcomed a classroom of new trainees in the Marine
Corps Pilot program:
Good Morning. You men now have the privilege
of serving under the meanest, toughest, screamingest squadron
commander in the Marine Corps. ME!
Now, I don't want you to consider me as just
your commanding officer. I want you to look on me like I
was, well - God. If I say something, you pretend it's coming
from the burning bush. Now, we're members of the proudest,
most elite group of fighting men in the history of the world.
We are Marines! Marines Corps fighter pilots! We have no
other function. That is our mission and you are either gonna
hack it or pack it. Do you read me?
Within thirty days, I am gonna lead the toughest,
flyingest sons-of-bitches in the world. The 312 Werewolf
Squadron will make history, or it will die trying. Now, you're
flyin' with Bull Meecham now, and I kid you not, this is
the eye of the storm.
Welcome aboard.
The Jerk
Screenwriter(s): Steve Martin, Carl Gottlieb, Michael Elias
All I Need"

Play clip (excerpt):
The dim-witted, long drawn-out bumbling of the
'jerk' Navin R. Johnson (Steve Martin) about keeping some trivial
possessions in his "That's All I Need" speech to
Marie Kimble Johnson (Bernadette Peters):
Well, I'm gonna go then. And I don't need
any of this! I don't need this stuff, and I don't need
you. I don't need anything - except this (referring
to an ashtray), this ashtray, and that's the only thing
I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray.
And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and
that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray,
the paddle game and the remote control, and that's all
I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches,
and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp.
The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and
the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I
need, too. I don't need one other thing, not one
- I need this! The paddle game, and the chair, and the
remote control, and the matches, for sure.
Well, what are you looking at? What do you
think I am, some kind of a jerk or something? And this! And
that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle
game, this magazine and the chair...I don't need one other
thing, except my dog (the dog growled at him) I don't
need my dog.
vs. Kramer (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Robert Benton
to Have Custody of Son
Separated husband and nurturing father Ted Kramer
(Dustin Hoffman) made an eloquent and heart-felt court plea
- it was the defense of his right to have custody of son Billy
(Justin Henry) over his estranged ex-wife Joanna (Meryl Streep),
and his admission that he was not a perfect parent:
There's a lot of things I didn't understand,
a lot of things I'd do different if I could. Just like
I think there's a lot of things you wish you could change,
but we can't. Some things once they're done can't be undone.
My wife, my ex-wife, says that she loves Billy, and I believe
she does, but I don't think that's the issue here.
If I understand it correctly, what means the
most here is what's best for our son. What's best for Billy.
My wife used to always say to me: 'Why can't a woman have
the same ambitions as a man?' I think you're right. And maybe
I've learned that much. But by the same token, I'd like to
know, what law is it that says that a woman is a better parent
simply by virtue of her sex? You know, I've had a lot of
time to think about what it is that makes somebody a good
parent? You know, it has to do with constancy, it has to
do with patience, it has to do with listening to him. It
has to do with pretending to listen to him when you can't
even listen anymore. It has to do with love, like, like,
like she was saying. And I don't know where it's written
that it says that a woman has a corner on that market, that,
that a man has any less of those emotions than a woman does.
Billy has a home with me. I've made it the
best I could. It's not perfect. I'm not a perfect parent.
Sometimes I don't have enough patience because I forget that
he's a little kid. But I'm there. We get up in the morning
and then we eat breakfast, and he talks to me and then we
go to school. And at night, we have dinner together and we
talk then and I read to him. And, and we built a life together
and we love each other. If you destroy that, it may be irreparable.
Joanna, don't do that, please. Don't do it twice to him.
vs. Kramer (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Robert Benton
Change of Heart
In the ground-floor marble-tiled lobby of their
apartment building, in the film's concluding scene, Joanna
(Meryl Streep) met with former husband Ted (Dustin Hoffman)
after winning custody of their child in a difficult divorce
settlement and was about to take him away. But she decided
that their son Billy should remain with him in his true home:
I woke up this morning, kept thinking about
Billy and I-I was thinking about him waking up in his room
with his little clouds all around that I painted. And I
thought I should have painted clouds downtown, because
then he would think that he was waking up at home. I came
here to take my son home. And I realized he already is
Oh, I love him very much. (They hugged)
I'm not gonna take him with me. Can I go and talk to him?...
