The Greatest Tearjerkers of All-Time
Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Brief Tearjerker Scene Description
Cinema Paradiso (1988, It./Fr.)
- the scene of teenaged projectionist Salvatore
(nicknamed Toto) (Marco Leonardi as teenager) of the local Cinema
Paradiso movie theatre being advised when leaving the small
Sicilian town of Giancaldo at the train station bound for Rome, to
never return or look back, by his loving, blinded mentor/surrogate
father Alfredo (Philippe Noiret): ("Don't come back. Don't
think about us. Don't look back. Don't write. Don't give in to nostalgia.
Forget us all. If you do and you come back, don't come see me. I
won't let you in my house. Understand?"). Toto then thanked
Alfredo: "Thank
you. For everything you've done for me." Alfredo's last words
were: "Whatever you end up doing, love it. The way you loved
the projection booth when you were a little squirt."
- also, the
touching moment when middle-aged, world-famous Italian film director
Salvatore Di Vita (Jacques Perrin as adult) returned to his peasant
childhood Sicilian hometown of Giancaldo after 30 years to attend
the funeral of Alfredo, whom he succeeded as the town's movie theatre
projectionist after a devastating fire blinded him. He was given
a gift of a reel of film by Alfredo's widow. When he returned to
Rome, he projected the reel, watching the long montage of romantic
("pornographic") amorous screen kisses ordered spliced
out of numerous films by the village priest Father Adelfio (Leopoldo
Trieste) when he was a boy
Spliced Together Censored Kisses
See "The Censored Kisses and Scenes of Cinema Paradiso (1988): The Kissing Montage" (i.e., His
Girl Friday, The Gold Rush, The Outlaw, The Son
of the Sheik, The Adventures of Robin Hood, etc.)
Teenaged Salvatore's Goodbye to Alfredo

Adult-Aged Salvatore Watching the Film Reel
City Lights (1931)
- one of the greatest endings in cinema
history, in which the now-wealthy Flower Girl (Virginia Cherrill) encountered
the vagrant Little Tramp (Charlie Chaplin) in an accidental meeting for
the first time since the Tramp selflessly sacrificed his own money to restore
her sight -- when the Flower Girl recognized him, the Tramp's face showed
a bevy of mixed emotions: shame, fear, bravery, pain, tentativeness, love,
bliss and joy. At first, she appeared slightly dismayed and confused - he
looked so completely different from what she expected - and then she was
moved. The Tramp smiled and his eyes lit up when she recognized and
accepted him for who he was

The Tramp Touched by the Flower Girl
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind (1977)
- the finale in which the doors
opened and humans who had been missing emerged - and young Barry
(Cary Guffey) was reunited with his mother Jillian (Melinda Dillon)
- the choosing of Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) - 'adopted'
and taken into the 'mother-ship' alien craft; the
final shot of Roy ascending into the wondrous, ethereal heart of the
Roy's Ascent into the Mothership with Aliens
- one of the aliens communicating
'farewell' with hand signals to UN scientist Claude Lacombe (Francois
Truffaut) before the Mother Ship ascended and departed, as
John Williams' score soared in triumph - incorporating "When
You Wish Upon a Star" from Pinocchio (1940)
Young Barry Reunited with His Mother
Hand-Signal Goodbye
Mother Ship's Departure
Cocoon (1985)
- the reckless behavior
of retirement home residents unwittingly drained the life-giving
qualities of a nearby magical swimming pool - and caused the death
of one of the ancient Antarean aliens (one of the ground crew) in
one of the cocoon pods; the Antarean leader Walter (Brian Dennehy)
announced: "All this time to energize the pool. Now the life
force is completely drained from the water. I'm not gonna be able
to bring them back";
he basically admitted that his mission from Antarea to Earth had
failed to save the twenty cocoon pods submerged in the Gulf of Mexico
and return them to his home planet
- in a heart-breaking scene, Rose (Herta Ware) suddenly
died due to dementia and respiratory failure; she was discovered
dead in her bed by her husband Bernie Lefkowitz (Jack Gilford)
- after which he carried her in his arms over to the non-functioning
life-giving pool near the Florida retirement community and tried
to revive her, completely stricken with guilt over earlier forbidding
his wife to sample the pool's power out of fear and timidness; he
asked Walter: "Can
you help me? I have to do something for her. She - she's..." and
was coldly told:
"The pool doesn't work anymore, it's too late." Bernie
vainly offered:
"I'll give you everything I've got." Walter: "I'm
sorry, Bernie, I wish I could help you, it's just too late." He
sobbed over her:
"Rosie, oh, Rosie!"
- in another poignant scene,
Ben Luckett (Wilford Brimley) bid his 10 year-old grandson David
(Barret Oliver) goodbye - while standing in knee-deep water fishing
- and what he would miss on Earth (grandsons, fishing holes, hotdogs,
baseball games, etc.) as a result of his decision to "go away" forever
to another planet in "outer space" - but he also saw the benefits
- an idyllic afterlife: ("When we get where we're goin',
we'll never be sick, we won't get any older, and we won't ever die")
Descent of Antarean Spaceship to Pick Up Seniors
- Raising Up The Entire Charter Boat Into an Alien Spacecraft
Boat-Load Departure of Seniors Transported
to Spaceship
- in the film's finale, the boat-load of seniors
(seeking immortality on an unknown planet) was transported upwards
into a Antarean spaceship before it departed

