Lust in the Dust (1985)
In Paul Bartel's excessively-campy cult, tasteless
Western comedy spoof (whose title was inspired by the nickname given
to Selznick's Duel in the Sun (1946)),
set in the wild New Mexico western frontier town of Chile Verde in
the mid 1880s:
- the opening 'voice-over narration: "Our passions
are like fire and water - good servants but poor masters. The legend
of Chile Verde tells of men and women who became slaves to their
passions. They paid the price here under the blistering, burning,
blazing, scorching, roasting, toasting, baking, boiling, broiling,
steaming, searing, sizzling, grilling, smoldering, VERY HOT New
Mexico sun. For there is a saying in these parts: Those who lust
in the dust shall die in the dust"
- the scene of the entrance (on a mule) of corpulent,
black-wigged, saloon dance-hall girl Rosie Valez (transvestite Divine,
aka Glenn Milstead) in a Mexican peasant skirt with a dilapidated
parasol, who was lost and dying of thirst in the barren desert until
she came upon a body of water oasis and went swimming; she was spied
upon by an unidentified, Clint Eastwood-like silent lone gunman (Abel
Wood (Tab Hunter)); she challenged him: "What do you want? It's
me, isn't it? You're going to take advantage of me, you're going
to have your filthy way with me under the hot desert sun, aren't
you? You're going to ravage me like I've never been ravaged before.
Your hot sweat sliding over my body as we roll in the dust. Oh, as
you violate my inner-most parts, as you pound against me in the most
orgasmic, animal passion - Oh, God, you're disgusting"; after
inspecting her underclothes, the gunman shot a buzzard for her to
eat before riding off
- she followed after him, but found herself confronted
by a gang of "horny as jackrabbits" outlaws led by Hard
Case Williams (Geoffrey Lewis); Rosie was stripped of her blouse
- and before she was defiled, she claimed: "No! Stop! Wait!
I'm a...virgin" - Hard Case replied: "A virgin, really?
That DOES make a difference. Then I'LL go first. I've had carnal
knowledge of 215 women and two goats...but none of them have ever
made me sneeze before"; allergic to her perfume, he passed off
his manly duties to his gang, who were soon exhausted and satiated
("What a bunch of deadbeats!"); before escaping the gang,
she accidentally crushed the neck of the midget gang member Clarence
(Daniel Frishman) who was providing her with oral sex between her
Rosie Valez (Divine)
Abel Wood (Tab Hunter)
Rosie Stripped
- Rosie and Abel entered the town of Chile Verde and
its saloon-brothel, owned by lusty Marguerita Ventura (Lainie Kazan);
she made a dramatic appearance at the door to the saloon with a
shotgun aimed at Abel: "Freeze, hombre. Or I'll be wearing
your asshole for a garter" - she looked him up and down and
then remarked: "Nice pair of jingle-bobs" (spurs); she
identified her name to Rosie: "The customers call me 'Marguerita'.
The territory calls me 'Marguerita'. My real close friends call
me 'Miss Ventura'"
- other characters included: Bernardo (Henry Silva)
- Marguerita's Latino bartender-lover, the saloon's two hookers:
(1) sexy Ninfa (Gina Gallego), and (2) Big Ed (Nedra Volz) - a tiny,
elderly fragile lady whose only dream was to get to Abilene, and
Father Garcia (Cesar Romero)
Ninfa to Abel: "Do you like what you see,
senor? I'm the best French-kisser in Chile Verde"
Big Ed (Nedra Volz)
with Bernardo
- the scene of Marguerita stripping down and joining
Abel (with only his boots on) for sex in the makeshift outdoor
- the main goal of the outlaws was to locate hidden
gold treasure, described by Father Garcia: ("The legend of the
gold keeps this town alive. That is why they are all here. These
are ruthless men - and women"); the secret of the gold was found
in a limerick puzzle: ("There was a young fellow from Scotland
/ Who robbed the New Mexico hotland / In a grave situation / Two
butes his salvation / He buried the gold / But in what land?")
- after Bernardo's murder by Abel (almost hanged by
a mob), Marguerita's performance of a bawdy, euphemism-filled song "South
of My Border" to Abel in the saloon: ("Let me take you
south of my border / Just north of my garter / Where everything's
on order for you / Where it's sweet like a potion / Feel the heat,
feel the motion / Marguerita's hot from head to her shoe /...")
- saloon rival Rosie briefly retorted with her own version of one
line of the song: ("Let her take you south of her border / If
you think you can afford her")
- the scene of Big Ed untying naked Hard Case from a
headboard, and noting his impressive "early morning" stimulated
"Oh, my goodness!"; when he responded: "Lady, this is
no time to be pointing an accusing finger," she quipped: "At
least it's only my finger that's pointing!"
(l to r): Rosie's and Marguerita's Butts Revealing
A Map of Scotland
and Location of the Gold in Bute Hills, NM
- the revelation that the gold treasure map was tattooed
in two half-sections on the separate ample rear-ends of Rosie and
Marguerita - it was a map of Scotland marked "BU - TE" -
Rosie figured out the puzzle: "Cactus Kaplan's Grave!" (briefly
passed by Rosie in the opening sequence) - (Abel explained the
puzzle: "Two Butes, One in Scotland, the Other One Here! Or
Two Beauties - the Ladies")
- the concluding three-way Mexican standoff shoot-out
between Hard Case Williams, Wood, and Rosie and Marguerita (teamed
up together), to get the gold (robbed from the Las Cruces Bank years
earlier) - buried next to Cactus Kaplan's Grave in Bute Hills, N.M.;
Rosie used her thighs to grip the treasure box and open it; Father
Garcia then appeared and revealed that Cactus Kaplan was the father
of both Rosie and Marguerita: ("He devised the limerick - and
he put the last, the vital clue, on his infant daughters. He wanted
you sisters to have the gold...You girls were brought up by separate
foster families") - but then, he went crazy and was shot dead
by the others (Hard Case: "If there's one thing I hate, it's
a pushy priest!"); next to be shot dead was Hard Case, followed
by Marguerita who was mercilessly killed by a spiteful Rosie for
bragging about making love with Abel: "When we made love, it
was fireworks exploding - big long roman candles shootin' off inside
me...we did it in the shower"
- in the surprise conclusion, from a cliff-top, Big
Ed shot Rosie and saved Abel, and the two rode off to Abilene; Rosie
survived the shooting, but appeared to commit suicide (a gun-shot
was heard off-screen) when she commiserated that Abel had deserted
her ("What the use?"); in the ending spoof of Gone
with the Wind (1939), Rosie greedily chomped down on a buzzard
she had shot and roasted, and mused: "Oh well, maybe he'll be
back tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day"
Rosie with Abel
Marguerita: "Freeze, hombre!"

"Nice pair of jingle-bobs"
"My real close friends call me 'Miss Ventura'"
Shower Scene
Abel Saved From Hanging
Marguerita's Song: "South of the Border"
Big Ed Noting Hard Case's Erection
Cactus Kaplan's Tombstone in Bute Hills, N.M.
The Mexican Stand-off at the Gravesite
Father Garcia's Revelation That Bank Robber Cactus Kaplan
Was the Father of Rosie and Marguerita
Ending: Rosie Eating A Buzzard: "After all,
tomorrow is another day"