Ted suggested that Joanna should go up in the
elevator by herself and see Billy, and he would wait downstairs.
She asked him just before the elevator doors closed, after
wiping the tears from her eyes: "How do I look?" He
responded: "You look terrific." |
Screenwriter(s): Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman
to Write a Novel
Play clip (excerpt):
Isaac Davis (Woody Allen) narrated about his
failed attempts at writing, as he struggled to find the perfect
opening for his new novel:
'Chapter One. He adored New York City. He
idolized it all out of proportion.' Uh, no, make that:
'He-he romanticized it all out of proportion.' Better.
'To him, no matter what the season was, this was still
a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to
the great tunes of George Gershwin.' Uh, no, let me start
this over...
'Chapter One: He was too romantic about Manhattan, as he
was about everything else. He thrived on the hustle bustle
of the crowds and the traffic. To him, New York meant beautiful
women and street smart guys who seemed to know all the angles.'
Ah, corny, too corny for, you know, my taste. Let me, let
me try and make it more profound...
'Chapter One: He adored New York City. To him it was a metaphor
for the decay of contemporary culture. The same lack of individual
integrity that caused so many people to take the easy way
out was rapidly turning the town of his dreams in..' No,
it's gonna be too preachy, I mean, you know, let's face it,
I wanna sell some books here.
'Chapter One: He adored New York City. Although to him it
was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. How
hard it was to exist in a society desensitized by drugs,
loud music, television, crime, garbage...' Too angry. I don't
wanna be angry.
'Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the city he
loved. Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual
power of a jungle cat.' Oh, I love this! 'New York was his town,
and it always would be.'
Screenwriter(s): Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman
Is Life Worth Living?"
Play clip (excerpt): 
Isaac (Woody Allen) thought of an idea for a
new book, dictated into a tape recorder while he laid on his
sofa, forcing recollections of all the things that made life
for him worth living:
My idea for a short story about, uhm, people
in Manhattan, who, uh, are constantly creating these real,
unnecessary neurotic problems for themselves, 'cause it
keeps them from dealing with more unsolvable, terrifying
problems about the universe. Uhm, it's, uh, well, it has
to be optimistic.
All right, why is life worth living?
That's a very good question. Uhm, well, there are certain
things I-I guess that make it worthwhile. Uh, like what?
Okay. Uhm, for me, ah, ooh, I would say - what, Groucho
Marx, to name one thing. Uh, uhmm, and Willie Mays, and
uhm, uh, the Second Movement of the Jupiter Symphony. And
uhm, Louis Armstrong recording Potatohead Blues.
Uhm, Swedish movies, naturally, Sentimental Education by
Flaubert, uh, Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra. Uhm, those incredible apples
and pears by Cézanne. Uh, the crabs at Sam Wo's.
Uhm, Tracy's face...
Meatballs (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Len Blum, Daniel Goldberg, Janis Allen, Harold Ramis
Just Doesn't Matter If We Win or We Lose"
Head summer camp counselor Tripper Harrison (Bill
Murray) at Camp North Star gave a rousing motivational speech
to his campers during the yearly Olympiad competition against
the wealthy Camp Mohawk located across the lake. He
told his demoralized campers that it didn't matter if they
lost, even if they had already lost the contest 12 years in a
That's just the attitude we don't need. Sure,
Mohawk has beaten us twelve years in a row. Sure, they're
terrific athletes. They've got the best equipment that money
can buy. Hell, every team they're sending over here has their
own personal masseuse, not masseur, masseuse. But it doesn't
matter. Do you know that every Mohawk competitor has an electrocardiogram,
blood and urine tests every 48 hours to see if there's any
change in his physical condition? Do you know that they use
the most sophisticated training methods from the Soviet Union,
East and West Germany, and the newest Olympic power Trinidad-Tobago?