Death of One of the Aliens Due to the Drained Lifeforce
in the Pool

Death of Wife Rose and Bernie's Vain Attempt to Revive
Her in the Now Powerless Pool

Sad Goodbye Scene Between Ben with His 10 Year-Old Grandson
The Color Purple (1985)
- the scene in which two sisters were separated:
young Celie (Desreta Jackson) and her teenaged sister Nettie (Akosua
Busia) - when Nettie was forcibly thrown off the farm by Celie's
brutish husband "Mister" Albert (Danny Glover) after Nettie had
painfully rebuffed Albert's sexual advances during an attempted
rape - Nettie cried out asking:
"Why? Why? Whhhhhyyyy?"; Celie urged: "WRITE!", and Nettie
responded: "Nothing but death can keep me from her!"
- the emotional scene in which
juke joint singer Shug Avery (Margeret Avery), Albert's old sweetheart,
sang "Maybe
God Is Tryin' To Tell You Somethin'": ("Speak to me! Speak
to me!")
to her estranged preacher father Rev. Samuel (Carl Anderson) who
hadn't uttered a word to her in decades; she shed tears of absolute
happiness when he returned her hug as she whispered in his ear: ("See,
Daddy? Sinners have soul too")
- the joyous reunion of a middle-aged
Celie (Whoopi Goldberg as adult) with Nettie (who had emigrated back
from Africa), beginning with Celie happily calling out "NETTIE!" -
and followed by the kisses the sisters gave each other, barely
daring to believe the other was real; and Celie's first introduction
and heart-rending reuniting with her two adult children (a son
and daughter); very improbably, Nettie had gone to Africa with
a missionary and his wife who had adopted Celie's two children
Separation of Two Sisters: Celie and Nettie
Shug with her Father

Reunion of Nettie and Celie
Coming Home (1978)
- the stark, violent breakup scene between housewife
Sally Hyde (Jane Fonda) and her returning husband-vet Bob (Bruce
Dern) (Sally: "It happened. I needed somebody. I was lonely..." Bob: "Bulls--t...if
it's over with us, it's over...What I'm saying ISSSS I do not belong
in this house. And they're saying that I don't belong over there")
- wheelchair-bound Vietnam vet Luke Martin's (Jon
Voight) impassioned speech to high school students about the futility
of war: ("...And
now I'm here to tell ya that I have killed for my country, or whatever.
And I don't feel good about it. Because there's not enough reason,
man, to feel a person die in your hands or to see your best buddy
get blown away. I'm here to tell ya it's a lousy thing, man. I
don't see any reason for it. And there's a lot of s--t that I did
over there that I find f--king hard to live with. And I don't want
to see people like you, man, comin' back and having to face the
rest of your lives with that kind of s--t. It's as simple as that.
I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm a lot f--kin' smarter now than
when I went. And I'm just tellin' ya, there's a choice to be
made here")
Break-Up Scene
Luke: "There's a choice to be made here"
(from trailer)
Common Threads: Stories From
the Quilt (1989)
- the six compelling, emotional stories told by the friends
and families of AIDS victims (four gay men -- including film historian
and AIDS activist/storyteller Vito Russo --a straight man and a hemophiliac
boy) and the making of their personal quilts, accompanied by the
news broadcasts following the development of AIDS from its euphemistic
origin as GRID (gay-related immuno-deficiency disease) in 1980
the famous speech by 36 year-old victim Roger Gail Lyon: ("This
is not a political issue. This is a health issue. This is not a gay
issue. This is a human issue. And I do not intend to be defeated
by it. I came here today in the hope that my epitaph would not read
that I died of red tape")
- the unfolding of the giant AIDS
Memorial Quilt in Washington, DC composed of thousands of quilts,
each a separate, personalized tribute to an individual AIDS victim
-- all accompanied by jazz musician Bobby McFerrin's affecting a
capella lullaby "Common Threads"
"Don't let epitaph be: 'I died of red tape'"
Quilt's Unfolding in Washington DC
Contact (1997)
- in a heartwarming, poignant scene, agnostic
astrophysicist and scientist Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) saw her
long-dead father Ted (David Morse) when she arrived on a beach
on the alien planet of Vega - after her mystical journey, he told
her as a proxy for the alien beings: ("You're
an interesting species, an interesting mix. You're capable of such
beautiful dreams and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost,
so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching,
the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness
each other")
Ellie's Meeting with an Alien - A Shimmering Holograph
of Her Deceased Father "Ted" Arroway (David Morse)
on Vega
- after she regained consciousness back in the transport
on Earth, Ellie
was told that the machine to the alien planet had malfunctioned
- "You
didn't go anywhere"; she was astonished when she
was told that "nothing happened" and that there
was only static on the recording; Ellie was brought before a Congressional
Committee to testify about her experience; ex-NSA official Michael
Kitz (James Woods) and others who headed up the executive investigation
were highly dubious of Ellie's fantastic story - she insisted that
the elapsed time for her trip was 18 hours:
I experienced as 18 hours, passed instantaneously on Earth");
since Ellie had no physical proof or any evidence to show them to
back up her experience of space travel and an alien encounter, Kitz
accused her of suffering from a self-reinforcing delusion
- another panel member continued to denounce Dr. Arroway's
account: ("Dr. Arroway, you come to us with no evidence,
no record, no artifacts. Only a story that, to put it mildly, strains
credibility. Over half a trillion dollars was spent, dozens of
lives were lost. Are you really gonna sit there and tell us we
should just take this all on faith?"); Ellie was forced to
admit to Kitz that everything might have been an hallucination,
and that she would react the same as the panel members "with
exactly the same degree of incredulity and skepticism!"; Kitz
stood and angrily berated her: "Then why don't you simply
withdraw your testimony, and concede that this 'journey to the
center of the galaxy' in fact, never took place!"
- Ellie responded to Kitz about the impact of the
almost 'religious' experience that she had - and asked the panel
to just trust her and have faith in her vision; she had now come
to the belief that her experience was absolutely true, but that
she could never prove it: ("Because I can't. I had an experience.
I can't prove it, I can't even explain it, but everything that
I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it
was real. I was given something wonderful, something that changed
me forever. A vision of the universe that tells us undeniably how
tiny and insignificant and how rare and precious we all are. A
vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater
than ourselves, that we are not - that none of us are alone. I
wish I could share that. I wish that everyone, if even for one
moment, could feel that awe and humility and that hope. But...that
continues to be my wish")
- as she left the US Capitol building after her testimony,
thousands of supporters held up signs: "Ellie
Discovered the New World," and "Open Our Minds Open Our