But it doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. IT JUST DOESN'T
MATTER! (everyone chanting) IT JUST
even, and even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we win! Even
if we play so far over our heads that our noses bleed for
a week to ten days. Even if God in Heaven above comes down
and points his hand at our side of the field. Even if every
man, woman and child held hands together and prayed for us
to win, it just wouldn't matter, because all the really good
looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk
'cause they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter
if we win or we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER! (all chanting)
The Muppet
Movie (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Jack Burns, Jerry Juhl
Talking to Himself
The enchanting, revelatory internal dialogue
Kermit the Frog (voice of Jim Henson) had with himself (or
his conscience) when stranded in the desert late at night:
I didn't promise anybody anything. What
do I know about Hollywood anyway? Just the dreams I got
from sitting through too many double-features. [Kermit's
inner self speaks in response] So why did you leave
the swamp in the first place? 'Cause some agent fella
said I had talent. Hmm. He probably says that to everybody. On
the other hand, if you hadn't left the swamp, you'd be
feeling pretty miserable anyhow. Yeah, but then it
would just be me feelin' miserable. Now I got a lady pig,
and a bear and a chicken, a dog, a thing -- whatever Gonzo
is. He's a little like a turkey. [Kermit's inner self becomes
a literal second Kermit, sitting on a rock] Yeah, a
little like a turkey. But not much. No, I guess not.
Anyhow, I brought 'em all out here into the middle of nowhere.
It's all my fault. Still... whether you promised them
something or not, you gotta remember they wanted to come. But
that's because they believed in me. No, they believed
in the dream. Well, so do I, but-- You do? Yeah!
Of course I do. Well then? Well, then...I guess
I was wrong when I said I never promised anyone. I promised me.
After the internal monologue, Kermit gave a thoughtful "Hmm" as
a shooting star flew over the horizon. |
The Muppet
Movie (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Jack Burns, Jerry Juhl
"I've Got a Dream"
In their last showdown - in homage to the classic
western High Noon, Kermit (dressed
in cowboy gear) delivered a diatribe to the persistent Doc
Hopper (Charles Durning) - the owner of the Doc Hopper's French
Fried Frog Leg Restaurant chain - who had a dream of owning
a thousand frog-leg restaurants and putting Kermit in his TV
Hopper, what's the matter with you? You
gotta be crazy chasin' me halfway across the country. Why
are you doin' this to me? ...You know, well, I've got a
dream too. But it's about singing and dancing and making
people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better
the more people you share it with. And, well, I've found
a whole bunch of friends who have the same dream. And,
and it kind of makes us like a family. You have anybody
like that, Hopper? I mean, once you get all those restaurants,
who are you gonna share it with? Who are your friends,
Doc? Those guys? ...I don't think you're a bad man,
Doc. But I think if you look in your heart, you'll find
you really want to let me and my friends go to follow our
dream. But if that's not the kind of man you are and if
what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you, well, then,
go ahead and kill me.

II (1979)
Screenwriter(s): Sylvester Stallone
I Got to Lose?"
The hospital chapel scene of Mickey (Burgess
Meredith), the cantankerous manager/trainer of Philadelphia
bum/fighter Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), urging his disheartened
boxer-friend to train and properly prepare for his championship
bout rematch against Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) on Thanksgiving
1976, although Rocky was distraught over his ailing wife Adrian
(Talia Shire) and was unresponsive while she was suffering
from a coma after hemorrhaging during the premature, one-month
early birth of their first child, a baby son:
Well, Rocky, you got another shot. It's
a second shot at the, I don't know, the biggest title in
the world. And you're gonna be swapping punches with the
most dangerous fighter in the world. And just in case,
you know, your brain ain't workin' so good, all this happens
pretty soon and you ain't ready. You're nowhere near in
any shape. So I say, you know, for God's sake, why don't
you stand up and fight this guy hard like you
done before? That was beautiful. But don't lay down in
front of him like this! Like, I don't know, like some kind
of mongrel or something. 'Cause he's gonna kick your face
in pieces, you know that? That's right. This guy just don't
wanna win, you know. He wants to bury you, he wants to
humiliate you. He wants to prove to the whole world that
you was nothing but some kind of a freak the first time
out. And he said you're a one-time lucky bum. Well, now,
I don't, I don't wanna get mad, in a biblical place like
this, but I think you're a hell of a lot more than that,
kid. A hell of a lot! No, wait a minute. If you wanna blow
it, if you wanna blow this thing, dammit, I'm gonna blow
it with you. If you want to stay here, I'll stay with you.
I'll stay with you. Yeah. I'll stay and pray. What I got
to lose?