Ellie's Testimony and Denoucement by Kitz (James Woods)
Before Congress
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
(2000, HK/US)
- the tearjerking death of heroic
warrior and martial arts master Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun-Fat), who was
poisoned by arch-villain Jade Fox (Cheng Pei-pei) with the Purple
Yin, and his final, long overdue declaration of his love for fellow
warrior Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh) with his dying breath: ("I've
already wasted my whole life. I want to tell you with my last breath
that I have always loved you"), followed by small, passionate
- Li Mu Bai's final romantic farewell to Yu Shu Lien:
would rather be a ghost drifting by your side as a condemned soul
than enter heaven without you. Because of your love, I will never
be a lonely spirit")

Death of Li Mu Bai - in Yu Shu Lien's Arms
The Crying Game (1992, UK)
- the tearful and vengeful "interrogation" scene
between a gun-toting Dil (Jaye Davidson) and IRA volunteer soldier
Fergus (Stephen Rea), whom Dil had tied to his bed after finding
out he had been complicit in the accidental death of his ex-lover
- British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker), as the song "The Crying
Game" played on Dil's tape deck. Fergus told Dil that he loved
him, would do anything for him and would never leave him - with Dil
responding, as he laid his head on Fergus' chest/shoulder: ("I
know you're lying, but it's nice to hear it")
- in the following scene, after
Dil had killed IRA assassin/femme
fatale Jude (Miranda Richardson) in his apartment, he turned
the gun on Fergus, but admitted: ("I can't do it, Jimmy. He
(Jody) won't let me"). Fergus reassuringly took the gun away
when Dil put the gun in his mouth to commit suicide, and asked
him with deep love and caring to run away - promising Dil he would
see him again.
- after Dil fled, the police arrived on the street
below - so Fergus took the gun, wiped Dil's fingerprints from it,
and told Jody's smiling picture: "You should have stayed at
home." He then sat down
as he waited for the police to arrest him in Dil's place
with Fergus
Dil Threatening to Commit Suicide
Fergus Waiting For Police's Arrest
The Curious Case of Benjamin
Button (2008)
- the tearjerking, strained relationship ("under
unusual circumstances"), in David Fincher's sweeping but overwrought
historic recreation, between young childhood sweetheart
and later youthful Broadway dancer Daisy (Cate Blanchett, or as younger
Elle Fanning/Madisen Beaty) and reverse-aging miracle-baby Benjamin
Button (Brad Pitt), when for a brief moment their lives intersected
when they were both in their 40s
- Button's decision to leave
Daisy as a wanderlust when a child Caroline (young Joeanna Saylor,
older Julia Ormond) was born to them out of wedlock in 1968, so as
not to burden Daisy ("You can't raise the both of us")
- and writing postcards each year about regretfully missing various
important events in Caroline's life: (e.g., 2nd birthday: "Happy
Birthday. I wish I could have kissed you goodnight," "Five
- I wish I could have taken you to your first day at school," "Six,
I wish I could have been there to teach you to play the piano," "I
wish I could have been your father. Nothing I ever did will replace
that," etc.)
- Benjamin's words of life-advice
for his daughter Caroline, as he roamed the world: ("For
what it's worth, it's never too late or, in my case, too early,
to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit. Start whenever
you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to
this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. And I hope
you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that will startle
you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. And I hope you
meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life
you're proud of. And if you find that you're not, I hope you have
the strength to start all over again")
- the instant of
Benjamin's death as an infant in Daisy's arms in the spring of
2003: ("He looked at me, and I
knew that he knew who I was. And then he closed his eyes as if to
go to sleep")
- the concluding coda came after
Daisy's last words: "Good
night, Benjamin" - it was a poignant tribute to the characters
in Benjamin's life: ("Some people are born to sit by a river.
Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are
artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some
are mothers. And some people dance")
Young Daisy
Daisy in Middle Age with Benjamin
Postcards Sent to Daisy
Benjamin's Death as Infant in Daisy's Arms
"Some are mothers"